Author Topic: Minimum number of posts to limit actions/ acess  (Read 9674 times)


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Minimum number of posts to limit actions/ acess
« on: January 16, 2012, 05:08:43 AM »
Should their be a minimum post count to determine if registered users can view/respond/ post in sections such as "For Sale?"  I know we have a great karma systems, rankings, etc but should it be manditory to further screen people from certain areas to maintain our users opsec?   Personally if someone is on here and I don't know them from Adam then I'm not giving them my adress.

Offline Outonowhere

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Re: Minimum number of posts to limit actions/ acess
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2012, 07:54:04 AM »
I tend to like the idea and I know it has been successful on other sites.  Make it like a 10 post minimum before you can post in the for sale section. 
Han shot first!

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Minimum number of posts to limit actions/ acess
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2012, 09:18:38 AM »
Before I act like our illustrious Federal Government and start laying down more rules: Has anybody on this forum been screwed by a new member with a buy/sell issue as described by 505 th and OONW?

If there is precedent of this happing please share with us those instances.

Or another thought: Lets require citizens to start out with 5 round mags. Once they have fired 10, 5 round mags they can buy 10 round mags...repeat.

Just my one vote.  :)) 
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Offline rah45

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Re: Minimum number of posts to limit actions/ acess
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2012, 10:08:03 AM »
JohnyMac, it's not about being a part of a club. It's about preserving the integrity of the site. Several other forums I've visited or in which I've become a member do the same thing. It prevents the spamming of sales onto the forum. You don't see the problem now because we're not very well known. However, that's the perfect time to figure it out. When we DO feel ready to take the next step and really starting increasing member numbers, the people who don't contribute to the community in a positive way but still want to sell their stuff (which can really just be junk or non-prepping related) will become a problem. Thinking long-term, this is a necessary and uncomplicated solution to preempt this kind of behavior.

Also, you really need to set it higher than 10 posts. You want to make it so that the number of posts isn't ridiculous, but also make it so that it is very difficult to spam the mandatory post number without it being noticed by the moderators and other members, who would take action against it. 30-50 posts sounds good to me. That will guarantee that the poster must contribute some positive things to the forum or risk facing disciplinary measures by moderators.


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Re: Minimum number of posts to limit actions/ acess
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2012, 11:07:24 AM »
Minimum 10 posts, and one HAS TO BE an introduction.

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Re: Minimum number of posts to limit actions/ acess
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2012, 11:25:22 AM »
I think minimum number of posts to list something to sell should be like 20-30 posts, or even more. Would hate to see this community become just a place to sell something, and not contribute to the rest of the board.


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Re: Minimum number of posts to limit actions/ acess
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2012, 11:29:45 AM »
Thanks for the great feedback guys.  I am aware that other sites have similar policies but did you know that we did a LOT of buisness through our for dale section last year?  I was looking at it, because I never got my cut  [URL= !

I'm going to wait and see if some of our frequent sellers/buyers chime in on the issue before I change anything, but thanks again for the comments. 

Offline Outonowhere

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Re: Minimum number of posts to limit actions/ acess
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2012, 11:35:06 AM »
lol I understand where you are coming from JM but its more along the lines of "we would like to get to know you before you start peddling your wares" situation.  And you cant tell me that you couldn't  get even a 30 post count in less than an hour just by participating in some of the discussions we have on here LOL.  Oh and as for an example of someone screwing people with their sales... I can think of ONE REAL BIG ONE...  :))
Han shot first!

Offline rah45

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Re: Minimum number of posts to limit actions/ acess
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2012, 11:38:26 AM »
Thanks for the great feedback guys.  I am aware that other sites have similar policies but did you know that we did a LOT of buisness through our for dale section last year?  I was looking at it, because I never got my cut!
I'm going to wait and see if some of our frequent sellers/buyers chime in on the issue before I change anything, but thanks again for the comments.

I thought about starting this in another thread, but I'll mention it here.

If you do have consistent sellers such as RONSERESURPLUS, you could actually have a different forum section entirely for the manufacturers/vendors - business-oriented, if you will. It would keep the private sales section more clean-looking and less complicated. You could mandate that these sellers have to apply for access to post in that forum (don't know how you would do this). Any comms between those sellers and members could be done via PM, per the seller's preferences as stated in each product thread. This seems silly now, but I've seen large websites with hundreds of active members where several members owned full-time or part-time businesses that related to the website, and they used it extensively for business.

I'm hoping that separating the guys who use this as a significant method of income from those of us who sporadically sell things would enable the administrators to deal with them on a case-by-case basis, approving who you believe is a quality producer/seller for exclusive sales in a separate section of the forum, offering them more control/ease of sale, making it easier for members to locate their preferred vendors, and streamlining the whole process of regular trades/financial transactions.

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Re: Minimum number of posts to limit actions/ acess
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2012, 04:41:44 PM »
Good idea Rah.

Another thought is to charge for the right to sell on this forum. Sorry the old capitalist is coming through  :))

It could be a % of the transaction or a simple method would be to charge $10- a year for the right to sell for cash. No charge for bartering. Just thinking...
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Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Minimum number of posts to limit actions/ acess
« Reply #10 on: January 16, 2012, 05:18:32 PM »
AllShallPerishJ wrote:
SP charging users for selling privileges is ridiculous.

ridiculous [rɪˈdɪkjʊləs]
worthy of or exciting ridicule; absurd, preposterous, laughable, or contemptible
[from Latin rīdiculōsus, from rīdēre to laugh]

I do not think that my suggestion is; "worthy of or exciting ridicule; absurd, preposterous, laughable, or contemptible" it was just a suggestion.

Was it rediculous when our founding fathers sent a Declaration of Independence to old King George?

Was it rediculous when Thomas Jefferson made the Loisania Purchase?

Was it rediculous when a geek sat in his garage and came up with a algorithm for pancake sorting?

Suggest you back away from that next Red Bull man. Gee Wilakers!

« Last Edit: January 16, 2012, 06:53:11 PM by JohnyMac »
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Re: Minimum number of posts to limit actions/ acess
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2012, 06:44:46 PM »
I think we just thinking aloud here gentlemen preppers, throwing out possible ideas of dealing with the for sale section. Chillax.....

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Minimum number of posts to limit actions/ acess
« Reply #12 on: January 16, 2012, 06:55:12 PM »
Crudos wrote:

 :))  :))  :))

What a good new product Crudos...CHILLAX..I love it!
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Re: Minimum number of posts to limit actions/ acess
« Reply #13 on: January 16, 2012, 09:32:27 PM »
Chillax? is awesome but a prefer Fukidol?. 

TG and I have gone over every option and monetizing SP isn't even on the list.  One of the major concern I had was offering our members with a built in degree of security so that no one would feel like they couldn't post their item.  I also desire the for sale section to be accesible to SERIOUS members so that we can help our OWN guys get first dibs on great gear. 

Also I don't want anyone to know I've got 8000 pairs of hotpants for sale. 

Offline rah45

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Re: Minimum number of posts to limit actions/ acess
« Reply #14 on: January 17, 2012, 08:55:14 AM »
ASPJ, if it helps, I thought you were communicating very well. I thought the emotional response was quite...entertaining.  ;)

You guys on this site are great. Sometimes it's like watching drunk guys argue over who is better with women, when both are divorced and not dating.