Author Topic: When did it all go wrong?  (Read 7963 times)

Offline RB in GA

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When did it all go wrong?
« on: February 25, 2023, 02:40:25 PM »
My wife and I were trying to put a finger on when American society hit a tipping point that started the downward spiral I think most of us see today.  Mulling it over, we came up with a "point", and a group "responsible".
Ours, we decided, is when ADD became a medical diagnosis, a diagnosis created by psychologists for a condition that had never existed before, to justify and excuse bad behaviour as a disorder.
Before you dismiss it as boomer grousing, stop for second or two and reflect- ADD fundamentally changed discipline in schools. Because it was "medically proven" educators bought into it wholesale across the nation- you can't punish little Tommy, its not his fault!
Also, because of this diagnosis of disorder, ADD became a disability- a federal disability- entitling the child to an SSI payment (i.e. welfare for those not familiar with SSI).  All the family of the child had to do to get it was to get a diagnosis, confirmed by 2 doctors and have the family meet income guidelines. Therefore, millions of low income kids across the country were encouraged by their parents to act like idiots in school-in an attempt to get an ADD diagnosis. You may think I'm exaggerating. I was a social worker back when this abomination began, and every third or fourth household I dealt with was getting a welfare check for this.(I left social work in part because of BS like this)
10 years earlier, a kid acting this way woulda had his/her backside blistered and walked small for the rest of the day (at least in the South). Now our society has had 2 generations (or more depending how you count them- chronic welfare recipient generations are usually much closer together than traditional generations) and I can clearly see the effects in jsut about all aspects of society.

So what do you guys see as the tipping point, if any?

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: When did it all go wrong?
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2023, 03:39:04 PM »
I know a few people that have ADHD* (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder). Some in their 30's and others in their 50's. The older group are successful in life from family's, job's, mortgages, etcetera. If that of course spells success.  ;)

One ADHD friend is in his early 50's and is brilliant. Over a beer or two he will explain that his life has not been easy. In essence, he had to work twice as hard at everything. He will go on to say that he was never given anything. He just figured out one day that it was up to him to overcome and he did it.

I know of others, mostly in their 30's that suffer from the ailment. They live at home or on the street. They bounce between friends sofas to stay out of the weather and stay warm. Some are recovering druggies or alcoholics or are still in the life. 

RB, maybe your timeframe is about right. According to what I have researched 1987 was the first year it was recategized although it was first identified was 1902. Is that when the babying of these folks started?

To your point, just look at major Progressive cities that are decaying. Most of these cities are beacons for handouts.

While my one friend overcame his condition, others that were given things (What ever that means) struggle to overcome the condition.

Good stuff RB. 

* ADHD and ADD are very similar with the biggest difference that I can finds is just when ADD was first recognized. ADHD seems to be a more of an up-to-date term. 

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Offline grizz

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Re: When did it all go wrong?
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2023, 05:00:41 PM »
I know a few people that have ADHD* (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder). Some in their 30's and others in their 50's. The older group are successful in life from family's, job's, mortgages, etcetera. If that of course spells success.  ;)

One ADHD friend is in his early 50's and is brilliant. Over a beer or two he will explain that his life has not been easy. In essence, he had to work twice as hard at everything. He will go on to say that he was never given anything. He just figured out one day that it was up to him to overcome and he did it.

I know of others, mostly in their 30's that suffer from the ailment. They live at home or on the street. They bounce between friends sofas to stay out of the weather and stay warm. Some are recovering druggies or alcoholics or are still in the life. 

RB, maybe your timeframe is about right. According to what I have researched 1987 was the first year it was recategized although it was first identified was 1902. Is that when the babying of these folks started?

To your point, just look at major Progressive cities that are decaying. Most of these cities are beacons for handouts.

While my one friend overcame his condition, others that were given things (What ever that means) struggle to overcome the condition.

Good stuff RB. 

* ADHD and ADD are very similar with the biggest difference that I can finds is just when ADD was first recognized. ADHD seems to be a more of an up-to-date term.

I can relate to your friend in the over 50 group

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Offline grizz

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Re: When did it all go wrong?
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2023, 05:05:49 PM »
My wife and I were trying to put a finger on when American society hit a tipping point that started the downward spiral I think most of us see today.  Mulling it over, we came up with a "point", and a group "responsible".
Ours, we decided, is when ADD became a medical diagnosis, a diagnosis created by psychologists for a condition that had never existed before, to justify and excuse bad behaviour as a disorder.
Before you dismiss it as boomer grousing, stop for second or two and reflect- ADD fundamentally changed discipline in schools. Because it was "medically proven" educators bought into it wholesale across the nation- you can't punish little Tommy, its not his fault!
Also, because of this diagnosis of disorder, ADD became a disability- a federal disability- entitling the child to an SSI payment (i.e. welfare for those not familiar with SSI).  All the family of the child had to do to get it was to get a diagnosis, confirmed by 2 doctors and have the family meet income guidelines. Therefore, millions of low income kids across the country were encouraged by their parents to act like idiots in school-in an attempt to get an ADD diagnosis. You may think I'm exaggerating. I was a social worker back when this abomination began, and every third or fourth household I dealt with was getting a welfare check for this.(I left social work in part because of BS like this)
10 years earlier, a kid acting this way woulda had his/her backside blistered and walked small for the rest of the day (at least in the South). Now our society has had 2 generations (or more depending how you count them- chronic welfare recipient generations are usually much closer together than traditional generations) and I can clearly see the effects in jsut about all aspects of society.

So what do you guys see as the tipping point, if any?

Add into the mix
- the "everyone is a winner" era
- When Bush passed the teaching curriculum where everyone is brought down to the lowest levels vs raising everyone up to the highest standards (I dont remember whats its called)
- Removing all historical markers such as statues and even books
- BLM and antifa
- all mediea outlets bowing to the govt
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Offline pkveazey

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Re: When did it all go wrong?
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2023, 08:15:23 PM »
Yep, I'm going with the 80's. Don't forget that giving names to bad behavior or including it into groups of people who actually have serious issues began right about that time. They even include ADHD folks in the Autistic group. I call BS on that. The Liberal mind is impossible to understand. They don't realize that including high energy kids in the Autistic group is an insult to people who are Autistic. :facepalm: Oh, he's too quiet, he must be Autistic. Oh, he's too hyper, he must be Autistic. If you don't fall right into the "How we expect you to behave" group, then we have to demean you by putting you into a group that we have to feel sorry for. They can KMA. Unless hyper kids are completely screwed up, they are the most productive and innovative people because they always feel like they have to be doing something. Oh, and don't forget...... If you're Gay, that's normal. :faint:
« Last Edit: February 25, 2023, 08:17:29 PM by pkveazey »

Online Jackalope

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Re: When did it all go wrong?
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2023, 08:30:21 PM »
I attribute part the downward spiral to the Obama regime and his promise of hope and change.  His regime gave hope to the communists, who prior to Obama, skulked in the background.  When Obama came around, the communists became braver and more active.

But I believe it was LBJ who was major contributor to the spiral with his various social welfare programs.  Those social programs made millions of Americans dependent upon the government dole.  The programs also caused the breakup of the nuclear family.  Suddenly Dad's weren't required, because "free" money helped single Mom's raise families.  The more kids at home, the more money from Uncle Sam.

Another piece of the puzzle is the rise of feminism.  Social dynamics and even government became more focused on feelings, instead of facts and reasoning.  This gave a rise of anti-war movements, and anti-Second Amendment movements.

American civilization is too complex to pin the downfall on one particular item.  You have to look at the big picture.

Offline RB in GA

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Re: When did it all go wrong?
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2023, 09:44:21 PM »
Jackalope, you are certainly right you must look at society as a whole. LBJ was certainly the start of the cancer of institutionalized welfare for sure- his Great Society legitimized trading welfare monies for votes- a phenomenom that continues to benefit the Democratic Party to this day.

Having worked in the welfare system for 16 years though, the ADD point I referred to was when, to me, the rules that governed welfare ceased to have a meaning. To get an SSI check you used to have to prove you had a disability. Getting 2 doctors, one of which was chosen by SSI, to agree wasn't an easy thing to have happen. But how do you prove ADD?  Have your youngun act up! To which I unequivalently call BS.
Later on when I worked as a RN, I became even more frustrated with the shite surrounding psychological diagnosis. It was like in creating the ADD benchmark for disability the flood gates were opened for every other anti-social behavior to become a disability. A drunk was no longer a drunk, an addict no longer an addict, a smart mouth punk, no longer a smart mouth punk - they all have "psychological issues" that require "care and understanding"- and always at your and mine expense.
I guess gov't just forgot that most of those issues had previously been dealt with by a jail cell, and also forgot that society continued to function just fine that way.