Author Topic: Interesting - Hunter Biden's Text Exchange With Lawyer  (Read 949 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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Interesting - Hunter Biden's Text Exchange With Lawyer
« on: June 11, 2021, 09:38:23 AM »
Below is a text message exchange between George Mesires, Hunter Biden's lawyer, and Hunter Biden.

Mesires: 'There are ideals of unconditional love that serve as proxies. I don't have many. You. God,'

Hunter: 'OMG n***a did you just a fictional character from the imagination of the collective frightened and my dead brothers unconditional love is what I should rely on and my kids aren't children George.'

Mesires: 'My parents love was conditioned.'

Hunter: 'My penis as of late has been un conditional.'

Mesires: 'That's why we are searching.'

Hunter: 'For my penis.'

Mesires: 'And we will always be searching.'

Hunter: 'Its big penis George. They always find it. And I only love you because you're black.'

Mesires: 'It's so annoying when you interject with frivolity.'

Hunter: 'True dat n***a. But I'm done my rant.'

Daily Mail - EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden addressed his white lawyer as 'n***a' multiple times, used phrases like 'true dat n***a' and bantered 'I only love you because you're black,' in shocking texts unearthed days after Joe's emotional Tulsa speech decrying racism - Josh Boswell

The same Hunter Biden that has porno video's of himself, pictures of smoke crack, bought a handgun and lied on his ATF 4473 form, impregnated a stripper, is in the back pocket of the Chinese and Russians and oh yeah...Is President Joe Biden's son.

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Offline Jackalope

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Re: Interesting - Hunter Biden's Text Exchange With Lawyer
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2021, 10:38:43 AM »
    He's not one of the "little" people, so he's exempt from laws.  Being the son of the "Big Guy" has its perks!

Offline grizz

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Re: Interesting - Hunter Biden's Text Exchange With Lawyer
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2021, 01:53:42 PM »
I heard he is involved in another paternity suit where he knocked up some woman at the same time he knocked up the other woman while he was married to that other woman  :facepalm:
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Offline pkveazey

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Re: Interesting - Hunter Biden's Text Exchange With Lawyer
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2021, 02:27:48 AM »
Here is something that I noticed when I worked for the State. I watched people move up and up and up through the ranks and the one thing that I saw most often was, the higher they go, the more bulletproof they think they are. They do blatant things that they never would have done while moving up. Then, just when they think they are totally bulletproof, the hammer falls hard on them and its all over. I never will understand why they work so long and hard just to piss it all away. :suicide: Am I sympathetic? Hell, no! They got exactly what they deserved to get. :chuky:

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Interesting - Hunter Biden's Text Exchange With Lawyer
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2021, 09:00:50 AM »
PKv, I think you are saying by sharing life's experience, that Hunter will get his in the end. I pray that he does as he is a leach on society not because he is the son of the President. Even though is a doddering old fool.

Writing here philosophically mind you, the U.S. is suffering birthing pains right now. Some of the pains we see are...corruption, the worship of Baal through abortion & child trafficking's, worship of money, and many many more.

I am afraid to see what is born. I guess we will get what seed we have sown.
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Offline grizz

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Re: Interesting - Hunter Biden's Text Exchange With Lawyer
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2021, 01:55:20 PM »
PKv, I think you are saying by sharing life's experience, that Hunter will get his in the end. I pray that he does as he is a leach on society not because he is the son of the President. Even though is a doddering old fool.

Writing here philosophically mind you, the U.S. is suffering birthing pains right now. Some of the pains we see are...corruption, the worship of Baal through abortion & child trafficking's, worship of money, and many many more.

I am afraid to see what is born. I guess we will get what seed we have sown.

99% of all politicians are are leaches on society, regardless of political party. Now that I think about it I cant think of one that has done any good other than shoot off their mouth to make a headline
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