Hey, thatGirl! This thread isn't meant to be discriminatory. You can post what you want. I mean, I know you have a thing for Billy Idol and all...
I didn't see it as discriminatory, but I realized the other day that what I think is "hot" is probably more "pretty". I almost posted a Neko Case video the other day in this thread, another chick I think I'd be into if I swung that way...
BTW 1000ms- you're either super intuitive or you've been talking to TG. I saw Billy Idol about a decade ago, he was probably in his late 40's at the time, washboard abs
I'm versatile though, Eddie Vedder has been my all time biggest crush since I was a teenager and the lead singer of that newer group Kings of Leon is a fine specimen
Enough of that, I just drooled on my computer