"One thing that I do hate are the folks who literally drive 10 mph on a cleared road after a snowfall with their blinkers on. WTF
When I eventually pass them, if they have a mask on too, ya' have to ask yourself, "If you are so paranoid, why even leave your house?" -
Because it's OK to leave the house IF you are sporting the Fauci Talisman. Alone. In your car. In freezing weather.
The good news for preppers is that rough as it will be on "them", their certain, hapless disappearance from the scene will happen rather quickly. As "quick" compliments "merciful" in my book I applaud the way Mother Nature will attend to business.
No heartless bastards here. Just good people competent enough to count seats in the life boat and understand what it means when a boat like the Titanic sinks.