Author Topic: What do we do now?  (Read 462 times)

Offline pkveazey

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What do we do now?
« on: January 15, 2021, 04:35:18 AM »
I have had the foresight to start prepping back in 2008 when I saw Mr. Nobody come out of nowhere and become President. That was a signal to protect myself and my family. Over the years  I have stocked up on every possible thing that I thought I would need to survive. I can't think of anything else that I need but there is a lingering thought in my head that events are going to take place that I haven't prepared for. I have Backup Electric Power, ways to Protect my family and myself, Cameras mounted all around, Stored food, Tents, Heavy Clothing and Boots, Several means to stay warm in cold weather, every type of Radio Communication device, a plan to include my neighbors in a basic group protection system, Medical supplies and equipment and a couple of Doctors that I can get medical advice from, Last resort bugout equipment for surviving in the wild, 4 wheel drive SUV and utility trailor, no intention of yielding to unconstitutional government mandates, a secondary Barter and monetary system, and finally no trust in anything the Government or the News media says. There seems to always be something nagging at me that I have overlooked something. Yes I also have several Survival books. What am I missing?

Offline Jackalope

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Re: What do we do now?
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2021, 10:04:19 AM »
Don't forget mental and spiritual preparation. You need to harden your heart,and be prepared to do things you've never imagined.  Skills, knowledge, and attitude are more important than physical things.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: What do we do now?
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2021, 10:50:10 AM »
Amen Jackalope.

On Sunday of last week, we stopped watching and to a degree reading the news on the internet. At the dinner table Sunday, we both agreed that the news was so caustic that it was affecting our lives negatively.

I thought back to my mom when she would say, "you are judged by the people you hang out with". Taking those words of wisdom to the next level we kind of figured that we become what we surround ourselves with. In this case, caustic news, day in and day out will make MrsMac and I caustic too. We also decided to not dwell on things we have no control over however, to focus our lives on things we do have control over. 

More about this change of life later.

73 & God Bless
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Offline Deathstyle

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Re: What do we do now?
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2021, 08:12:33 PM »
Food stock up on food. It's more important than guns n ammo. Cram it in every nook and granny of your home. If you have a homestead with barns, than cram it in those buildings also.

Food is easy. Buy rice and beans in bulk and put in mylar w buckets. I mean we know the deal.

Hunger is their weapon. It's been over a 1,000 yrs since a legit natural caused famine killed a large amount of people. All famines in recent history were caused by man purposefully to use as a weapon against a population.

So food and ability to provide clean water, then the pew pew stuff. There will be no opportunity for meaningful change til the population is absolutely miserable and hungry (currency collapse). The colonies were in an economic depression caused by a volcano eruption that threw ash into the atmosphere, effected the weather, and destroyed the agrarian economy globally. Then when the crown started w the taxes, people were already miserable.

Stuff we already know. I mean most of us on here are at least bachlor degree level education when it comes to prepping.

Alot of the battlefield will change. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if we end up seeing at least some elements of ANTIFA fighting along side us in the future. They are being used as patsies just like some on the right are and they'll eventually realize it. I know for a fact some already do. Biden secures the election and then conveniently the FBI makes a move on the leader of the NFAC.

Also I'm taking a cue from one of the older RADIO CONTRA episodes and studying leftist literature. I'm also studying Special Forces doctrine, particular focus on hearts n minds tactic rather than the recent Direct action cool guy stuff. There is common ground from which Patriots can start to work with.
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