The "Live in interesting Times" effect is in full swing at the moment.
I am still fully convinced we are in the beginning of a long slow roll SHTF era. Thus our decision here to live our daily life in a prepared manner. This whole mess is only just getting started.
Now for me myself this was not much of a change. For the rest of the family and some close friends. This change of stance in living daily life was larger. What has been really cool. Is that they all bought into the changes early on. The changes have had a real positive effect on each of them. They are enjoying life so much more now. Living a more simplified, practical, prepared and aware life has shown to be a less stressful and enjoyable way of living.
I says something when those around you have no interest in going back to pre-virus way of life. So a big win for the team here.
Now as we see things unfold. We assess the risks, form plans and carry on living well.