Author Topic: Just had a very interesting conversation...  (Read 980 times)

Offline Skippy00004

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Just had a very interesting conversation...
« on: March 30, 2012, 02:13:20 AM »
...with a guy that lives down the hall from me about a zombie invasion. The only difference was, he was talking zombies, I wasn't.

*Warning* This is kind of a long read, but it reads easy. So if you've got the time, go for it, if not, don't. I promise you won't lose any sleep over it lol.

The background on this guy:
He's about 20 years old, physically fit, a bit of a farm boy, but not exactly the smartest person as far as street smarts goes, and he's one of those guys that will just keep on talking when the conversation is done dead and buried.  Also, he thinks that he has all the answers for when said zombie apocalypse happens. I had some free time, so I decided to have some fun and see what his views on the topic were, and what his mentality would be.

My goal:
A lot of guys my age (20) have a similar mentality on the matter, and since we'll all be up against these idiots in WROL, I figured I'd dig a little bit into his thought process and it'd give me an idea of what a lot of younger guys will be thinking once shit hits it.

The conversation:
So I was in the laundry room folding clothes when he walks in and we get to talkin. Eventually he says something like, "so if there were a zombie apocalypse right now, how do you think we'd get out?"  Now, I've thought about how I'd get out alright, but not from zombies, so instead of answering his question I said, "I wanna know what you think first." and the rest went something like this:

Him: Ok, so I'd go out my window. I've got 75 feet of rope that would be perfect. (we live on the 3rd floor so I could see that actually working)
Me: Why would you immediately go out the window?
Him: well because the first floor would be overrun
me: So we're talking a sudden massive infestation of walkers that we had no warning of once so ever?
him: yes.
me: ok. go on.
him: Well I'd go out my win--
me: * interrupts* What do you bring with you?
him: Well I'd be going to get my truck so I'd just grab my keys and the rope and get out my window as fast as possible.
me: so no weapon? (we live on a college campus in a dorm, so I'm obviously not expecting him to have his 9mm with him)
him: I have weapons in my truck.
me: What kind?
him: A baseball bat and like 3 big ass knives
me: Ok, how're you going to get to your truck from your window? If the walkers have gotten inside the first floor then there are bound to be some around the base of the building.
him: Well I don't have to go out my window, I'd find a window where there weren't as many walkers, if any.
me: Ok, so you get out of the building with just some keys, and get to your truck. What about supplies, are you bringing anything with you?
Him: *looks at me* Well I'd be coming back. I wanna get as many of my friends out of here as I can, so I'd back the truck up to the building for them to jump in.
Me: While walkers are there? And you're in the truck? How are you gonna fight them off?
Him: well I have my baseball bat and knives.

So right out of the gate he's dead.  He doesn't have a B.O.B. with him (or one even ready for that matter) and he's going to come back to a building full of students wanting to leave. He'll have the only mode of transportation around and I'm sure his actions wouldn't go unnoticed. So I said:

Me: So You're just gonna bust out a window and tell only your friends to jump in and not the other couple hundred people stranded in here? Dude, you're gonna have a frenzy on your hands, both zombe and human.
Him: Well that's when I establish power immediately and I tell them --
Me: They're not gonna listen. Whatever you have to say they won't listen.

Then he changes his story to: "oh, well I'd try and wait it out for the first day, because people that try and do too much too fast will end up getting themselves killed"
Me: Right, but at the same time, those that do too much too fast may be the ones staying alive.

So we keep talking and he goes through how he's going to get home and get to his house that apparently is completely zombie proof and he has thought of all the situations and how to get out of them.  I called bullshit.

Me: Ok so you've got your 300 guns (not exaggerating, that's how many he claimed to have), you've got your hurricane proof windows, and you've got your open land to see when zombies are coming right?
him: right.
me: What if they get in?
Him: well they won't be able to.
me: but what if they get in?
him: dude they're hurricane proof win--
me: Right, but what-if-they-get-in?
him: Well then I'd get everyone upstairs and we'd wreck the stairs to where only we would be able to get up and down them.

I don't remember how, but after he said that he started talking about how he would "be more worried about actual people rather than zombies."  Now this I gotta hear.

him: well I'd be worried about people because they're smarter and where I live, like everybody has guns. But I also live where there are a lot of meth heads and people that, when something like this would happen, half of them would be dead.
me: why?
him: because they'd have no chance.
me: why?
him: well they'd be weak and they wouldn't be thinking straight because they don't have their drugs and stuff.
me: And why would they just be dead automatically? Are they just gonna sit there and die?
him: well no but they'd be desperate.
me: exactly! That's what makes them more dangerous. When someone doesn't have something they need, be it drugs or food or water, they're willing to do anything to get it, and they'll know where to go if they know who has supplies. Like your "years worth of food in your basement".
him: they wouldn't come to my house.
me: why??
him: well because when something like that would happen, my town would get together to try and stay alive.
me: just automatically? Everyone would come out and be all cool with contributing and all of the sudden work together to ensure each others survival eh? Unless this was pre discussed.....nope, not gonna happen.  They'll be on your house within days.
Him: well I'd be able to see them coming.
Me: people are smart, they'll come at night.
him: well we have these sensors around our properties perimeter to alert us when someone/thing is coming onto our property.
Me: Well that's good, but the power goes out. Now what?
Him: That's fine, they run on batteries.
Me: Batteries run out.
him: I change them.
me: what if you can't?
him: well then I'd still see them coming.
Me: at night?
Him: well i don't know how good your night vision is (natural, not NVG's or anything), but at my house, you can see out to our tree line from the moon light.
Me: it's a cloudy night
Him: even still, you can see.
Me: It's pitch dark, no moon/stars and you'll still be able to see them a couple hundered yards away? I'm not buyin
Him: ok well maybe not.

Now we start talking about him getting people to safety along with him and how if people start disturbing the groups system.

Me: so what happens if someone in your group disagrees with what you guys are doing?
Him: Man if someone starts undermining me and threatening the group *raises his hand like a gun* I'd probably just-
Me: You'd just shoot'em? So if joe (my roommate and his friend) starts going nuts sayin that you should be going here instead of there and you shouldn't be killing people/zombies to get out of there cause it's wrong and this and're just gonna shoot him?
him: well I wouldn't shoot joe cause he's my friend
me: but some other dude that you didn't really know, you'd just off him without thinking twice?
him: well maybe not, but we don't know what would really happen so I guess I can't say for sure.

He resorted to that one a lot, "we don't know for sure what would happen...."

I don't want to bore you with the rest of the zombie talk, but here's where it just got ridiculous.

The conversation turns to how "something bad is going to happen, but it's not going to be a zombie apocalypse." (my words)

Him: well I was talking to mike (dude lives in between us) and we decided that the only thing that's going to fix this country is either a full out revolution, like with those 98%'ers, or a zombie apocalypse.
Me: it's 99% but whatever.
Him: yeah, and we need someone to rise up to make all of the correct decisions, somewhat of a dictator.

I was typing on my computer at the time and froze, looked him strait in the eye, and said:

me: You want a dictator???
him: well not like a dictator, but like someone that would be able to make the correct decision at a split second. Like in a zombie apocalypse he'd know what to do to keep everyone, or the majority, safe.
Me: so you want a single guy to be able to make a decision and give an order that you obey for the greater safety of the country?
Him: yeah.
me: that's a dictator dude.
Him: well it's hard to explain cause I don't mean like a dictator dictator.
Me: well you better explain your point better.
Him: Well like communism...

Then I had to explain to him what communism was. Fuckin idiot. Then he continued to explain his point that involved more people and a seperate group underneath the head guy blah blah, and then I said:

Me: So you want one man to make the decisions that everyone listens to, but you also want a separate group underneath him to help him make the decisions because he would only have certain times that he would be able to act like a dictator and other times where the group underneath him would make the decision and he would enforce it?
Him: yeah pretty much.
Me: You basically just described our current system of government.

Every time this kid opened his mouth, I opened his eyes to an avenue that he didn't see, and an option that he hadn't thought of. Even down to how he would carry his weapons and how he would sling them on his back and why he should have this instead of that etc. etc. 
The couple things that really got me were how he would just kill whoever crossed him or posed a threat and when he started talking dictators and shit.
Also, he made it sound like he was gonna be lone wolfing this shit until I asked him about it.  He talked about bringin his friends with, but after the first part of the convo he seemed to forget that picking them up was part of his plan.

These dumbass's think that they've got it all figured out and that it'll just be as simple as runnin and gunnin' and everything will be alright once a "George Washington figure" comes and saves us all under his wise decisions as a dictator. "But only for a couple of years when he'd then turn over the power to a larger group of people" --yeah because that always works out with dictators. Not to mention that I'm almost positive that he thinks the whole zombie thing will happen.

Needless to say I was pretty baffled by his thought process, but at the same time I really didn't expect much else.

Honestly though, I think that I helped him realize a lot of flaws in his plan/mentality and he even said afterwards, "dude that was a great conversation, cause you grilled the fuck out of me and made me think of things differently, and no one really does that when we talk about that kind of stuff. Let's do this again soon."  And that made me feel really good to know that I at least sobered him up a little bit.
Don't pay attention to the man behind the curtain...

"I do believe that, where there is only a choice between cowardice and violence, I would advise violence." --Mahatma Ghandi

Offline EJR914

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Re: Just had a very interesting conversation...
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2012, 08:52:38 AM »
Yep, people like this would be easy to take out in WROL.

Offline leadpersuasion

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Re: Just had a very interesting conversation...
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2012, 10:07:30 AM »
Great post, Skippy! Thanks for sharing. I believe you did an excellent job of questioning him and making him think, which it seems he hasn't done a whole lot of on the subject! But, better yet, I believe you learned more from him on how we are a truly small group who have thought many different scenarios through and have a good, reasonable plan. Most people are gonna be like this guy and make it all up on the fly, and never make it through till' the end. This is why the most important prep is your mindset. It trumps all others because without it, all the gear and food and all the rest of it, won't fucking make a shit of difference. Good for you on calling him out on his so called "plan" and I hope you can influence him more for his sake!
"Our cause is just; being with one mind resolved to die freemen rather than to live slaves." - Thomas Jefferson
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Offline Skippy00004

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Re: Just had a very interesting conversation...
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2012, 12:44:29 PM »
Great post, Skippy! Thanks for sharing. I believe you did an excellent job of questioning him and making him think, which it seems he hasn't done a whole lot of on the subject! But, better yet, I believe you learned more from him on how we are a truly small group who have thought many different scenarios through and have a good, reasonable plan. Most people are gonna be like this guy and make it all up on the fly, and never make it through till' the end. This is why the most important prep is your mindset. It trumps all others because without it, all the gear and food and all the rest of it, won't fucking make a shit of difference. Good for you on calling him out on his so called "plan" and I hope you can influence him more for his sake!

Thanks LP! I totally agree!  [URL=
Don't pay attention to the man behind the curtain...

"I do believe that, where there is only a choice between cowardice and violence, I would advise violence." --Mahatma Ghandi

Offline Kobalt

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Re: Just had a very interesting conversation...
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2012, 01:09:34 PM »
Wow, Some people...
Fan out your shots. We want everyone to get some.

Offline WhiskeyJack

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Re: Just had a very interesting conversation...
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2012, 03:22:31 PM »
While the guy did seem to be in dream land skip. You did a good job of making him actually think. Its people like you who get people to come up with more than just one solution to a problem. Good job bro
Good whiskey, makes Jack Rabbit smack da bear.

Offline Skippy00004

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Re: Just had a very interesting conversation...
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2012, 05:18:58 PM »
While the guy did seem to be in dream land skip. You did a good job of making him actually think. Its people like you who get people to come up with more than just one solution to a problem. Good job bro
Thanks Whiskey!
Don't pay attention to the man behind the curtain...

"I do believe that, where there is only a choice between cowardice and violence, I would advise violence." --Mahatma Ghandi


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Re: Just had a very interesting conversation...
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2012, 08:12:03 PM »
This guy you were talking to seemed very interested in SHTF type situations, but obviously way off base from the reality of senario.   Maybe you could share some resources with him such as books, techniques, or maybe any good kick ass prepper sites you know of ;)

Offline WhiskeyJack

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Re: Just had a very interesting conversation...
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2012, 09:06:06 AM »
505th does have a point. The guys mind set is kinda at the preper door. Im sure he could use a nudge in the right direction. Other wise if SHTF he could be more of a liability to those around him rather than an asset.
Good whiskey, makes Jack Rabbit smack da bear.

Offline rah45

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Re: Just had a very interesting conversation...
« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2012, 10:14:06 AM »
Sure, nudge him in the right direction, but I wouldn't give him a ton of info. Probe him as you go along for signs of aggression. Some of his points (such as shooting those who disagree) may be based on extreme (and I mean EXTREME) ignorance, but they may be a part of his personality. If the latter is the case, I would be concerned he would use your knowledge to become a smart wolf instead of a stupid, rabid dog. Knowledge is Power. Careful how much you give him all at once.

Offline Skippy00004

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Re: Just had a very interesting conversation...
« Reply #10 on: April 01, 2012, 12:36:29 PM »
Sure, nudge him in the right direction, but I wouldn't give him a ton of info. Probe him as you go along for signs of aggression. Some of his points (such as shooting those who disagree) may be based on extreme (and I mean EXTREME) ignorance, but they may be a part of his personality. If the latter is the case, I would be concerned he would use your knowledge to become a smart wolf instead of a stupid, rabid dog. Knowledge is Power. Careful how much you give him all at once.
Yeah I had thought about that. I'm very weary about giving him info on SP or letting him know that I've been prepping. He knows that I think this country is going south and that I own a weapon, but that's about as far as it goes.

You bring up a good point about turning him into a "smart wolf," and from the words he was using and scenarios he was producing gave me the impression that he wasn't exactly the community type.  If anything I'll try and get him into a better mentality so that he could possibly help others when we all push the red button. Because if he's got his head in the right place, he's not only going to be able to save himself, but more people might be able to stay alive longer because of him.
Don't pay attention to the man behind the curtain...

"I do believe that, where there is only a choice between cowardice and violence, I would advise violence." --Mahatma Ghandi

Offline TreadOnMeNot

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Re: Just had a very interesting conversation...
« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2012, 03:44:40 PM »
Great read, and great Job Skippy.

Keep working on this guy.


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Re: Just had a very interesting conversation...
« Reply #12 on: April 01, 2012, 11:22:50 PM »
No offense to your "friend" but hes a complete tool

Offline Skippy00004

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Re: Just had a very interesting conversation...
« Reply #13 on: April 01, 2012, 11:48:20 PM »
No offense to your "friend" but hes a complete tool
Lol, yes....yes he is.

You know those guys that will "high-five" at every opportunity they get?  Yeah, he's one of those.
Don't pay attention to the man behind the curtain...

"I do believe that, where there is only a choice between cowardice and violence, I would advise violence." --Mahatma Ghandi