Author Topic: Sunday: Observations of a Gun Show  (Read 1054 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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Sunday: Observations of a Gun Show
« on: February 10, 2014, 10:48:24 AM »
MrsMac saw an ad in the local paper advertising for a gun show Saturday and Sunday at a small town’s volunteer fire department. She brought it up often throughout the week so I knew she really wanted to go. I guess February cabin fever was setting in.

We go out to breakfast each Sunday and while we were lingering over a cup of coffee I asked, “Well the gun show is about 90 miles away. Do you want to drive to it after breakfast?” MrsMac thought that was a great idea!

After a snowy two hour ride we arrived at the fire hall. Here are my thoughts and observations.

There was a big sign on the entry door that stated No loaded firearms allowed in the fire hall - Yes even if you have a CC (Conceal Carry Permit). Well that wasn’t going to happen after all CC means nobody should know you are carrying. We paid our $5.00 and entered the hall and emptied garage of the firehouse to about 60 exhibitor tables – Both private and business. MrsMac went her way and I went mine.

MrsMac went to the tables that had camouflaged do-dads like clothing, jewelry, scarfs, etc. I went on my quest to find a pre1960’s Savage model 99 chambered in .308 Winchester – Cheap! I also like picking up Army & Navy surplus gear for Cheap!

The firearms that were for sale were either AR/AK related, pre-1930 bolt action rifles, new & used shotguns of all descriptions and used & new handguns. The other tables had ammo and assorted firearm related goods and MrsMacs do-dads

The ammo was overpriced. I buy 5.56x45 from Freedom Ammo for 34¢ a round while the average at the show was 60¢ a round. Yes down from $1.00 a round post last years gun drama - But still?  :facepalm:

Many of the ammo boxes had several prices on them starting at a higher price and consequently getting lower to about 50% less of the original price. Some ammo like .22LR was still pretty high by my account. The average brick of .22LR was $45- or 12¢ a round. The last brick of 22LR I bought was $18- or 3¢ a round. Spam cans of qty 440, 7.62x54R were going for $185- or 42¢ a round. The last time I bought a 440 round spam can it was like $75- or 17¢ a round.

Many of the AR and AK’s for sale had marked down stickers too. One Rock River Entry AR had the original price at $1,799- but was now marked at $1,199-. I saw several SKS’s in the $325- to $400- range.

Mosin Nagant’s were going for $325-. I bought mine for $99- each, preObama.

There is usually a few tables selling Army & Navy surplus gear. There was only one table and their prices were through the roof. An example was a .45 ACP double web mag holder was $35-. I can pick up the exact same mag holder for $15- at my local A&N store.

If a table was not busy I started up conversations with the owner (s). I learned that Saturday was busier than Sunday. Several of the table owners I spoke to expressed their disgust in lack of sales. One table who had several nice antique lever action rifles told me that they hadn’t sold one rifle over the weekend. I pointed to a Savage model 99 in .300 Savage that was marked at $895- and said, “Nice rifle but a bit on the steep side don’t you think?” Now a NRA 95%, 99 in .300 Savage should go in the $450- to $600- range; he replied, “I took that 99 in trade on another rifle and I gave the guy $895- towards the trade. Just trying to get my investment back.”   :facepalm:

In conclusion: It was obvious that prices were coming down post the Obama-gun-ban drama last year. New rifle and handgun prices were only coming down though to MRP (Manufactures Recommended Price) – No deals. Some calibers of ammo were coming down to MRP but others were remaining high. Used antique rifle & handgun prices remained very high.

We had been there an hour and there was no Savage model 99 in .308Win and nothing that I had to have from the Army & Navy surplus tables - It was time to go. Knowing where MrsMac would be I went to the volunteer fire hall’s kitchen. Yup there she was standing with a cup of coffee in her hand and paying for a paper bag full of baking goods made there by the ladies auxiliary. We slip and slided our way to the truck and started our two hour trek north to the cabin in a heavy at times, snow storm.

What have you observed at your local gun shows?

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Offline Grudgie

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Re: Sunday: Observations of a Gun Show
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2014, 07:13:23 PM »
I don't go to them anymore for the same reasons. The internet has made gunshows irrelevant. I can haggle with buyers and sellers all across the state of Tennessee without ever having to put my pants on.

I remember trying to haggle with someone pre 2012 about a WASR and he wouldn't budge below six hundred and something.

Offline DMCakhunter

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Re: Sunday: Observations of a Gun Show
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2014, 07:46:46 PM »
The shows around Des Moines are decent with the fairgrounds being the best. All ammo is higher than normal except for .17 HMR, which has always been in the $11-$13 per 50 range.
I use as a gauge on where current market prices shoul be. They are friendly and give great service.
On the guns, prices on AR's have been dropping since summer, and range from $650-1000 depending on builder / features. Glocks and most other handgun manufacturers are back at normal pricing. Some of the keltec guns are way high but trending downward. A PMR is still around $565-650, down from $800 or so.
One of the biggest disappointments is the lack of revolvers. All manufacturers are concentrating on semi autos.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Sunday: Observations of a Gun Show
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2014, 09:02:05 PM »
Yeah DM, I saw a lot of semi pistols but saw very few wheel guns with the exception of a few Charter Arms and Rugers. But what blows me away was the prices of antique rifles. For most cases they were 25-35% over market value. What are sellers thinking?

I even saw Lyman & Thompson flintlock rifles at higher prices than new ones  :facepalm: I live and breath BP rifles: However I ain't going to buy "sloppy seconds" when it comes to Post 1970 BP rifles.

Blackpowder is a tricking propellant. If you take care of the barrel well then OK we can talk. But otherwise "take a hike." Same goes with some of the pre 1900 lever actions. When I buy a rifle I plan to shoot it. That rifle is not going to be a gun safe princess. 
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Re: Sunday: Observations of a Gun Show
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2014, 11:15:19 PM »
$325 for a Mosin! Man I still can find ones $100-$160 and the .22 Jesus man queue the violins  :violin: (For the record I'm being a smart ass but still)

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Sunday: Observations of a Gun Show
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2014, 09:28:18 PM »
Yupper Alex some pretty high prices antique rifles and stupidly prices .22 ammo.

I suspect that some of these folks bought rifles and ammo on spec and are at least trying to off load them at what "they" paid. If I was them I would hang onto "the stuff" as another Obama gun-ban drama is coming sometime in the next 6 to 18 months. If you can't hang onto the inventory drop the price and recoup what you can.

It's just business man...Nothing personal. 
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Offline crudos

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Re: Sunday: Observations of a Gun Show
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2014, 10:47:34 PM »
I got a Finn MN on gunbroker atm, hoping to get AT LEAST double what I paid for it a few years ago. Feeling pretty good that it will sell, but we shall see.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Sunday: Observations of a Gun Show
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2014, 08:43:35 AM »
Good luck man!  :thumbsUp:
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Offline kokopelli

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Re: Sunday: Observations of a Gun Show
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2014, 09:03:49 PM »
I live in an area the has several small towns around us. The big city has a gun show just about every weekend. I stopped going to any in the city. I get better deals at the local chain stores then the gun shows. Luckily, I had collected enough ammo for all my calibers and I slowed down on shooting to conserve it. I have not bought any ammo since Obama has been in office because of the prices. They do seem to be coming down but not enough.

The small towns around me are much better for me. There you get more of the private sellers. Although rare, I have gotten a good deal when I negotiated. I go about 4 times per year, but mostly looking for emergency use gadgets and such. go bag equipment and such. I have a large collection of cutting tools and have managed to make some good trades for them.

I too like to converse with the people in the business. Some are angry that we do not want to pay their prices, some understand, just got in the business at a wrong time.

I have been invited to some of the bartering gatherings. Some are private, Groups of people trying to establish their teams. (I am honored they invite me). Other are open to everyone. There I find people of like interest. Also looking to join or recruit for a group.

What I see mostly is our silent majority.


Burt Gummer

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Re: Sunday: Observations of a Gun Show
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2014, 02:53:52 AM »
Thank you Kokopelli, your description of the barter gatherings is giving me the initiative I need to start my gray market adventuring I do every summer.

Offline kokopelli

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Re: Sunday: Observations of a Gun Show
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2014, 08:43:34 AM »
Burt, I wish you luck. Things of interest is food, means to maintain clean water, tools, equipment to maintain tools. And always I mean always, things that go boom, bring good trading value.