Author Topic: The Day After The Big Feast  (Read 2919 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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The Day After The Big Feast
« on: November 25, 2022, 12:11:58 PM »
As many of you know my local MAG had their Thanksgiving feast at our cabin this year. It was our turn and a good time was had by all.

I spent till 2230 hrs. last night cleaning up, adding wood to the wood stoves wood box, and doing other assorted daily chores put off do to entertaining.

This morning I woke up to feed the wood stove and could hardly get out of bed. W3OOF didn't even get up to be let out or get her 0600 hrs. breakfast. So she was either exhausted or hurting too. It's tough being a dog who thinks she has to entertain everyone. Crawled back into bed and was woken up by the cats at around 0845 hrs. who wanted breakfast. The damn cats are fat and coughed loose a few pounds.

Made coffee, fed the critters, and took some ibuprofen for the pain in my back and fingers. Must have used muscles yesterday that I do not regularly use, and did some stretching exercises.

Checked the Davis Instruments Weather monitor and the temperature was 40' F with a what I call lite Seattle Mist falling. This weather was supposed to come tomorrow but for what ever reason it arrived today. This is good as tomorrow is the first day of Pennsylvania Rifle deer season. I hate hunting in the rain. Usually, my goal for the rifle deer season is to take a buck but, not this year. The first deer that saunters by will end up in the freezer.

Took some time to catch up on UP, AP, local and extended MAG articles. Now I am sitting here listening to the wood stove make its music and type a short post to you folks.

As I sit here listening to this beautiful silence, I am asking all to enjoy the days we have right now before the turbulent times begin in earnest. As we approach the height of the "winter" in 2025, you will look back on the more or less quiet times of today, to help you weather the storm. 

With the Fourth Turning of the coming winter happening amongst us all, remember a few things,

> A return to God is inevitable and greatly needed as a nation...Heck the World.
> The only thing that stands between serfdom at the hands of the World Elites is your firearms. Never let "them"
    take 'em away. The Elites, fear you, the silent majority because of our firearms.
> It is time to put on your 'big boy & girl pants' and toughen up. I am constantly surprised that folks from the 
   three MAG's I belong too, are thinking that the collapse will be like the depression of the 1930's. It will not. It
   will eventually turn kinetic and as the balkanization of America continues will pit community against community.
   Red states will be fine however, the citizens of Purple and Blue states will suffer greatly with localized Civil Wars.
   Skirmishes just going to town will be come a sincere possibility.
> I have been preaching for years that the good Lord has given us this time to sharpen our self sufficiency skills.
   Yet there are preppers out there that have yet to plant a simple garden, purchased a transceiver yet it collects
   dust in the closet, or purchased a battle rifle but never shoots it. Oh those folks will waken to a rude new day.
> You and your family will only survive if you are part of a supportive and prepared group.

With all that lecturing out of the way, I am going to close my computer, pour myself another cup of joe, and start to re read Jonathan Hollerman's EMP Trilogy. Book one, "A Story Of Survival"

Wishing all a fantastic Holiday weekend.

73 & God Bless,

PS: The ibuprofen and stretching didn't work.  :facepalm: Maybe an eggnog and dark rum will help.

« Last Edit: November 26, 2022, 12:21:28 PM by JohnyMac »
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Offline Jackalope

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Re: The Day After The Big Feast
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2022, 08:23:50 PM »
     Thank you, Johny, for your words of wisdom.  We've been working on our garden as we pile leaves in the enclosure.  Planted garlic this past week.  The host of yesterday's Thanksgiving dinner is an agriculture professor and he had a hydroponics set-up in his family room, which was interesting.  I guess it would work well for those that don't have much land.  Anyways, it gave me some food for thought.

     I got out earlier this week and practiced with a Remington 597 .22LR carbine that was recently acquired.  The firearm seems to have an undeserved bad reputation and it performed flawlessly for me. Magazines are readily available and it is sufficiently accurate.  As you intimated, firearms are going to be a key ingredient in the effort to remain free.  Lyin' Biden is once again calling for an "assault weapon" ban. 

     It'll be interesting to see how things roll as the nation enters the doldrums of winter.  Cold kills.  How will all those libs fare when they're freezing in their apartments come mid-January?  Or how about when the food pantries are bare?  Hope for the best and prep for the worst!

     I hope folks took advantage of some of the ammo and radio deals on Black Friday.   :fuckYeah: :dancingGrenade:
« Last Edit: November 26, 2022, 12:19:12 PM by JohnyMac »

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: The Day After The Big Feast
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2022, 12:19:33 PM »
AMEN Jackalope  :cheers:
Keep abreast of J6 arrestees at Donate if you can for their defense.