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They know it's going to happen.
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Topic: They know it's going to happen. (Read 410 times)
Hardcore Prepper
Posts: 2485
Karma: +8/-0
They know it's going to happen.
September 01, 2019, 10:33:40 PM »
I understand that low wage people don't have spare cash to be prepared for a hurricane and those who just moved to Florida don't have the necessary equipment to withstand one. But those who have lived through more than one hurricane should be prepared but their not.
They're loading up on drinking water, gas and plywood which they should already have. Living in hurricane ally there should not be any "Normalsy Bias" but there is. They think it could only happen to the other guy but to me your the other guy.
Rant over!
In principle, no less than in practice, socialism is the ideology of thieves and tyrants.
Re: They know it's going to happen.
Reply #1 on:
September 01, 2019, 11:37:00 PM »
It doesn't take a lot to be prepared for something like that. If you don't have a place that is likely to hold up to even a tropical storm then you should probably bug out anyway & filling a bug out bag in the course of a year with stuff won't break the bank. Mostly the same stuff if you live in a house/apt that has a high probability of standing up to the storm. Buy a case of bottled water one month, there is stuff that you can get under $5 & it's just as good from a health point as some expensive stuff, might not taste like some flavored water champagne that some like, but you can live off it. Wal-mart & others sell packs of small flashlights often for around $1 light & I've had some of those for years now & they hold up surprisingly well. Some canned fruit & protein other stuff that stores for a long time can be bought a little at a time. If they just set aside $20 or even only $10 a month to buy stuff, in 1 year they wouldn't have to rush out fight for stuff & pay full price+. Buy when it's on sale & everyone else is ignoring it. If you go more than a year or two without needing it, you can either work on additional preps and/or start rotating some stuff out by consuming the older supplies first. Where I live we don't have hurricanes but we have summer & winter storms pretty much every year so most of us learn to prep from a young age & it's really not even considered "prepping" by most, it's just life.
Hardcore Prepper
Posts: 1824
Karma: +10/-0
Re: They know it's going to happen.
Reply #2 on:
September 02, 2019, 10:09:56 AM »
@JoJo, a lot of people have a 'plan' but never practice, prep or use it. It can lead to a false sense of security. Then the hammer drops, or Dorian comes calling. An interesting twist on the normalcy bias.
Posts: 15324
Karma: +23/-0
Re: They know it's going to happen.
Reply #3 on:
September 02, 2019, 10:15:49 AM »
To add to what 11C1P wrote...Buy protein on sale like chock, chicken, pork etc. and can it.
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Unchained Preppers
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They know it's going to happen.