...mailing off a package.
I owed brat a six pack of my hard cider for finding those old MrLnL videos posted in the archives. Yesterday MrsMac wanted to go to the big city in New York state so I decided to mail off his payment albeit a month late (sorry brat).
I didn't want any of the bottles to break so I went to one of those "wrap & ship places."
Walked into a FedEx Office store with my 6 pack holder and before I could even approach the counter someone hollered out, "we don't ship alcohol!" Well now, isn't that a fine howdy do...
I pressed the issue and was basically told that no one other than a licensed alcohol distributor can ship alcohol in NY State. I further found out that the law was passed to "protect the children."
O-Kay, not to be put down by "the man" I drove down the road to a UPS Store.
As I walked in with my six pack of JohnyMac Hard Cider, I could see the clerks eyes open wide, pointed at my carrier and asked, "Do you want us to ship that!" I said, "Yupper" with the biggest, friendliest JohnyMac smile I could muster. She excused herself and ran...Not walked...back to the dark recesses of the store.
A few minutes later the manager/owner for the franchised store came out and asked, "Is that alcohol in those bottles?" Rather than say yes I said, "it is a payment for a bet with my friend in X."
He took one of the bottles, looked at it, asked the clerk for a XYZ box and started to wrap each bottle individually.
While wrapping and placing the bottles in the XYZ box he said, "In the state of NY you can not send alcohol through the mail. So I am sorry but I can not help you today."
While packing up my contraband he also explained to me, that there is a new Federal law on the books, that you can not send bottles of liquid through the mail without it being clearly marked on the outside of the box stating the contents within.
Asked him if
I packaged up the bottles of old JohnyMac's elector in the future, packaged & addressed it on my own and didn't declare to the shipper (USPS, FedEx, UPS, Etc) that it was alcohol or a liquid; what problems would I have with "the man"? (nice run-on sentence there JMc)
He told me, "no problems at all, they would just pitch the box/contents and I would not be able to get a refund on the shipping for non delivery."
So in the end I learned a bunch, got brats payment off (Enjoy) and was $28- poorer.
Our government at work protecting our children from the evils of JohnyMac's hard cider.