Author Topic: Prayers Needed or Positive Thoughts/Encouragement  (Read 1624 times)

Offline EJR914

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Prayers Needed or Positive Thoughts/Encouragement
« on: August 07, 2012, 04:19:43 PM »
Please pray for me and/or send me all the positive thoughts that you can, even if you're an atheist.

Here is the story. Saturday night my lower back started hurting really bad, more than normal. I've lived with moderate to severe back pain because of three herniated disc and a fourth completely degenerated disc for some years now, but Saturday night it started to hurt worse than any pain I've ever felt before.

Also, I'll go ahead and say it, NEVER GO TO NEWTON MEDICAL CENTER EMERGENCY ROOM if you're in severe pain, they will not believe you, and probably outright call you a junkie.

Literally, ever move I make, and sometimes I'm not even moving, and the pain is so excruciating that I scream out in pain, and when it doesn't stop I just sit there and scream and cry and kick my legs around. Its the worse pain I've ever felt in my life.

I cannot walk, I cannot stand up, and I can't even roll over in bed without excruciating pain. I just cannot even get up and walk or even stand, even to go to the bathroom. Someone has to help me turn over in bed, and the only relief I can get is to stay in one certain spot and not move, and even then the horrible pain still comes on for no reason at all.

The first day I could not walk to get into a vehicle so they could take me to the ER. The second morning of the pain it just kept getting worse, and so I took the strongest, legally prescribed pain medicine that I had, and just bulldawged my way into the vehicle, kicking, screaming and crying, with two of my biggest friends carrying me by the shoulders.

Once at the ER, they sat me in a wheel chair which is incredibly painful for someone having this kind of pain, it offers no back support what-so-ever, and was straight up and down a 90 degree angle. I sat there and screamed and cried out loud and kick my legs in the ER for 8 hours, before they finally took me back, and gave me one simple shot of demerol and it barely even touched the pain. It was so embarrassing to have all those people staring at me, screaming out loud, crying, and kick my legs for that long. I even made a couple of children who were in the ER cry, I guess because I scared them because of all the pain I was having. I felt awful about that, but there was nothing I could do about it. Legally prescribed Oxycodon will not touch the pain, either, earlier that day. Nothing they have given me so far has even touched the pain until now.

All my pain medicine and muscle relaxers had LONG run out and been gone for hours by the time they took me back to the ER.

It felt like torture, it felt inhuman, and they wouldn't even find me a cot or anything so I could lay down in, they made me sit there, screaming and crying in pain, in that uncomfortable wheel chair for 8 hours and they would do nothing to help me at all.

I saw numerous people with nothing appearing to be wrong with them at all, get called back by the nurse and walk back and get a room before I did. I had numerous people walk up to me, and they couldn't believe that I was sitting there in that much pain, nobody would do anything to help me, and nobody would take me back ahead of some of the people that didn't appear to have one single thing wrong with them. I had numerous people who were sitting in the ER with me, walk up to me and tell me they were so sorry, and they would pray for my pain to be relieved.

Then when I did finally get back there, after 8 hours, the nurses Gestapo'd myself, then separated my wife and my mother and intensely questioned us about the Oxycodon, which we made ABUNDANTLY CLEAR I was legally prescribed the medicine by a doctor, and they told me they would not give me any pain medicine, even though all of it had worn off by then. :screwy: Who on earth has brainwashed all these nurses that anybody who would dare take the regular dose of Oxycodon for a day must be some kind of a junky, that is addicted to drugs or pills? These people acted crazy. :screwy: I was basically treated like I was a junkie or something like that. Like I was making up the pain I was feeling, like the tears and screams were not real, I was so upset at all of this. Do you really think someone could cry and scream for 8 hours straight in front of them if I had been faking it? REALLY? I couldn't believe they were treating me like that. I was in shock and I was also fairly angry at this point to, basically being treated like I was doing something wrong. I only took approximately one, legally prescribed Oxycodon pill a month for years if I had bad enough pain because I had to, because I didn't need them for one thing and also I HATE taking them. I just hate the way they make me feel. This pain is the worst I have ever had in my life, and I can't believe I was in that much pain, kicking screaming and crying, and they were treating me like that! They treated me like I was a criminal or something. These people are so messed up. Its like they heard the word "Oxycodon" and then no matter what we said to them, they already had it in their brainwashed mines that I was a junky or something. :screwy: It was the most screwed up thing I have ever witnessed.

What has happened to the people in that ER to make them act that way to me?

They also just acted like they didn't care at all.

During the 8 hours I was out there, I was in so much pain and screaming, that two Christian woman I had never met before actually knelt down beside with my mother and my wife and actually prayed over me, that the pain would stop. It made me feel better that someone in there actually cared. I felt those people in the ER did not care about me being in so much pain ever.

Once the ER doctor saw me, HE KNEW I wasn't faking it, and that I needed the pain medicine. He prescribed a shot of Demerol, and another for nausea, and prescribed me all types of pain medicine, anti-inflammatory medicine, muscle relaxer medicine, and a few more things as well I think. After I took all that, it FINALLY took the edge off the pain, but it still hurts a good bit, and even now I'm still in a lot of pain but its more manageable.

I also went in today and got an MRI, but my neurosurgeon physician cannot see it until Friday, because he is in Clinic doing surgery until Friday. So I can't even get a diagnosis until then, but I'm feel the MRI is going to show that my back has gotten worse at it is hurting more now that it ever has in my life.

Depending on what is wrong, I may be looking at a disc replacement surgery. Past that I don't know what else they can do for all this pain I'm having. No way am I going to deal with all this pain by taking tons pain medicine all the time.

There is more to the story, but that is all I feel like writing now, so please pray for me and send me as much positive thoughts as you can, that my pain will at least be less, and that I can start walking again, so I can go to the bathroom and use the restroom again. Right now, I cannot even walk. I have to be carried everywhere or go to the bathroom in a bowl, its awful. Please pray for me.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2012, 04:30:30 PM by special-k »

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Re: Prayers Needed or Positive Thoughts/Encouragement
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2012, 04:26:39 PM »
fuck brother sounds like you did some bull riding

have you tried a heating pad? i know it sounds dumb, but it relieves some of the pain

i'll pray for ya, call me up if i can help
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Re: Prayers Needed or Positive Thoughts/Encouragement
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2012, 04:40:09 PM »
The pain may be unrelated to your discs.  The pain you described sounds like it could be a kidney stone.  There doesn't have to be blood in the urine for it to be a kidney stone, especially when the stone is not suck in the urethra, but is instead stuck higher up between the kidney and urethra. This causes the kind of pain that doesn't completely stop even when you try to remain motionless.  One shot of Toradol (non-narcotic) should give quick relief.  ASK FOR IT WHEN YOU RETURN TO THE ER... if the muscle relaxer you were prescribed doesn't let the stone pass.

Note: If you want faster service at the ER, you need to arrive by ambulance.  I learned that the hard way.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2012, 04:51:24 PM by special-k »
"It wouldn't do any good.  I've had the shit beat out of me a lot of times.  I just replenish with more shit."  - Billy McBride


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Re: Prayers Needed or Positive Thoughts/Encouragement
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2012, 04:47:55 PM »
 Ill send one up for ya as well, hope you get some relief.

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Re: Prayers Needed or Positive Thoughts/Encouragement
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2012, 05:00:34 PM »
Hopefully its just a kidney stone. If you werent on meds id say start pounding beers to help pass it. Your ER experience sounded horrific im sorry man. If you had nausea before any meds id bet its a kidney stone. I remember driving up ob one of the landscapers doubled over on the riding mower puking his brains out and grabbing his back. turned out to be a kidney stone.
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Re: Prayers Needed or Positive Thoughts/Encouragement
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2012, 05:14:29 PM »
...If you had nausea before any meds id bet its a kidney stone...
I'd like to add that nausea could be a symptom...but everyone reacts differently to the pain.  Personally, I had no nausea the time I had a really bad stone, I had intense sweating and near fainting spells (dizzy with vision whiting out.)  Everyone reacts differently.
"It wouldn't do any good.  I've had the shit beat out of me a lot of times.  I just replenish with more shit."  - Billy McBride

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Re: Prayers Needed or Positive Thoughts/Encouragement
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2012, 05:22:58 PM »
I will say a prayer for you EJR! Man I am sorry for how you were treated at the hospital.

My wife has sever back pain too. She receives epidermal shots of cortesone about every three months. She use to take oxyconton however it didn't react well with her. I don't know if it was just her or her dabetes.

Good luck man...I am praying for ya'.
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Re: Prayers Needed or Positive Thoughts/Encouragement
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2012, 05:23:09 PM »
Sounds a lot like a stone, I've had 3 of the little bastards two 7mm and an 8mm the pain comes from the often burred little shits working their way down the 3mm tube that drains from your kidneys to the bladder and getting stuck along the way resulting in pain and muscle cramping which I suspect is doing nothing good for your already messed up back. Personal opinion follows, I will never let them perform an epidural block again for a stone. IMO  Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) is the only way to go if it's a stone. Drink more water, my thoughts and sympathies are with you. By the way when the triage nurse asks about your pain on a scale of 1-10 just puke in the garbage can and you get hustled down the hall in a hurry, yeah I did that.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2012, 10:19:44 PM by Colombo »

Offline EJR914

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Re: Prayers Needed or Positive Thoughts/Encouragement
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2012, 05:29:18 PM »
Thanks guys, I mean it could be stones, but I don't know, it feels just like my back pain, with the muscle spasms, but like 1000 times more. 

Please keep up the prayers and positive thoughts, I need them so much right now.

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Re: Prayers Needed or Positive Thoughts/Encouragement
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2012, 05:42:51 PM »
fuck brother sounds like you did some bull riding

have you tried a heating pad? i know it sounds dumb, but it relieves some of the pain

i'll pray for ya, call me up if i can help

Actually, I've never rode a bull before.  LOL  Believe it or not, the back is so bad, a heating pad actually hurts it.  I would call you and talk, cuz I'm bored as well, but I lost my voice practically because of all the screaming I was doing.  I've talked to GAP a little bit, but I'm trying to save my voice, and its a struggle to talk at the moment. 

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Re: Prayers Needed or Positive Thoughts/Encouragement
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2012, 05:49:59 PM » feels just like my back pain, with the muscle spasms, but like 1000 times more. 
That's exactly what everyone says with their first really bad kidney stone.

Another thing....if your thoughts have drifted from "OMG, I think I'm gonna die" TO "why can't I just hurry up and die?"'s a kidney stone.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2012, 05:53:04 PM by special-k »
"It wouldn't do any good.  I've had the shit beat out of me a lot of times.  I just replenish with more shit."  - Billy McBride

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Re: Prayers Needed or Positive Thoughts/Encouragement
« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2012, 05:51:40 PM »
It could be then.  I've never had pain like this before.  I guess its a huge problem if I haven't passed it sense Saturday, huh?

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Re: Prayers Needed or Positive Thoughts/Encouragement
« Reply #12 on: August 07, 2012, 05:58:02 PM »
It could be then.  I've never had pain like this before.  I guess its a huge problem if I haven't passed it sense Saturday, huh?
I got lucky and mine passed after one shot of Toradol.  I've had a few since then but caught them before they got really bad....drank a lot of alkaline water (9.0pH) dissolves mine.   

But to answer your question, if it doesn't resolve itself, something will have to be done.
"It wouldn't do any good.  I've had the shit beat out of me a lot of times.  I just replenish with more shit."  - Billy McBride

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Re: Prayers Needed or Positive Thoughts/Encouragement
« Reply #14 on: August 08, 2012, 01:31:46 AM »
You'll be fine Sack up.  http://www.smileydesign.n

Oh, yeah set yourself up with a scoped rifle and a target at 500 relieve some stress.

Haha, yeah, I have been sacking it up, bro, I promise.  I feel like I've actually done something, dealing with that much pain.  It had to be up there bro.  I'd love to buy ammo and go pop off some rounds.  Don't know when that will be, though.

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Re: Prayers Needed or Positive Thoughts/Encouragement
« Reply #15 on: August 08, 2012, 11:36:23 AM »
You are in my thoughts and prayers EJR914. Have you researched any alternative healing methods? Depending on what your doc finds out and a combination of other methods might help you out. Wish you lived closer, have a great local Chiropractor and a Energy Healer that could help you alot. Take care dude!

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Re: Prayers Needed or Positive Thoughts/Encouragement
« Reply #16 on: August 08, 2012, 12:07:24 PM »
No, but I will, do you know where I should start looking?  I think my problem is way beyond natural healing, but then again, I've seen a man come back from almost death from cancer because he went to a natural healer and I think he's still alive today.  The docs at the hospital told him there was nothing they could do to help, and those natural people healed him somehow with all these different out there stuff.  I guess its worth a try, better than surgery. 

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Re: Prayers Needed or Positive Thoughts/Encouragement
« Reply #17 on: August 08, 2012, 12:16:20 PM »
I'm sorry you're having this problem EJR, I know it must be awful.  It could be a stone as was stated earlier.  What those tiny things do to a man is incredible.  I will pray for you and your family.  I hope you feel relief soon from this affliction.  Hang in there man.

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Re: Prayers Needed or Positive Thoughts/Encouragement
« Reply #18 on: August 08, 2012, 03:42:50 PM »
I agree that it could be a stone also..

I will offer this though and I do so with nothing but love for you. I do not intend to hurt your feelings but I will not sugar coat it either.

You need to start working out and lose some of that extra weight. Excess weight increases strain on our bodies from joints to bones while increased muscle mass helps support organs and joints.

Your call dude, you can have nothing but pain all the time. Or no time for pain except the time it takes to put pain on fools who don't know what time it is. 


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Re: Prayers Needed or Positive Thoughts/Encouragement
« Reply #19 on: August 08, 2012, 03:46:12 PM »
I will pray to Yahweh for you now bother!! Stay Frosty!


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Re: Prayers Needed or Positive Thoughts/Encouragement
« Reply #20 on: August 08, 2012, 03:57:05 PM »
I will pray for you EJR I am sorry for you. I would like to give medical advice but uhm its not my thing so the best thing to do is get that MRI most ricky fucking tic. I hope you get better soon. Another thing are nurses so uptight they assume everybody going through their door is a drug user thats just fucking pathetic. 8 hours my God are people just so careless makes me fucking angry  >:(

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Re: Prayers Needed or Positive Thoughts/Encouragement
« Reply #21 on: August 08, 2012, 04:26:02 PM »
PM Sent.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 04:30:53 PM by EJR914 »

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Re: Prayers Needed or Positive Thoughts/Encouragement
« Reply #22 on: August 08, 2012, 05:09:48 PM »
No, but I will, do you know where I should start looking?  I think my problem is way beyond natural healing, but then again, I've seen a man come back from almost death from cancer because he went to a natural healer and I think he's still alive today.  The docs at the hospital told him there was nothing they could do to help, and those natural people healed him somehow with all these different out there stuff.  I guess its worth a try, better than surgery.
I think a combination of traditional treatment and other alternative treatments would be smart. Figure out exactly what is going on first, see what your doc can do and his assessment of the condition. Whatever is found out, I would automatically get second opinion. Then look at alternative treatments, that could be Reiki and other forms of energy healing and Acupuncture. Also, if it turns out to be a disk issue, a Chiropractor with a strong background in alternative healing could do wonders. Hope that helps somewhat.

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Re: Prayers Needed or Positive Thoughts/Encouragement
« Reply #23 on: August 08, 2012, 05:14:21 PM »
PM Sent.

Must be for TG, that guys a total dick...

Wait did i just arrive at the origin of TG's name? It suddenly makes sense.. His names just an incomplete sentance.. :P
« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 05:16:27 PM by Kentactic »
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Re: Prayers Needed or Positive Thoughts/Encouragement
« Reply #24 on: August 08, 2012, 07:05:49 PM »
EJR, you should have my number dude, and if not GAP can get it to you. I'm taking some much-needed time with the wife tonight, but you can text me off and on tomorrow while I'm at work if you are still bored or need someone to talk to. I can text periodically without getting into trouble. Don't hesitate if you need to talk.  :)