Author Topic: Geiger Counters  (Read 542 times)

Offline pkveazey

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Geiger Counters
« on: January 15, 2018, 02:49:37 AM »
I just ordered myself a Geiger Counter today. Years ago, I had one of those boxy yellow pieces of crap that would only warn you if you were about to be radiated to death. This new one is very sensitive and only cost $100. I can't wait to get it and try it out. Since I'm a rock hound, I've got several slightly radioactive mineral specimens in my collection to check it out. The comments on it were generally about it being so sensitive that it sometimes would go off scale if the radiation was high. Well, Hell, that's what I want. If I see it go off scale, I'll know its time to run like Hell.

Offline Erick

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Re: Geiger Counters
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2018, 07:19:04 AM »
Can you show me a link?
There are many good units for sale right now.

But if I may,.."Running like hell" because of a small reading only caught by the most sensitive setting is not always the right reaction. :hiding:
sensitive units can be fine but its important to understand whats dangerous and what isnt.

You wouldnt want to deny yourself for example a fully stocked walmart in the apocalypse if the radiation is only a few times background right?

In some cities in mountains (Andes, and a city in Iran, also the black sands of Brasil) BTW the background radiation is 10 -50 times what is "normal" for most of us.

I've been to an spot where radiation was 1200 times normal (the so called "red forest of Chernobyl")
Too high to live there or even camp for a week.

But if it was SHTF and there was fuel and i needed it I wouldnt hesitate to get it.

Just food for thought..  :dance:
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Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Geiger Counters
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2018, 08:26:17 AM »
Yeah like what Erick wrote..."Can you show me a link?" I may want to buy one.
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Offline pkveazey

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Re: Geiger Counters
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2018, 03:48:48 PM »
I ordered mine from Amazon. It allows you to choose which method you want to read. The default scale uses a low number like 1 or 2 as normal background. It goes up to about 200 before going off the scale. If I see anything close to 200, I'm changing locations real Quick. I was trained to read rads and rems so I'll have to learn more about the two other scale methods when it arrives.

Offline Jackalope

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Re: Geiger Counters
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2018, 04:11:29 PM »
I have one that I obtained off of eBay.  It was manufactured in Russia or the Ukraine, I forget.  Anyways, it seems much more reliable than my old CDV meter.  It also uses AA batteries, while my old meter uses D batteries.  I keep it in a faraday container, just in case.

Offline Erick

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Re: Geiger Counters
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2018, 09:06:58 PM »
For those who havent bought anything yet.

This is a UDR 13

Actual device used by various high end CBRN/WMD military response teams.
Easy to use ("soldier proof")
as rugged as detectors get.
hardenend against EMP
Effective for Gamma,Xray and Neutrons (Gamma is the most important for your application)
Sensitive but scale can be changed in various ways.
Takes AAA

CON: Is actually designed as  a personal dosimeter not a detector. However it can be used as  a detector and display "dose-rate" not just "Dose"

I have used these many times in real world responses with real radiation sources.
Been pretty happy with them. Clarification I always had other more purpose designed detectors on me as well.. but have so much experience with the UDR 13 I know it works.

UDR13s now on market because the Army as the primary proponent on CBRN/WMD response has gone to UDR14.
Only difference really is UDR14 is more sensitive.
I never understood the move and dindt agree with it, but here we are.

So now these are available from surplus.

I think the Army and Airforce paid $850 dollars for them ( which was actually kinda reasonable for the quality IMO)
Now can be brought for $125...
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Offline pkveazey

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Re: Geiger Counters
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2018, 11:03:13 PM »
UPDATE: The Geiger counter came early. I've been playing with it and it seems pretty intuitive. The instructions aren't as complete as I'd like but I can navigate through the menus pretty well. You can turn on or off the clicker and the alarm. It came with a card that shows limits and tells you when its time to bug out.  I checked it for background and it was right where it should be for my area. Then I took a Microlite crystal out of my collection(about 3/4" octahedron) and checked it. It didn't do much at 1 foot away but when I held it up against the case it took off pretty good. That was pretty much what I expected. Microlites are fairly safe but are not something that you want to put in your pocket and keep there like your car keys. Now that I know that it works properly, I'm charging the battery up to 100% and will put it in my bugout gear.

Offline Erick

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Re: Geiger Counters
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2018, 11:50:15 AM »
Thats good to hear.
If you tell me the exact model (maybe w/ a pic) I may be able to answer questions you may have about it depending on which one it is.
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Offline pkveazey

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Re: Geiger Counters
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2018, 06:44:57 PM »
Thats good to hear.
If you tell me the exact model (maybe w/ a pic) I may be able to answer questions you may have about it depending on which one it is.

Its a GQ Electronics GMC-300E+ There are pix on Amazon. There also is a website that has a downloadable operating manual. I'll be downloading it because the paper one that came with it doesn't give as much detail as I'd like.