About 1600 hrs I was cleaning up from the grout chore and turned to MrsMac and said, "hey, its cold in here...Aren't you cold?"
She said that she was freezing. So I walked over to the Davis Weather Station and it was 64 degrees inside. Why didn't she say anything???
Anyway we went to a restaurant for dinner and upon getting home I started the wood stove. We have had it running since then.
No frost last night but it did get down to 35 degrees. The weather man predicts high 30's/low 40's for tonight. Then the rest of the week in the 40's at night, mid 60's during the day.
I need to put the garden to bed for the winter and plant my garlic.
We still need to harvest, turnips, potatoes, onions, and the last of the bush beans, PLUS all of the winter squash.