Author Topic: Tariffs  (Read 484 times)

Offline pkveazey

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« on: September 30, 2019, 10:59:24 PM »
Hmmmmmm…….. History repeats itself. I'm hearing the term Civil War 2 used a lot. Did you know that the Civil War started because the Government kept raising the tariffs on European goods. The South was rich and the tariff money was added to the purchase price of those imported goods. OK, that's all well and good but the South wasn't getting any of the benefit from the tariff money. The Government was supporting the Northern factories and using the money to build Northern infrastructure and the South was paying for it. The South threatened to secede and the Government lowered the Tariffs. The instant things cooled down, they raised the tariffs even higher than they had ever been. I believe it was something like 45%. It was bad enough to get screwed when the tariffs were 15% but 45% was a slap in the face. BAM!!! That was the last straw. Today, we pay tons of taxes and the Government spends it the same way they did pre Civil War. The people who pay the taxes don't get squat. The next Civil War will be fought for exactly the same reason the last one was fought.

Offline JoJo

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Re: Tariffs
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2019, 03:19:06 PM »
 I disagree. If we fight another civil war it will be because we are losing our G-D given rights. There are attacks on religion, free speech, there are tens of thousands of gun laws through out the country unconstitutional red flag laws (due process) and they still want to eliminate the second amendment.
  Laws are being changed to fit the narrative and broken laws are being ignored. The corruption in the USA is unbelievable. 

 Rant over
In principle, no less than in practice, socialism is the ideology of thieves and tyrants.

Offline pkveazey

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Re: Tariffs
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2019, 06:23:17 PM »
I disagree. If we fight another civil war it will be because we are losing our G-D given rights. There are attacks on religion, free speech, there are tens of thousands of gun laws through out the country unconstitutional red flag laws (due process) and they still want to eliminate the second amendment.
  Laws are being changed to fit the narrative and broken laws are being ignored. The corruption in the USA is unbelievable. 

 Rant over

Your point is right on the mark but just from a different prospective. The high population Liberal areas are getting the benefit of our tax money and they also are controlling the narrative and getting our rights removed. Its going to boil down to the screwed are going to say enough is enough and that's when the SHTF.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Tariffs
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2019, 12:20:09 PM »
Are we in the midst of a soft Civil War now?

What is happening to Mr. Trump ala the impeachment threat over nothing is soft coup 2.0.

We have our alarm clock turned to the local NPR station. For the past week day broadcasts on the NPR station is 100% anti Trump and pro impeachment. They even go to the lengths of misrepresenting the facts. They are not journalists on my local NPR radio station. They are propagandists.

I wonder when the shooting war will commence.

On another note, as stated in a earlier post, I am waiting with painted breath for the final results coming forward from the DOJ-OIG and U.S. Asst. Attorney General Durham's investigation. When that is done all hell will break loose.
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Offline JoJo

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Re: Tariffs
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2019, 09:17:51 PM »
On another note, as stated in a earlier post, I am waiting with painted breath for the final results coming forward from the DOJ-OIG and U.S. Asst. Attorney General Durham's investigation. When that is done all hell will break loose.

 So am I. They keep pushing it forward and now it is supposed to come out in three weeks, that is if they don't push it forward again.
 I've read where both democrats and Republicans are very nervous. 
In principle, no less than in practice, socialism is the ideology of thieves and tyrants.