We've had some issues with our free range chickens wandering into the road. They have plenty of acreage to ravage, but for some reason they like to eat along the road, or even cross it. It's mostly a younger generation that's full of rebels. We don't have much traffic on the road, but I still worry. A fence is eventually going to be installed, but that won't happen until late fall, when poison ivy isn't active. Whenever I notice them heading for the road I go out with a super soaker squirt carbine, and chase them into the backyard, and that remedies the problem for a few hours.
So I've been looking for a temporary solution until the fence is installed. Last night, I had an "eureka" moment when I stumbled across a box in the garage. The box had a "cobra-jet animal repeller". Essentially, it's a water sprayer connected to a motion sensor that's been engineered for pest control. I just connected it to a garden hose and staked it into the ground. It generates a forceful spray in a wide arc. It works great and it has definitely discouraged my young marauders from wandering into the road. It's nice because it doesn't sleep and it's harmless. A great solution to keep my wild girls in check!