Author Topic: video editor needed for SP youtube channel!  (Read 1751 times)

Offline NOLA556

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video editor needed for SP youtube channel!
« on: March 28, 2012, 12:01:29 PM »
hey guys, I'm scheming up ideas for the new SP youtube channel and one recurring theme in my head is PROFESSIONALISM!

I think a youtube channel could really boost us onto a higher platform than we currently sit on, but the effort will be for nothing if our videos don't look good.
I've tried to edit my own videos before but A: I'm not a computer wiz in ANY sense of the term, and B: I simply don't have the funds for the software. (Windows Movie Maker is garbage... in my experience at least)

I've been able to do some really cheap amateur editing on my own videos but that aint gonna cut it for full 10-15 minute videos. (also, WMM isn't so bad for picture slideshows, i've made a couple of them. but it's not gonna cut it for actual videos)

anyone up to the task? you don't have to make videos if you don't want but if we could send you our uncut videos and you could edit them up nicely.

if anyone's interested shoot me a PM or just respond to this thread. thanks guys.
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Offline Kobalt

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Re: video editor needed for SP youtube channel!
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2012, 12:21:10 PM »
Once I can afford some stuff to show on camera, I could be making videos. I have found windows movie maker to be ok.
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Re: video editor needed for SP youtube channel!
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2012, 12:33:13 PM »
Once I can afford some stuff to show on camera, I could be making videos. I have found windows movie maker to be ok.

yea, alot of people don't mind WMM but I've had endless problems with it. for some reason, it does fine with very short videos but anything past 2 or 3 minutes long and I just get a black screen. audio comes through fine but no video image. I've searched and searched online for an answer and it seems that alot of other people have the same issue but no solution.

so if i make a really short video, i'll gladly do my own editing. but I think we're gonna need an official editor for the channel if we want to be legit.
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Offline Skippy00004

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Re: video editor needed for SP youtube channel!
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2012, 01:54:27 PM »
What kind of videos are we talking about here? (promotional, instructional, etc.)
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Offline NOLA556

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Re: video editor needed for SP youtube channel!
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2012, 02:46:23 PM »
What kind of videos are we talking about here? (promotional, instructional, etc.)

anything prepping related. instructional, i suppose. kind of like what wildernessoutfitters and/or naturalbushcraft has going on. (i'm not talking about the same kind of content, but the way they have their channel structured) where there's not just one guy in all the videos but different members can submit videos to be posted on the channel.

of course, this whole idea isn't a monarchy, and I'm not a dictator. I'm just throwing ideas out there.

if no one else wants to step up to the plate and make videos, I guess I can kick it off with some fundamental prepper basics like BOBs or maybe even a video based off of my content contest entry from a while back about organization of supplies. I'm also going to be making another rain-barrel and filming the process this time. (don't get out your stopwatch, I don't know when I'm going to get around to it)

another thing to consider if you're thinking of making a video to contribute: make it nice and professional. "Hi, I'm *whoever* with Straight Preparedness and this video is going to be about..... yadda yadda..."


(I want to stress again, I'm not dictating "rules" here.. just some friendly suggestions to keep the channel clean and professional)

everyone's always bitching about how we're stuck in some kind of rut.. well here's our opportunity to pull ourselves out of it and give it a good honest attempt at making a permanent mark on the prepping community. People should be coming to straightprep instead of survivalblog because our content is superior (it could be is what I'm saying). let's make it happen.
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Offline Kobalt

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Re: video editor needed for SP youtube channel!
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2012, 03:38:56 PM »
Sony vegas?
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Re: video editor needed for SP youtube channel!
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2012, 04:38:17 PM »
1,2,3 NOT IT!  Ben and I are talking about the new direction for our videos (thatguyisms,) but I will make the next video EXCLUSIVE to the new SP channel.  When that will be is...? 

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Re: video editor needed for SP youtube channel!
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2012, 05:00:37 PM »
What we're talking about is setting up a channel to showcase the best that this group has to offer and I believe that what we have is the best of the best.

So like NOLA is saying the videos need to follow a professional format of "Hi in so and so with Straight Prep and today I would like to talk to you about...."

This is going to be a group effort and a compilation of out best materiel, no b side shit.

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Re: video editor needed for SP youtube channel!
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2012, 06:47:10 PM »
What we're talking about is setting up a channel to showcase the best that this group has to offer and I believe that what we have is the best of the best.

So like NOLA is saying the videos need to follow a professional format of "Hi in so and so with Straight Prep and today I would like to talk to you about...."

This is going to be a group effort and a compilation of out best materiel, no b side shit.

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Offline WhiskeyJack

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Re: video editor needed for SP youtube channel!
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2012, 08:08:40 PM »
I would like to think that the videos we submit should follow a group standard. Like
Food storage
water purification techniques
animal husbandry
shooting techniques
first aide
seed harvesting and storage
gear reviews
training class reviews( any one who takes a professional course)
Stuff along those lines. We should prolly avoid some of the political and religious topics persay. Not that they aren't important, but we seem to get ourselves hung up on subjects like those.
We could prolly have a welcome video that puts out the channel philosophy and mission statement.
But after that just kind of stick to the cold hard facts about prepping and the prepping culture.
Just my .02 guys
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Offline Kentactic

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Re: video editor needed for SP youtube channel!
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2012, 08:21:51 PM »
Let me also add that by ourselves information wise a video can be decent. but if we actually all put our heads together FIRST and THEN deligate a man to stand infront of the camera i guarantee we can have some very good information. for example if some one has an idea for a video about putting together a BOB then talk about the very specific subject with the SP guys and let everyone pick it apart and throw up their own ideas. by the end it should be the best bag it can be. THEN make the video.
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Offline gapatriot

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Re: video editor needed for SP youtube channel!
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2012, 08:26:43 PM »
Shit  no cursing or foul humor im out. [img]

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Re: video editor needed for SP youtube channel!
« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2012, 09:32:33 PM »
Sorry guys to ask these questions however I suspect others have them too.

I have never used a video camera. In college we used 16mm Bolex camera's and did all of the editing buy cutting film and re-gluing it together. Sound was based on a separate recorder and we sinked things up in the editing room.

So here is my questions:

> What kind of a video camera do you need?
> What kind of editing software do you need? I can only surmise glue is not involved
> What else do you need to do good to very good video's?

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Offline WhiskeyJack

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Re: video editor needed for SP youtube channel!
« Reply #13 on: March 28, 2012, 09:58:50 PM »
Let me also add that by ourselves information wise a video can be decent. but if we actually all put our heads together FIRST and THEN deligate a man to stand infront of the camera i guarantee we can have some very good information. for example if some one has an idea for a video about putting together a BOB then talk about the very specific subject with the SP guys and let everyone pick it apart and throw up their own ideas. by the end it should be the best bag it can be. THEN make the video.

I think ken just hit that nail on the head. On alot of topics we could really put out a superior product so to speak if we use that process.  [URL=
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Offline WhiskeyJack

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Re: video editor needed for SP youtube channel!
« Reply #14 on: March 28, 2012, 10:02:07 PM »
Oh. We could also look at taking multiple videos from people to make one video. I only say that because we dont all have the same gear or needs. so if we cant get one person to put together the ultimate kit, then perhaps we can get a few people to put together parts of it and then edit them together. Just a thought.
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Offline NOLA556

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Re: video editor needed for SP youtube channel!
« Reply #15 on: March 28, 2012, 10:18:33 PM »
Let me also add that by ourselves information wise a video can be decent. but if we actually all put our heads together FIRST and THEN deligate a man to stand infront of the camera i guarantee we can have some very good information. for example if some one has an idea for a video about putting together a BOB then talk about the very specific subject with the SP guys and let everyone pick it apart and throw up their own ideas. by the end it should be the best bag it can be. THEN make the video.

here's the problem with that, ken. everyone's BOB is different. there is no perfect bag. it all depends on terrain, environment (urban/suburban/rural), do you live in an area that's heavy on water? or do you live in the desert? what types of trees? ... yadda yadda...

my point is that I think it may actually be healthier to allow multiple people to contribute videos on the same topic. "SP presents NOLA's BOB"... "SP presents kentactic's BOB"... each vid could also have a disclaimer that the contents are the sole responsibility of the video maker and are not necessarily representative of as a whole. people will understand that it's just one man's opinion.

that's my .02
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Offline NOLA556

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Re: video editor needed for SP youtube channel!
« Reply #16 on: March 28, 2012, 10:21:47 PM »
Sorry guys to ask these questions however I suspect others have them too.

I have never used a video camera. In college we used 16mm Bolex camera's and did all of the editing buy cutting film and re-gluing it together. Sound was based on a separate recorder and we sinked things up in the editing room.

So here is my questions:

> What kind of a video camera do you need?
> What kind of editing software do you need? I can only surmise glue is not involved
> What else do you need to do good to very good video's?


all you need is a digital camera, but a camera that's actually INTENDED to shoot video is preferred. a tripod is a huge plus as well. you can make a regular digital camera look halfway kinda sorta decent when it's on a tripod.

this is why I'm asking for someone who knows the ins and outs of video editing to step up, so even videos that are shot on a cheap camera can be edited and made to look semi-professional.

(the little threaded screw on top of most tripods is universal. I don't have a camera tripod, I just use my spotting-scope's tripod and the threads fit like a glove in my camera)
« Last Edit: March 28, 2012, 10:24:02 PM by NOLA556 »
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Offline gapatriot

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Re: video editor needed for SP youtube channel!
« Reply #17 on: March 28, 2012, 10:44:10 PM »
The screw for a camera is 1/4x20 so you can make a tripod if you want, and if you camera doesnt have a hole for a tripod (like a flip) you can hotglue it to the tripod. Ask me how i know. [URL=

Offline Kentactic

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Re: video editor needed for SP youtube channel!
« Reply #18 on: March 28, 2012, 11:17:58 PM »
Let me also add that by ourselves information wise a video can be decent. but if we actually all put our heads together FIRST and THEN deligate a man to stand infront of the camera i guarantee we can have some very good information. for example if some one has an idea for a video about putting together a BOB then talk about the very specific subject with the SP guys and let everyone pick it apart and throw up their own ideas. by the end it should be the best bag it can be. THEN make the video.

here's the problem with that, ken. everyone's BOB is different. there is no perfect bag. it all depends on terrain, environment (urban/suburban/rural), do you live in an area that's heavy on water? or do you live in the desert? what types of trees? ... yadda yadda...

my point is that I think it may actually be healthier to allow multiple people to contribute videos on the same topic. "SP presents NOLA's BOB"... "SP presents kentactic's BOB"... each vid could also have a disclaimer that the contents are the sole responsibility of the video maker and are not necessarily representative of as a whole. people will understand that it's just one man's opinion.

that's my .02

perhaps... but i think there are very detailed sections of that Bug-out-Bag that are universal. in the example of a BOB there should be a core that is in everyones bag no matter their AO and then individuals can say how theyve added to those core items to meet their needs.

lets face it, we all need fire, we all need a way to create drinkable water, and we all need a sharp object to cut stuff big and small.. things like that are universal in my opinion.

but i will say i dont think this is best example of a video for everyone to colaborate on.   
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Offline NOLA556

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Re: video editor needed for SP youtube channel!
« Reply #19 on: March 28, 2012, 11:27:17 PM »
The screw for a camera is 1/4x20 so you can make a tripod if you want, and if you camera doesnt have a hole for a tripod (like a flip) you can hotglue it to the tripod. Ask me how i know.

damn, I never knew it was 1/4x20... I guess that would make sense, it's one of the most common machine screws.
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Offline NOLA556

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Re: video editor needed for SP youtube channel!
« Reply #20 on: March 28, 2012, 11:35:52 PM »
Let me also add that by ourselves information wise a video can be decent. but if we actually all put our heads together FIRST and THEN deligate a man to stand infront of the camera i guarantee we can have some very good information. for example if some one has an idea for a video about putting together a BOB then talk about the very specific subject with the SP guys and let everyone pick it apart and throw up their own ideas. by the end it should be the best bag it can be. THEN make the video.

here's the problem with that, ken. everyone's BOB is different. there is no perfect bag. it all depends on terrain, environment (urban/suburban/rural), do you live in an area that's heavy on water? or do you live in the desert? what types of trees? ... yadda yadda...

my point is that I think it may actually be healthier to allow multiple people to contribute videos on the same topic. "SP presents NOLA's BOB"... "SP presents kentactic's BOB"... each vid could also have a disclaimer that the contents are the sole responsibility of the video maker and are not necessarily representative of as a whole. people will understand that it's just one man's opinion.

that's my .02

perhaps... but i think there are very detailed sections of that Bug-out-Bag that are universal. in the example of a BOB there should be a core that is in everyones bag no matter their AO and then individuals can say how theyve added to those core items to meet their needs.

lets face it, we all need fire, we all need a way to create drinkable water, and we all need a sharp object to cut stuff big and small.. things like that are universal in my opinion.

but i will say i dont think this is best example of a video for everyone to colaborate on.

all true statements. I can't argue with any of that. either way, all I'm saying is that rather than elect one "frontman", everyone can submit their stuff.

we can come to all kinds of consensus' here on the forum but things will always be missed. nothing beats just speaking your mind with your mouth instead of your fingers. I'm not opposed to multiple BOB vids. or multiple rainwater vids, or whatever. I personally think a little conflict of opinion is healthy and I think youtube viewers may agree.
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Offline NOLA556

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Re: video editor needed for SP youtube channel!
« Reply #21 on: March 29, 2012, 12:09:11 AM »
Ken, think of this.

you're absolutely correct that every BOB should include the small handful of essentials, but everyone's approach is different. I keep whiskey in my BOB. is that a necessity? of course not, but it's a moral booster and it may help me cope with the harsh reality of this horrible new world that I may find myself in.

same goes for other things. rainwater. the main goal is to collect rainwater, but there are a million different ways to fabricate a rainwater-harvesting system. no one method is going to be "right or wrong". it's just what works best for you.

this is why I think that allowing individual members to post their vids would be a better approach. (and a unique approach. remember that people are drawn to unique traits rather than the same-old-same-old) plus it would give it a pretty cool "forum" feeling.
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Offline Kentactic

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Re: video editor needed for SP youtube channel!
« Reply #22 on: March 29, 2012, 12:34:51 AM »
Ken, think of this.

you're absolutely correct that every BOB should include the small handful of essentials, but everyone's approach is different. I keep whiskey in my BOB. is that a necessity? of course not, but it's a moral booster and it may help me cope with the harsh reality of this horrible new world that I may find myself in.

same goes for other things. rainwater. the main goal is to collect rainwater, but there are a million different ways to fabricate a rainwater-harvesting system. no one method is going to be "right or wrong". it's just what works best for you.

this is why I think that allowing individual members to post their vids would be a better approach. (and a unique approach. remember that people are drawn to unique traits rather than the same-old-same-old) plus it would give it a pretty cool "forum" feeling.

well the whiskey would be your own "personal touch" to it.... keep in mind people myself included are lazy and dont want to watch 10 different guys say "how they would do it"... people just want "the right way" and they want it right now. thats why experts get so much traffic and no namers dont... the no namers have zero credibility to the viewer so they cant blindly trust them like they can the big shots. wether its a right or wrong approach its how humans think.

SP can do it how they see fit im just throwing my .000002 cents in.
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Offline NOLA556

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Re: video editor needed for SP youtube channel!
« Reply #23 on: March 29, 2012, 02:27:16 AM »
Ken, think of this.

you're absolutely correct that every BOB should include the small handful of essentials, but everyone's approach is different. I keep whiskey in my BOB. is that a necessity? of course not, but it's a moral booster and it may help me cope with the harsh reality of this horrible new world that I may find myself in.

same goes for other things. rainwater. the main goal is to collect rainwater, but there are a million different ways to fabricate a rainwater-harvesting system. no one method is going to be "right or wrong". it's just what works best for you.

this is why I think that allowing individual members to post their vids would be a better approach. (and a unique approach. remember that people are drawn to unique traits rather than the same-old-same-old) plus it would give it a pretty cool "forum" feeling.

well the whiskey would be your own "personal touch" to it.... keep in mind people myself included are lazy and dont want to watch 10 different guys say "how they would do it"... people just want "the right way" and they want it right now. thats why experts get so much traffic and no namers dont... the no namers have zero credibility to the viewer so they cant blindly trust them like they can the big shots. wether its a right or wrong approach its how humans think.

SP can do it how they see fit im just throwing my .000002 cents in.

no I see what you're saying. my only question is what makes them "experts"? nothing much that I can see.
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Offline Kentactic

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Re: video editor needed for SP youtube channel!
« Reply #24 on: March 29, 2012, 09:07:45 AM »
Ken, think of this.

you're absolutely correct that every BOB should include the small handful of essentials, but everyone's approach is different. I keep whiskey in my BOB. is that a necessity? of course not, but it's a moral booster and it may help me cope with the harsh reality of this horrible new world that I may find myself in.

same goes for other things. rainwater. the main goal is to collect rainwater, but there are a million different ways to fabricate a rainwater-harvesting system. no one method is going to be "right or wrong". it's just what works best for you.

this is why I think that allowing individual members to post their vids would be a better approach. (and a unique approach. remember that people are drawn to unique traits rather than the same-old-same-old) plus it would give it a pretty cool "forum" feeling.

well the whiskey would be your own "personal touch" to it.... keep in mind people myself included are lazy and dont want to watch 10 different guys say "how they would do it"... people just want "the right way" and they want it right now. thats why experts get so much traffic and no namers dont... the no namers have zero credibility to the viewer so they cant blindly trust them like they can the big shots. wether its a right or wrong approach its how humans think.

SP can do it how they see fit im just throwing my .000002 cents in.

no I see what you're saying. my only question is what makes them "experts"? nothing much that I can see.

wether their expert title is deserved or not is up for debate. but to the average person, if they see you on Discovery channel jumping out of helicopters and diving in frozen rivers your probably an expert to them.
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