Author Topic: This just pisses me off. Mujahideen Can Rape Infidel Women.  (Read 1280 times)

Offline sledge

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This just pisses me off. Mujahideen Can Rape Infidel Women.
« on: December 07, 2011, 07:38:26 PM »
Yep, they have some kind of a peaceful religion there.  These guys are sicko's. 

Fatwa Permits Mujahideen to Kidnap, Imprison, and Have Sexual Intercourse with Infidel Women

On October 28, 2011, the jihadi forum Minbar Al-Tawhid Wal-Jihad published a fatwa by Sheikh Abu Humam Al-Athari, a member of its shari'a council, in which he unequivocally permits mujahideen to capture the infidels' women and have sexual intercourse with them, even those who are married, on the claim that their marriage bonds to infidels are dissolved as soon as they are taken captive.
Following are the fatwa's main points:

The inquiry in response to which Al-Athari issued the fatwa reads as follows:[1] "Is it permissible for mujahideen in jihad fronts to kidnap the infidels' women and hold them as their captives? What is the ruling regarding a captive in our times? How should they be divided [among the mujahideen]? Is it permissible to imprison [an infidel woman who has been taken captive] in an infidel land, or must she be brought to Dar Al-Islam [the abode of Islam]? How much time must one wait before having sexual intercourse with her, regarding both one who is a virgin and one who is not?"

Al-Athari replies: "There is no doubt that taking the women of the combatant infidels captive ? whether they are from Ahl Al-Kitab [i.e., Christians or Jews] or pagans ? is permitted according to the shari'a... That being said, it must be done only after [the spoils] has been divided by an imam in Dar Al-Islam; if there is no imam at hand, prisoners may not be taken..."
Al-Athari emphasizes that before deciding to take infidel women captive, "one must consider the gains and losses that will result from this deed, which is to say that if the imam of the Muslims in a given country believes that taking the infidels' women captive will lead the infidels to band together and rape the Muslims' women, and that the Muslims are in too weak a state to prevent this, he should forbid taking [infidel women] captive..."

Al-Athari notes that "there are too many proofs of the permissibility of taking the infidels' women captive to enumerate here, but we can divide them into two categories: 'general proofs' and 'concrete proofs.'" He explains that the "general proofs" are those which clarify that it is forbidden to violate the honor of Muslim women, but that this does not hold true regarding the infidel women, except in cases where they are assured protection. Al-Athari claims that the permissibility is absolute and anchored in the principles of the shari'a. Therefore, he says, it does not necessitate proof, and it falls rather on those who forbid taking infidel women captive to prove the legitimacy their claims.

In his discussion of "concrete proofs," Al-Athari quotes Al-Qurtubi, who says: "Most scholars, including Malik [ibn Anas], Al-Shafi'i, Abu Hanifa,[2] and others, thought that taking [infidel women] captive removes the protection [they previously enjoyed], and permits whoever is holding them to have sexual intercourse with them." Al-Athari also quotes another scholar whose interpretation of Al-Qurtubi's ruling says that the latter uses the word "protection" to refer to married women, who are forbidden to men other than their husbands. That is, when these women are taken captive, their marriage contracts with their infidel husbands become void, and they become permissible to their captors. Al-Athari adds that the amount of time a captor must wait until having sexual intercourse with a captive infidel woman depends on her condition: if she is pregnant, he must wait until after she gives birth; if she is menstruating, he must wait until after her period is over; and if she is young and has not yet begun menstruating, he must wait a month from her capture.
[1] Rather than providing a name or handle of the inquirer, the website mentions only that the inquiry was taken from forum correspondence.
[2] Al-Qurtubi ("The Cordovan," d. 671), Malik ibn Anas (711-795), Al-Shafi'i (767-820), and Abu Hanifa (699-767) are among the great Koranic scholars, and the last three are founders of major schools of Islamic jurisprudence.

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Offline NOLA556

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Re: This just pisses me off. Mujahideen Can Rape Infidel Women.
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2011, 07:44:23 PM »
organized religion at it's finest...  :-X
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Offline sledge

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Re: This just pisses me off. Mujahideen Can Rape Infidel Women.
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2011, 08:03:16 PM »
I was just reading a couple of days ago about a documentary on the BBC talking about a problem they are having in London.  I think it was called Groomed For Sex.  Older Pakistani men, usually married, are hiring teenage Pakistani boys to befriend white girls from 12 to 16.
The boys introduce the girls to the older guys who then force them to have sex.  It's sickening, but large portions of London are effectively ruled by Sharia Law.  The police are reluctant to even go into those areas.  They've got the same kind of problems in France as well.

You have to wonder if anything like that is going on here.  It wouldn't be that shocking considering how long all of this pedophile crap has been swept under the table in the Catholic Church, the Government, and evidently the collegiate sports world.


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Offline RS762

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Re: This just pisses me off. Mujahideen Can Rape Infidel Women.
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2011, 08:20:26 PM »
And this relates to?

Religion is what it is. Fucked Up.

We all know that the Muj are a bunch of cave-dwelling, war-loving savages anyway, which begs the question why are we fucking around over there? Why is this a concern to begin with?
If we stayed in our own country we probably wouldn't be talking shit about foreigners and their "customs" as heinous as they might be because they would be of no concern to us.

just my $0.02, as worthless as it may very well be.
That being said that is really messed up.

Offline sledge

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Re: This just pisses me off. Mujahideen Can Rape Infidel Women.
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2011, 08:43:20 PM »
And this relates to?

IDK RS.  Maybe you'll figure that out when, short of an all out nuclear holocaust or epidemic, it arrives at your door.  Which during your life time, it will.  Believing in no religion places you in the same category as all other religions, an infidel.  Enjoy the ride.   

In the pursuit of liberty, many will fall. In the pursuit of fascism, many will be against the wall..........   Courtesy of Xydaco

Offline NOLA556

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Re: This just pisses me off. Mujahideen Can Rape Infidel Women.
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2011, 09:11:51 PM »
And this relates to?

IDK RS.  Maybe you'll figure that out when, short of an all out nuclear holocaust or epidemic, it arrives at your door.  Which during your life time, it will.  Believing in no religion places you in the same category as all other religions, an infidel.  Enjoy the ride.   

I'll say the same as I've said before, if we weren't over there in the first place, they'd have no reason to hate us. let them rape all the infidel women they want. not my fucking problem. let them sort out their own problems.

ask yourself, are THEY going to come save US if bad things start happening here? nope. so why do so many people focus so heavily on it?... blows me away.
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Offline sledge

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Re: This just pisses me off. Mujahideen Can Rape Infidel Women.
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2011, 09:31:25 PM »
We see and read the world so much differently, you and I.  As I said, enjoy the ride. 

In the pursuit of liberty, many will fall. In the pursuit of fascism, many will be against the wall..........   Courtesy of Xydaco


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Re: This just pisses me off. Mujahideen Can Rape Infidel Women.
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2011, 12:30:39 AM »
we cant change an entire culture, i dont give a shit how much "nation building" we do. its not going to happen.

so we kill as many of them as we can in our allotted time over there, and call it even i guess.

Offline WhiskeyJack

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Re: This just pisses me off. Mujahideen Can Rape Infidel Women.
« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2011, 10:06:41 AM »

go to 38 seconds in.
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