Author Topic: MONEY, AND WHAT IT WILL BUY  (Read 814 times)

Offline pkveazey

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« on: January 08, 2022, 03:32:34 PM »
My grandfather was born in 1885 and worked from the time he was 7 years old. He actually was aware of the old Wild West and even saw the Buffalo Bill Wild West show twice. Yep, he got to see Buffalo Bill and Annie Oakley. Now, back in those days, he said that there was no real INFLATION. People in general made anywhere from $1 to $2 a day. They lived as cheaply as possible and even saved a few cents each day. To clarify things, he plowed fields for $1 a day and office workers were paid anywhere from $1 to $2 per day. Pretty much like it is today. Laborers get paid less than Office workers. I'm always amazed to watch Western movies and see some Cowpoke who made $30 a month go into a Saloon and ask for a Shot of Whiskey and then thow a Silver Dollar on the bar and get no change back. Did that Cowboy actually spend a whole days wages on one damn shot of whiskey? I call Bullshit on that one. Back around 1900, you could rent a room in a hotel for anywhere from 50 cents a night to $1 a night. Then in 1912 the Federal reserve was allowed to be created and in 1913, our monetary system was turned over to them. While US Paper Currency actually came into existance after the Civil War, Silver and Gold was still basically the means of exchange. Yes, I know the Confederacy created Confederate money but even then most paper money was in BANK NOTES issued by individual banks. Now, as to inflation. Slowly, and I do mean slowly, prices began to rise due to the Federal Reserve having been given the authority to order the Government Printing Office to print whatever amount of Currency they demanded. Since the Federal Governmenmt turned over our money sytem to the Federal Reserve, it actually turned over the control of our nation to the Federal Reserve. Since 1913, we have had growing inflation on an ever incresing pace. I was born in 1945 and a Car battery cost anywhere from $10 to $15. Today that same Car battery costs $150 to $200. The notion that holding physical Silver or Gold is a hedge against inflation can be compared to 1900 economics. When the Dollar becomes totally worthless and a hotel room costs hundreds if not thousands of dollars for one night, those people who have physical Silver or Gold will most likely be able to stay in that same hotel for ONE OUNCE OF PHYSICAL SILVER just like they did back in 1900. The reason for that is that people will not be willing to readily part with their Silver or Gold and the Businesses will want something more stable than Government printed toilet paper.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2022, 03:37:17 PM by pkveazey »

Offline JohnyMac

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« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2022, 09:31:39 AM »
All good points PKv. Thanks for sharing.

Now where do we (USA) go? I expect we only have two options. 1) Is to go digital or 2) Return to a PM backed currency. Are there other options? 
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Offline pkveazey

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« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2022, 04:26:09 PM »
The "So called Experts" say that there will be a monetary reset and the "New Money" will at least be partly backed by Gold. I personally think that they are correct on the back end but first, the dumbass public will fall into the Digital Currency trap. No matter how much I tell people to use Cash, they still fall for the trap of using that damned Credit card, Debit Card, or swipe their Cell Phone under a scanner. Do I have a credit card? Yep. Do I ever use it? Yep, but only for Gasoline or an Amazon purchase. I think of my credit card as part of my emergency "Get Home Supplies". I also pay that thing off every month and pay ZERO interest. My Interest rate is 9 or 10% but I couldn't care less. They could make it 50% and it wouldn't make any difference because I pay it off each month and they get nothing extra from me. Ooops, I did pay for my IC 7300 Radio and my Battle Born Litium Batteries with my credit card but I still paid them off immediately. I don't know why Debt is what the powers to be want from us but I'm not falling for it. Maybe they think they can have more control over us if we owe them. The further away from the SYSTEM I can stay, the more secure I feel.

Offline JohnyMac

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« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2022, 06:53:42 PM »
You do not need to convince me PKv. I am on board.

Now of late, some purchases, I have been sending a USPS money order. Does it take a bit longer? Yupper; However less of a footprint. 

My best friend laughs at me because he feels it doesn't matter and delays instant gratification. Maybe it doesn't matter but it slows the hounds a bit.  :cowboy:
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