Author Topic: Great Short Read By MonkeyWerx - "Welcome To Tyranny"  (Read 825 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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Great Short Read By MonkeyWerx - "Welcome To Tyranny"
« on: July 18, 2021, 11:59:26 AM »
I received this today in my mailbox from MonkeyWerx. It is very short read but profound.

Welcome To Tyranny
By MonkeyWerx

"I once had a favorite meme I would push out as kind of a tongue-in-cheek that said “When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are ruled by criminals”.  Seemed pretty funny at the time. 

Today, not so funny. In fact, what we are experiencing is very real.

Let’s take a look at the definition of tyranny according to

An oppressive or severe form of government

An unrestrained use of authority or power

A state ruled by, or government of, an absolute ruler

Excessive severity

Cruel and unfair treatment by someone in authority..."

Click here to continue reading
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Re: Great Short Read By MonkeyWerx - "Welcome To Tyranny"
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2021, 07:38:29 AM »
And the rational for prepping is yet opaque to some?
The America we were born in has little chance of being the one we will die in.
Still, impotence in steering or braking doesn't neuter the ability to ready for impact and for the care of survivors.

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Re: Great Short Read By MonkeyWerx - "Welcome To Tyranny"
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2021, 08:34:48 AM »
Yupper Felix...Yupper.
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Offline pkveazey

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Re: Great Short Read By MonkeyWerx - "Welcome To Tyranny"
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2021, 09:07:17 AM »
I'm seeing a FEW people doing a bit of light prepping and I'm pretty sure they will not survive. The BULK of the people that I talk to about prepping seem to think that the way its always been is how its always going to be. Those people will definitely not survive. I'm a hard core prepper and I'm not certain that I will even survive. The one thing that I'm certain of is that I will survive a lot longer than those who are not hard core preppers. The currency crash and the supply shortages are going to be brutal. You can lead a prepper to supplies but you can't make them stock up. I personally have stocked up as best I can and have moved on to the one thing that is going to biggest SHOCK to most people. Pun intended. Lack of Electricity will be the biggest SHOCKER. Pun also intended. My off grid preps will be just enough to get by but they certainly won't be complete whole house but I will easily operate Lighting, Surveillance cameras, Computer, Ham radio communications, Refrigeration and Freezer, and last but not least Well Water pump. My method will be to operate outside the SYSTEM as much as possible. I've talked to 2 of my neighbors about what will happen and told them that there will be a point where all my neighbors will become well aware that things have gone bad. I told him that When that happens. I will no longer be the nut case up the road and I will meet with them all and will pass out Handi-talkies to all of those households that that have a weapon. You have no weapon, you get no radio. I will instruct them to turn the HT's on, leave them in the chargers, 24 hours a day and monitor one of the MURS frequencies. When any one of the group has a security problem, they are to get on that HT and notify the rest of the neighborhood and call for backup assistance. I actually believe that living out here in the country will give us a better warning of outsiders coming our way than those living in very urban areas. Since the wife and I have Ham licenses, we will be the communication center for our small group. Once I get information from the Ham Bands, I should be able to notify my neighbors with some advance notice by using FRS and or MURS. I hope to make 1/4 wave verticals for most if not all my neighbors to extend there radio range. I hope to be able to extend their radio range from about 2 miles to about 10 miles on MURS. So far, I have tested a 5 watt HT with a rubber duck from a friend's house 5 miles away back to my base station and it was full quieting in both directions. My friend 5 miles away has bought several HT's and has his own local group and If things get bad enough we could join forces. Something else to think about is programming your HT's to receive the 7 NOAA weather frequencies. There might be other groups using the Marine band frequencies so I also programmed those frequencies into the HT's. I didn't forget about some folks possibly using CB's so I have that capability also. At the point we are at today, our local Sheriff seems to be standing with the people of the County and I hope it stays that way. :cowboy:

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Re: Great Short Read By MonkeyWerx - "Welcome To Tyranny"
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2021, 10:04:59 AM »
WOW PKv, a lot of good information, comments, and thoughts in your post. To much to comment on so I will focus on electricity.

Saturday night around 2100 hrs. our electricity went out.

No worries, I lite two Aladdin lamps and turned on the Sirius radio to channel 26, Classic Rock.

Mrs. Mac and I sat at our kitchen table and talked. Talked about many of the adventures in life we shared together. Then we chatted about the present and what we were doing. Then we spoke to the future. Well, as far out as we could see.

During the present discussion, MrsMac said, "Gee...If we only had solar".

She was joking because the solar system that was delivered in May, was still not up and running. I reminded her that the tortoise often wins while the quick hare never finishes the race.

Eventually, we agreed that hopefully, the electric would be back on by the morning, blew out the lamps and went to bed.

Woke up to our alarm clock radio, which has a battery back-up and tried to will myself back to sleep however W3OOF kept nudging me with her cold wet nose. She wanted to go out and then breakfast. Yupper, the electric was still out so after I took care of the dog and the outside cats I made coffee and read some of the Bible. Reading 1 John right now.

Put down the Bible and got up with a heavy sigh, to do what I had been putting off - Starting the generator for the freezers and fridge.

Got suited up as it was raining cats and dogs and strolled out to the shed where we keep the generator. Moved all the junl surrounding the genny, opened up the gas seacock, put the choke in the correct position and pulled the starter cord - Nothing. Pulled the cord again and it roared to life. Yes, I take very good care of my genny.

Ran the 12 gauge cord to the cabin and then the surge protected bank of outlets. From the outlets I ran the power cords to the appliances. I truly hate this job however, it was done.

Walked upstairs from the cellar, refilled my coffee cup, turned on the Sirius radio to Fox & Friends, and settled into my Lazy-boy.

MrsMac walked out to the kitchen and poured a luke warm cup of coffee, smiled at me and said, "I woke to the nice hum of the generator. So when do you think we will have quiet back-up power?"  :facepalm:

Being a good husband and fresh from reading the Lords Word I replied, "I am working on it sweetie."

Anyway, the electric came on at about 1000 hrs. MrsMac had dressed earlier and was off to the grocery store. I had stayed home under the guise of "watching the generator" - I hate shopping.

By 1100 hrs, I had the extension cords wound up and the generator was surrounded again with rakes, shovels, etc. the normal shed crap. I had just put my butt in my chair when W3OOF went nuts. There was a Fed Ex driver at my door with a big box. I instructed him to leave it on the porch which he reluctantly agreed to.

Once the threat was gone and W3OOF had returned to her bed, I retrieved the box and opened it. Good Lord! It was the wires I had ordered weeks ago for my solar system. Yupper, a delivery on Sunday. Where I live I am lucky to get USPS mail regularly.

I guess not only does my wife wants me to finish the solar system, The good Lord wants me to finish it too.  ;D

Do not tardy in your task at becoming independent. Remember...Freedom Through Self-Reliance.   
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Re: Great Short Read By MonkeyWerx - "Welcome To Tyranny"
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2021, 07:11:52 PM »
I have a "TWENTY MINUTE RULE". When the power goes out, I wait at least 20 minutes before firing up the emergency power. Sometimes we lose power for just a few minutes like 5 to 15 minutes so I wait a while.

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Re: Great Short Read By MonkeyWerx - "Welcome To Tyranny"
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2021, 12:34:28 PM »
Storm clouds are on the horizon, there's no doubt!!
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