Author Topic: David Codrea Asks "Who is the real embarrasment when it comes to open carry?"  (Read 502 times)

Offline EJR914

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Who's the Embarrassment?
Look, we all get it. He is exercising his right to carry a firearm. But his exhibitionist approach is rude and inconsiderate of his fellow citizens who have no idea who he is or what he is up to. [More]
I don't think you DO get it.

If you can't see something it can't hurt you?  Isn't that equivalent to a child pulling his covers over his head to keep the boogeyman from getting him?

What you're really saying is, you judge everything by your provincial outlook.  When I went to the Georgia Carry Annual Meeting, hundreds were open carrying--in a real nice hotel in the metropolitan Atlanta area--and nobody freaked out because the practice has been socially normed there--as it has been in many places.

That won't ever happen in "gun friendly" Evansville if the very people pretending to support the right to keep and BEAR arms publicly scorn regional pioneers of the practice as "fools."

You'll have to click the link to get to the other story:

Another grand slam by Codrea!   [URL=
