Author Topic: Call to Arms: Obamacare  (Read 1286 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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Call to Arms: Obamacare
« on: September 08, 2013, 04:02:49 AM »
MrsMac and I are up at the cabin putting in some wood for this coming winter. We were invited by some likeminded folks to a local Tea Party meeting Saturday afternoon. The main event was a presentation by The Heritage Action Sentinel Program a sub group of the Heritage Foundation.

There were over 100 people in attendance at the local Baptist church along with three folks from The Heritage Action Sentinel Program and a few local Politicians thrown in for good measure. The main reason for the meeting was to discuss Defunding Obamacare.

The meeting was kicked off by the church?s Pastor who gave a heartfelt sermon on Syria, IRS, NSA, Fast & Furious, Benghazi and last - Obamacare.

In a nutshell the Pastor told us he knows we have all written letters, made phone calls and attended Town Hall Meetings to let our Representatives know where we stand on issues; however it?s not enough. We need to speak up LOUD & CLEAR to our Representatives that we want them to defund Obamacare in the coming weeks fight over the budget (s). Well I agree!

So I am going to take a minute (Or two) to do some preaching myself.
I know that many of you have written & sent letters, made phone calls and sent emails to your Representatives in the past ? Well you need to do it again!

I am asking you to write three letters delivered by US mail or email. One to your districts US Representative and one to each of your US Senators, letting them know that you support defunding Obamacare. If you don?t find the time to do it today you will look back each year as you send in your Obamacare payment (or fine), and think, ?I should have done something rather than just whining about this terrible legislation.?

If you do nothing, and Obamacare goes into effect, the tentacles of this O?bomination will wiggle themselves  into every orifice of your body by telling you what you can and can't do to your own body and home. Like:

> Smoke tobacco,
> Eat red meat,
> Be a certain weight,
> Drink alcohol,
> Have guns in your home if you have children,
> Buy milk, eggs, pork, vegetables from your local farmer,
> and the list goes on...

This law is an O?bomination and YOU have the power to defund it!

This sermon from old JohnyMac, imploring you to write to your Congressman - Is a Call to Arms! If only 10% of this forum sent off the three letters I described earlier and you each in turn got another 10% of your friends & family to do so. It would surely be the ?nudge? that our Representatives need to do the right thing.

After all, YOUR Representatives know it is the right road to take as they have excluded themselves from Obamacare. Now their aids have received a waver from Obamacare. As has the IRS, Red Lobster, Olive Garden, Dish Network, Aetna Insurance - All told 111 companies and Federal agencies. But YOU will not be receiving a waiver...Unless you act!

Send your letters to let your Representatives in Washington know, that YOU want a waiver too.

Speak up now or forever hold your peace.

"Some animals are more equal than other animals." George Orwell, Animal Farm

Post your letter (s) here for all to see and use as templates.
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Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Call to Arms: Obamacare
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2013, 04:34:06 AM »
A copy of what I sent my two Senators and Representative. Will it be to hard for you to copy & paste this in a email to your Representatives? It should only take all of 15 minutes or so away from your GTA (Grand Theft Auto) game or Dancing With the Star TV program.  ;)

Mrs & Mr. Mac

Honorable Senator Jack Reed
728 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

September 8, 2013

Dear Senator Reed

I would like to share with you my wife & my opinion on the Affordable Care Act and the up and coming ?defunding? of this Act.

You know as well as I do that the Affordable Care Act is an O? bomination! After all you have given yourself and your staff?s a waiver ? Haven?t you?

A line from George Orwell?s book, Animal Farm comes to mind, "Some animals are more equal than other animals."

If this Act is allowed to go into law the tentacles of this O?bomination will be going into every orifice of our bodies. The Act will tell us what to eat, what weight we should be at, who receives medical treatment & who doesn?t, and we have the honor to pay some bureaucrat in Washington to tell us these things.

Senator, to be crystal clear, my wife & I would like you to vote to defund the Affordable Care Act!
We are also carbon copying this letter to Senators McConnell and Reid so they too are aware of the opinions of two of your fellow Rhode Islanders on this matter.

Mrs & Mr. Mac
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Offline crudos

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Re: Call to Arms: Obamacare
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2013, 01:02:42 PM »
I wouldn't trust the Heritage Foundation as far as I could throw Rush Limbaugh. In my research with my current provider, my costs will go down, my care options will increase and the Obama tentacles will be made into sushi with the money I'll be saving.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Call to Arms: Obamacare
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2013, 01:27:58 PM »
I have been notified by BlueCross BlueShield that starting January 2014 our premiums will almost double. That will be close to $1.8K a month for MrsMac and me. Could I get in line to suckle at the Federal teat sure...But it ain't going to happen.

It's not the money it's the principle of the thing. This is a free country (Or use to be). Free to smoke if I want to. Free to be over weight if I choose. Free to not share with President Obama's minions how many guns I have in my home - If I have any. Free to not go before a death panel to get permission to have a stint put in my heart.

My libertarian beliefs do not lend me to pay for your or anybody else's health insurance. To prove my point I have been out of work since October 2010, except for a short six month stint working for a friend. I do not draw unemployment insurance. Could I - Yupper but we will not be holding to the machine. We will not become a sheeple all lined up waiting to take our turn, as mentioned above; to suckle at the Federal teat.

Good luck to all the folks that decide to take hand-outs from President Obama. Let me know how that turns out for you.  :hiding:
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Offline crudos

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Re: Call to Arms: Obamacare
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2013, 01:40:52 PM »
Fair enough JM, agree to disagree, but think there is an awful lot of untruth being paraded around. I would double and triple-check everything the Heritage Foundation is saying to you regarding affordable healthcare.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Call to Arms: Obamacare
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2013, 02:48:09 PM »
 :thumbsUp: Crudos.

Thanks for your thoughts on the Heritage Foundation. I agree with you in that I need to do my own research - Which I have done previous to the meeting I attended this past Saturday.

As of January 1, 2014, as I wrote in a previous subject, MrsMac and I are going to drop BC/BS and deposit $1K a month in a high interest money market account. From this account we will fund our own medical bills which will include paying an up front retainer fee to our doctor.
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Offline Reaver

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Re: Call to Arms: Obamacare
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2013, 12:42:50 AM »
Writing G damn letters is a G damn waste of Fn time.

THEY ALL BLOW EACH OTHER! Collapse the Fn system.

Violence is inevitable, and on the horizon getting closer by the day.
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Offline USMC0331

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Re: Call to Arms: Obamacare
« Reply #7 on: September 30, 2013, 12:54:32 AM »
While not the language I would use, I gotta agree with Reaver's prognosis.
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Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Call to Arms: Obamacare
« Reply #8 on: September 30, 2013, 08:17:01 AM »
Me personally, I will continue to write and call as I know it annoys "them."  Doesn't waste my time as I have plenty of that.
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Offline Well-Prepared Witch

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Re: Call to Arms: Obamacare
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2013, 10:13:51 AM »
I am not going to address the Obamacare subject as I respectfully disagree with you, JM, but I did want to comment on Reaver's post.  I know I've frequently thought there's no way to fix the system.  I don't want the chaos, pain and violence that a collapse will bring, but I do wonder how we can continue to be a free society when the population in general is a) unwilling to take responsibility for itself and b) opportunities for normal folks are vanishing faster than you can say "one-percenters".  Sometimes I wonder if our current (and future) population numbers can support a free society.  There are so many of us, and we're such a heavy burden on the planet and each other and our resources are so heavily strained.  Trying to fix the system seems like trying to fix a leaky faucet without turning off the water first.  :tinfoil:  Sorry for hijacking the thread!
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Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Call to Arms: Obamacare
« Reply #10 on: September 30, 2013, 11:21:45 AM »
No worries Wellie, I do not think you are hijacking this subject.  :thumbsUp:

I do agree with your "a & b" statements.

When I was working we had a saying at our company, "Sales cure all ills." If you think about these four words it kind of sums it up for most if not all businesses.

I would like to start a new phrase, "Jobs cure all ills." Think about these few stats....

U-3 unemployment rate (What you hear in the news all of the time) is about 7%. The U-6 (Real rate) unemployment rate is about 15%.

Then there is the Shadow Unemployment rate which is around 23%.
The shadow labor supply includes discouraged workers, who have stopped seeking work because they view economic conditions as weak. The shadow supply also includes other workers marginally attached to the labor force, having looked for a job sometime in the past year, but not in the last four weeks. And we consider the shadow supply to be still broader, including anyone who says they want a job but are not looking for one. If many of these individuals start actively seeking jobs as the economy recovers, they will be counted as unemployed until they find work, and that could push the unemployment rate upward or at least slow its descent.

Bottom-line, many of our nations whoas would be solved with jobs - Private sector jobs.

Just for kicks giggles, google companies going part time. After you read the articles what conclusion do you come to why companies are going part-time?

All good stuff.
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Re: Call to Arms: Obamacare
« Reply #11 on: September 30, 2013, 11:23:16 AM »
I am not going to address the Obamacare subject as I respectfully disagree with you, JM, but I did want to comment on Reaver's post.  I know I've frequently thought there's no way to fix the system.  I don't want the chaos, pain and violence that a collapse will bring, but I do wonder how we can continue to be a free society when the population in general is a) unwilling to take responsibility for itself and b) opportunities for normal folks are vanishing faster than you can say "one-percenters".  Sometimes I wonder if our current (and future) population numbers can support a free society.  There are so many of us, and we're such a heavy burden on the planet and each other and our resources are so heavily strained.  Trying to fix the system seems like trying to fix a leaky faucet without turning off the water first.  :tinfoil:  Sorry for hijacking the thread!
Good point and to JohnnyMac do what you got to do, if writing letters is the only way to fight this then by all means write.