Unchained Preppers
General Category => Introductions => Topic started by: crudos on June 11, 2013, 10:38:35 PM
Born in the 60's, child of the horrible 70's, bleh about the 80's, picking up steam in the 90's and into the new century.
As a teenager, was very intrigued by the survivalist movement of the 70's and 80's. The politics and nutbaggery turned me off. In retrospect, I've always done some sort of prepping, but never applied terminology to it, just something that seemed the right thing to do. I've worked in the printing trade since the mid-90's. Heard this new term called, "prepper", and became interested again when L&L was around, but never got into the forums there. Found SP through thatGuy's YT page. I'm still learning the more technical aspects of prepping, thanks to the SP and now this site.
I started playing around with a patch design project at SP, and ended up helping out on some design stuff here. So for better, or for worse, here I am at Unchained Preppers. Like to thank JM and the others for allowing me to help out here.
I live in a small town north of Madison, Wisconsin, with my own small chunk of the American dream to build a better future. If someone told me this is where I'd be back in the 80's, would've told them their had gone off their nut. Weird how life works itself out sometimes.
Welcome Crudos!
Little do many of you know Crudos has a talents that span from graphic art development to being a true libertarian. On occasion Crudos and I lock horns and each time I come away smarter for the experience.
Thanks Crudos for being part of the forum and PREPCOM! :cheers:
So was that 70's show pretty accurate? JK man, hope you are doing well.
I thought the "70's" show was pretty accurate. I would have been right about the same age as the ones in the show at about the same time. I even had the CPO jacket.
example: http://img0.etsystatic.com/001/0/6679721/il_fullxfull.399719292_w8cc.jpg (http://img0.etsystatic.com/001/0/6679721/il_fullxfull.399719292_w8cc.jpg)
I had a CPO jacket too - It was solid navy though and no side pockets like your pic showed. :)
70's, Good times!
My view of the 70's...... I thought for the longest time the Sex Pistols where a disco band. That and polyester clothing....