One of the drawbacks of moving about the country is finding quality service people AGAIN. Plumbers, carpenters, mechanics, and doctors come immediately to mind. As expected, we are having these challenges as we settle in full-time at the redoubt.
Now that we are retired, I am handling most of the plumbing, carpentry, et cetera projects around the cabin but alas I have to still hire a doctor, lawyer, accountant, et cetera.
Without doing the usual research I do, I threw caution to the wind and went with the first doctor that was recommended to me by MrsMac's health care system - Wrong move.
In short I have gone to this doctor four times since April and after the last visit I terminated her employment.
In essence I found her to be:
> Un-engaged,
> Autocratic,
> Condescending, and
> Just plain rude.
Now this post is not about me other than to use as an example and encourage the folks on this forum to not put up with less than stellar performance from folks you hire. Let it be a lawyer, accountant, plumber, OR a Doctor.