I'm going to say two things and that's it.
#1 I missed the whole valor thief deal on LnL, but I heard a couple different sides of it. So those involved know better than I do the extent of what was said or if he was really hacked or not. I'm probably one of the few guys he still talked to after the fact. At no point in private conversation did Guar ever talk about being in the military. In fact I can recall him saying he never was because we'd had conversations about "what if you joined now."
#2 Aside from this I wish people would realize that when RAR guns started screwing people over Guar was the one who came on, not just MrLnL.com, but several other sites and told people what was going, who to contact, and started the filing process out in Colorado. If he were really that much of an ass I doubt he'd have given a shit one way or another to tell anyone what was going on. A lot of people who dealt with RAR guns owe Guar a debt of gratitude. Speaking of which, RARGUNS is no longer up and I've not been able to find him selling since so I'm guessing he done for good.
That's my .02. Do as you will, but you kick a dead horse to much your boots are going to get real messy.