My rank over at another site is: My gun is surgically attached
I don't find it very offensive, because it really is with me everywhere I can legally go with it.
Here is the rest of the handle name to posting scale for where I post currently. Its not a bad system and nobody really bitches about it. Also, it could be adapted to meet our needs here at StraightPrep.
0 - 49 = Newbie
50 - 499 = Gun Toter
500 - 999 = Regular
1000 - 1499 = Addict
1500 - 1999 = Guns are my life
2000 - 4999 = Common Law Spouse
5000 - up = My gun is surgically attached
0-49 = Straight Prep Newbie
50 - 499 = Prepper
500 - 999 = Straight Prep Regular
1000 - 1499 = Straight Prep Addict
1500 - 1999 = Prepping is my life
2000 - 4999 = Straight Prep Common Law Spouse
5000 - up = Burt Gummer
I mean it doesn't have to exactly be those number of posts or even have to be those exact handles. I'm just throwing around ideas, bro.
0-49 = 1st level
50-199 = 2nd level
200 - 399 = 3rd level
400 - 699 = 4th level
700 - 1099 = 5th level
1100 - 1999 = 6th level
2000 - 3999 = 7th level
Plus 4000 = 8th and Final Level
I mean, we don't have to follow any of these numbers, but I'm just saying, come up with a scale kind of like that, and it might be fun.