what am I trying to do? well that's a good question... me being a computer guy I'm always over thinking stuff that probably should have an easy solution.
I started out running winlink/ fldigi/ Vara on HF and trying to get on digital amrron nets back when I got General license, I picked up the comms down load SOI from Ammron, and was able to get AIBs a few times/ but never really sent them info -I started out getting on it a few times (and messed up their nets locally once- it's likely one of you guys reached out to me due to my disrupting your nets- btw I'm still sorry about that.) I had winlink/vara and fldigi setup and working for a while (well before i messed my stuff up installing the USB drivers for my VHF stuff.).
at that point I started looking at collecting information locally...bare with me, I'm finishing my first cup of coffee. ...I started reading Forward Observer and decided that maybe I need to get information in bands, local police/fire/ems -expanding out to a national level. I have info loaded for local, then the next big city (Scranton), then the state.
what was missing for me was more local 2 way info, so I thought maybe adding a packet radio maybe people locally would be interested. (so APRS is packet, just having a kantronics KPC+3 is packet with a built in BBS, and running two pieces of software over HF is also packet...like to get on the 14.105 net- maybe I'm just expecting too much from this old tech. what I still think would be cool is setting up a BBS that would allow mass messaging. back when I started looking more in to APRS I picked up a Yaesu HRI-200, and played with that setup for the same reason, VOIP radio but it had built in chat rooms on the application side, and users could log in to a chat room, and leave a message for everyone (main issue with this is with out the internet it's a boat anchor). it was cool basically setting up my own repeater, that I can hit with my HT and listening/talking to America Link or TexasNexus...cool. but from a prepping standpoint, I don't know if it really offered any value.
as far as low power/no power...
I have the harbor freight el-cheap-o solar battery charger, and old batteries (now 5 years old) and a 1200w invertor to swing over to battery power, and a outside generator for backup power. So if power drops, I can go to generator, if I run out of gas/propane, switch to battery (for a short time)...I'm annoyed that batteries for little baofengs from not using them too often, are starting to drop, so big losses like deep cycles going bad are just too much right now to replace. I have a few deep cycle batteries that are done in my basement right now.
what I was hoping was to have a way to get information like the AIBs, and have a way to pass that information out via packet radio over the TNC on packet radio on 2m. That would be going from HF, and passing info on the VHF for local people around me...so right now, I don't know anyone really using packet and the one guy who helped me get setup is about 90+ miles south west of my QTH...MRN is his rig, I believe. So right now, my link works early am/ late pm to MRN. I hoped that Austin (webmaster up in the club up north) would be setting up a link soon, so that more people, more interest...more info.
it would be cool for me to have a few people using packet VHF radios, to get info when things happen and maybe I could help with that...but right now I'm not seeing interest outside of ARPS to send and get messages via packet. APRS has email/text messaging gates, but no real way to send detailed info like an AIB. I hoped that since I'm not at the top of Elk Mtn, but I'm about 1700ish Ft (top is 2200) that maybe I'm in a good spot to put something in place that would be helpful. The good thing about packet is just that you can send lists over 2m, like email. that's about it. I figure I have both APRS and packet running, maybe people will want to use it. idk.
going down the list of questions-
it was likely an older ver of JS8, and I'd need to get another laptop -so I'm thinking once I start working and have some funds coming in- I can get a $99 laptop for just FLdigi (I think that is a good way to go- from reading what ppl here have posted- so it's just going to be a matter of time, and money.)...I need to make some old stuff go away, but I'm going to order that $99 laptop JohnyMac suggested today sometime. It's my main hold up on getting on Tue ERIN net.
in re-reading what your saying other technologies out there will do email like messaging over HF? I guess that is where I'm going to focus next. my efforts have been focused on APRS (mainly because it's graphic and I can see station information, locations) ...would you happen to have more info on what the best setup is for Fldigi/Vara/JS8 or should I try and setup the new laptop using old info from the SOI from Ammon. ? I'm going to setup the new laptop for just fldigi/vara and have it only connected to the HF radio.
it's probably best I work on focusing on what works for others, and integrate it in to my systems.
I'll reach out next windmills club meeting in person, or maybe I should stop up at Green Gables next time you all are around and chat.