I mentioned in another post that I was very interested in Geology and Minerals. In my conversations with Geologists over the years, these are some of the things I was told by several Geologists. Stay away from Charleston, SC. There is a major fault under it and it is way overdue for a major earthquake. Since Charleston, S.C. is sitting on sand, liquifaction will be a major problem all around that area. New Madrid, Mo. is also way overdue for its massive earthquake. It will not take much of an event to set it off. Yellowstone's Super Volcano is probably a bad place to hang around also. It is also way overdue for a massive eruption. Now, If Yellowstone goes off, it will probably set off the New Madrid earthquake that will be felt all the way to the east coast. Uh. Oh, that might just set off the Charleston S.C. earthquake. You can look at it from a Scientific point of view or a Biblical point of view. It makes no difference to me how you view it. Either way will be bad. Personally, I view it from a Biblical point of view that is backed up by Science. Now lets just add the possibility of Economic collapse, a War, EMP or CME on top of it all and that, ladies and gentlemen that is why I'm a Prepper.