Author Topic: ACOG question  (Read 1509 times)


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ACOG question
« on: January 19, 2012, 07:19:19 PM »
what is the difference between this one

and this one

regarding the thing on the top, i have wondered this for a while.

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Re: ACOG question
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2012, 08:01:21 PM »
The thing on the top is some kind of fiber optic thing that lights the cross-hair.
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Re: ACOG question
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2012, 01:59:22 AM »
It does much more than simply light the cross hair, or rather the chevron, donut, or horseshoe reticle on some models. It provides what is called the "bindon aiming concept". It's hard to explain, and it doesn't work for everyone, but it almost lets you be as fast as a red dot up close. I guess the best way to explain it is; when you are moving the scope, and the image in it is blurred, all your mind sees is the illuminated reticle, but when it stops your eyes/mind focuses on the now clear image.   I used one for years, and still do bust it out when shooting further than 200 meters or so, but I now mostly use an aimpoint, mainly because it makes holdover so much easier up close.  With the magnification on an ACOG it's slower because you have to think more about how much higher you have to aim.

It is freaking bomb proof though, I've dropped entire other rifles on mine, and it didn't lose zero, and the glass is very nice.
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Re: ACOG question
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2012, 02:03:54 AM »
It does much more than simply light the cross hair, or rather the chevron, donut, or horseshoe reticle on some models. It provides what is called the "bindon aiming concept". It's hard to explain, and it doesn't work for everyone, but it almost lets you be as fast as a red dot up close. I guess the best way to explain it is; when you are moving the scope, and the image in it is blurred, all your mind sees is the illuminated reticle, but when it stops your eyes/mind focuses on the now clear image.   I used one for years, and still do bust it out when shooting further than 200 meters or so, but I now mostly use an aimpoint, mainly because it makes holdover so much easier up close.  With the magnification on an ACOG it's slower because you have to think more about how much higher you have to aim.

It is freaking bomb proof though, I've dropped entire other rifles on mine, and it didn't lose zero, and the glass is very nice.

right on. that is what i was looking for. so the scope with out the fibers on top doesnt have a lit crosshair? 

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Re: ACOG question
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2012, 02:31:17 AM »
Some have a cross hair.
I had a TA31 that was a solid black scope crosshair during high light settings. Then as it got darker the center reticle turned green.
Was pretty sick. But sold it for huge profit  [URL=
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Re: ACOG question
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2012, 02:37:31 AM »
The one with fiber optics on top has fiber optic illumination and tritium.
the one with no fiber optic only has tritium.

like reaver said the reticule doesn't light up in the day time with just the tritium. the fiber optic does no matter what.
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Re: ACOG question
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2012, 02:57:47 AM »
hhmmm i wonder if it would benefit having the regular black cross hair during the day.

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Re: ACOG question
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2012, 03:04:29 AM »
hhmmm i wonder if it would benefit having the regular black cross hair during the day.

I didn't like it.
I prefer the Bright Red Chevron actually. The crosshair is kind of hard to see at night.
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Re: ACOG question
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2012, 03:07:49 AM »
hhmmm i wonder if it would benefit having the regular black cross hair during the day.

I didn't like it.
I prefer the Bright Red Chevron actually. The crosshair is kind of hard to see at night.

oh well the chevron is what i meant, but yeah i just dont have any experience with lighted optics. can i 'wash out' in really bright areas during the day?

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Re: ACOG question
« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2012, 03:30:32 AM »
hhmmm i wonder if it would benefit having the regular black cross hair during the day.

I didn't like it.
I prefer the Bright Red Chevron actually. The crosshair is kind of hard to see at night.

oh well the chevron is what i meant, but yeah i just dont have any experience with lighted optics. can i 'wash out' in really bright areas during the day?

Not really man.... I mean they worked in Iraq really well.
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Re: ACOG question
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2012, 12:26:13 PM »
Never had a problem with mine.  [URL=

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Re: ACOG question
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2012, 08:48:42 PM »
hhmmm i wonder if it would benefit having the regular black cross hair during the day.

I didn't like it.
I prefer the Bright Red Chevron actually. The crosshair is kind of hard to see at night.

oh well the chevron is what i meant, but yeah i just dont have any experience with lighted optics. can i 'wash out' in really bright areas during the day?

No, if anything it will be too bright, I use an inner tube to cover up most of the fiber optic on mine, it's just blooming like a mother during the day.
It's better to have it and not need it ...


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Re: ACOG question
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2012, 12:48:58 AM »
The first one is a T-A1 model if I'm not mistaken. Solid metal, designed for use with a traditional M-16 carry handle. The other one is a newer variant with the light absorbing optic cables on top. Both have bullet drop compensation.


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Re: ACOG question
« Reply #13 on: August 11, 2012, 06:43:07 PM »
i have an ACOG on my M4 and love the thing, chevron is bright as balls during the day, but not lit at all without light. i dont know if its just old as dirt and the tritium is worn out, or if its a model without tritium. its a TA31 but still not sure.

totally gona buy one for my at home rifle.

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Re: ACOG question
« Reply #14 on: August 11, 2012, 07:14:01 PM »
totally gona buy one for my at home rifle.

but is the acog really best suited for your ao?
unless you live in iraq or afhganistan or some other prairie you might be better off with a red dot
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Re: ACOG question
« Reply #15 on: August 11, 2012, 07:27:07 PM »
totally gona buy one for my at home rifle.

but is the acog really best suited for your ao?
unless you live in iraq or afhganistan or some other prairie you might be better off with a red dot

its a good for as close as 25m or so from my experience. and it doesnt take batteries.

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Re: ACOG question
« Reply #16 on: August 11, 2012, 11:25:46 PM »
I have a TA31A4 (the USMC RCO) and I love it. I have both an Aimpoint and an RCO, and I prefer the RCO. It takes a little bit to get used to and requires a little more skill but it can be used with the same proficiency as a red dot at close ranges as long as you understand how it works.

Mine is lit up really bright on Sunny days. There is no trouble seeing it. The manual actually recomends you covering some of the Light collector up with tape so as to not be so bright. When you walk into a room or a darker area the reticle immediately adjusts to a mellow red as the Tritium takes over. People say it is hard to see at night but that is because they aren't letting their eyes adjust to the darkness.

The bindon concept is awsome. Always look through the ACOG with both eyes open exactly like a red dot until you get past 300 yards. If you're right eyed and you are looking through the acog your brain sees two images: Your unmagnified left eye and the magnified right. When your eyes are moving and you are looking around your brain focuses on the non magnified eye but when you focus on a fixed spot your brain adjusts to the magnified eye.

Sounds complicated but you get it right off the bat. It works beautifully.

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Re: ACOG question
« Reply #17 on: August 11, 2012, 11:29:50 PM »
The bindon concept is awsome. Always look through the ACOG with both eyes open exactly like a red dot until you get past 300 yards. If you're right eyed and you are looking through the acog your brain sees two images: Your unmagnified left eye and the magnified right. When your eyes are moving and you are looking around your brain focuses on the non magnified eye but when you focus on a fixed spot your brain adjusts to the magnified eye.

Yes both eyes open is the way to go for sure. Im still struggling with this as im right handed, left eye dominant. On the pistol i just shift my head to use my dominant eye but on the rifle/shotgun its pretty tough.
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Re: ACOG question
« Reply #18 on: August 12, 2012, 10:42:27 AM »
The bindon concept is awsome. Always look through the ACOG with both eyes open exactly like a red dot until you get past 300 yards. If you're right eyed and you are looking through the acog your brain sees two images: Your unmagnified left eye and the magnified right. When your eyes are moving and you are looking around your brain focuses on the non magnified eye but when you focus on a fixed spot your brain adjusts to the magnified eye.

Yes both eyes open is the way to go for sure. Im still struggling with this as im right handed, left eye dominant. On the pistol i just shift my head to use my dominant eye but on the rifle/shotgun its pretty tough.

damn that's rough. I guess I'm lucky to be dominant in my right eye, and right handed. that would be a pain in the ass. you're gonna have to practice even harder bro. nbd though, you'll be fine.
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Re: ACOG question
« Reply #19 on: August 12, 2012, 10:51:38 AM »
The bindon concept is awsome. Always look through the ACOG with both eyes open exactly like a red dot until you get past 300 yards. If you're right eyed and you are looking through the acog your brain sees two images: Your unmagnified left eye and the magnified right. When your eyes are moving and you are looking around your brain focuses on the non magnified eye but when you focus on a fixed spot your brain adjusts to the magnified eye.

Yes both eyes open is the way to go for sure. Im still struggling with this as im right handed, left eye dominant. On the pistol i just shift my head to use my dominant eye but on the rifle/shotgun its pretty tough.

damn that's rough. I guess I'm lucky to be dominant in my right eye, and right handed. that would be a pain in the ass. you're gonna have to practice even harder bro. nbd though, you'll be fine.

Yeah ive been dealing with it for years. The ideal thing to do is when you first start shooting switch to left handed but thats another pain, finding left handed guns sucks. I still shoot both eyes open but the image i use to aim with isnt as pronounced as a guy using his dominant eye. With the scoped weapons i just close my left eye last second for the shot to keep it from straining.

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Re: ACOG question
« Reply #20 on: August 12, 2012, 11:00:19 AM »
Even our beloved Hickok45 is right handed, Left eye dominant. Notice how he barries his cheek in his shoulder to get his left eye behind the gun. In all honesty with a pistol i feel its an advantage because you rest your head against your shoulder making your shooting eye more stable. Maybe thats why he can make those crazy long shots with a pistol?

« Last Edit: August 12, 2012, 11:04:01 AM by Kentactic »
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