Author Topic: Seven Reasons  (Read 743 times)

Offline Nemo

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Seven Reasons
« on: January 09, 2017, 11:10:46 PM »
Guess we aren't the only ones thinking continuing is a good idea.  Side note. is not a bad website to have in your bookmarks and visit once in a while.  Or more often.


7 Reasons You Gotta Keep Prepping Under Trump
Written by: Rich M Extreme Survival 10

The Left has been running scared ever since Donald Trump won the presidential election. Thanks to the media narrative throughout the campaign, they are convinced that Trump is the atheist version of the devil incarnate, out to destroy their god (big government) and everything the progressive left has done to warp the principles of this country.

Liberals, by the droves, are joining the prepping movement: buying guns, stockpiling food and other essential supplies for an expected, coming disaster. Of course, they can’t define the disaster, other than to say it’s the incoming president, but to them, that’s a disaster.

On the other hand, many conservative preppers have put their prepping on hold, as if Trump could single-handedly stop a natural disaster or a terrorist attack on the grid.

A change in the president doesn’t make the world much safer than it was before. Oh, he might be able to enact some laws and initiatives which will eventually make the world a safer place, but only in some ways. Nothing that any president can do will stop a hurricane from hitting our shores. Nor is there much likelihood that any president could truly put a stop to terrorism, no matter how hard he or she tried.

The world is still a dangerous place and is likely to stay that way for as long as we live. Here are seven reasons you should continue prepping:

1. Natural disasters didn’t go away

The most likely disaster that any of us prepare for is a natural disaster. Statistically, we are all likely to live through one or more of these in our lifetime. While not as “sexy” as a nation-crippling EMP, natural disasters are what started the prepping movement. They are the foundation of all that we do.

Be Prepared! Store An ‘Emergency Seed Bank’ For A Crisis Garden

No president can stop a natural disaster, at least, not with our current level of technology. We will continue to see natural disasters strike various parts of the country and see people lose their lives and property to them. About the only thing the government can do is improve their ability to react to those disasters — something that I won’t hold my breath waiting for.

2. The power grid is still at risk

The most vulnerable part of our country’s infrastructure is the electrical grid. In pretty much any natural disaster or even a large storm, you can count on the power going out. And it doesn’t even require a storm. Remember the 2003 Northeast blackout that took out power for 55 million people in the Northeast? It all started with a software bug at one utility in Ohio. Then there’s the danger of cyber threats. Gary Davis of the California-based Intel Security said representatives from other nations at the United Nations have told him that their biggest concern is that a “teenager could take down” their country’s power grid. Speaking of cyber threats …

3. Cybersecurity

Worldwide, the problems of cybersecurity have steadily increased. In his New Year’s address, President-elect Trump said that there is no such thing as true security over any electronic means of communication. He recommended putting things on paper and using good old-fashioned snail-mail or couriers, if you want security.

Any country’s power grid is susceptible to hacking. Both China and Russia have invested in this area of warfare, with China being the clear world leader. All it would take is a decision in Beijing, and the lights would go out nationwide in the U.S.

Netflix, Twitter and Amazon all went down in 2016 due to hacker attacks. LogRhythm, which helps companies guard against cyber threats, is predicting the entire “internet will be shut down for up to 24 hours” in 2017 due to cyberattacks.

4. A Carrington Event

The 1989 Solar Storm That Knocked Out The Grid, Closed Schools & Businesses, & Panicked The Population

Our sun is extremely active, with massive solar storms and sunspots appearing and disappearing regularly. We nearly were hit in the 2014, when an extreme solar storm sent electromagnet waves, known as a coronal mass ejection, in our direction, narrowly missing the Earth. Had those waves gone out at a few degrees in different direction, they would have hit us squarely, shutting down not only our grid but every electrical grid in the hemisphere.

The largest solar storm in modern history, knows as the Carrington Event, took place 1859. Since there was no grid and virtually no electronic equipment to be damaged, the storm had little effect other than to damage some telegraph machines. But if it such a thing happens again today, it will be devastating.

5. EMP attack

Then there’s the risk of an enemy attacking us by EMP. As best I know, neither Iran nor North Korea are running scared of Trump. Both of those countries are hard at work on both their nuclear programs and their missile programs. The only question is whether Iran would attack Israel or the United States first.

Similar to a Carrington-type event, a properly run EMP attack would shut down the grid for the foreseeable future, with devastating results. According to a report to Congress by the EMP Commission, as much as 90 percent of the population would die in the first year following such an attack.

6. The threat of terrorism

While Trump says he takes the threat of extremist Muslim terrorism seriously, it will take time for any of his initiatives to make a dent in terrorism, let alone bring it to a stop. The cancer of terrorism is loose in the world — and it’s not going to go away quickly. As the United States and countries throughout Europe and the Middle East have discovered, it is difficult to prevent lone wolf terrorists.

7. A possible economic collapse

There have been rumors of a pending economic collapse for years, ever since the national debt spiraled out of control. Yet the collapse hasn’t yet happened. But the conditions which create the concern of a collapse have not gone away.

The globalists control much of the world’s monetary supply, giving them a huge amount of leverage to control world events. It is they, more than any other group, who create economic rises and falls and can even orchestrate a financial collapse. If they decide a financial collapse is in their best interest — not the best interest of the USA, mind you — they will make it happen.
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Offline Kbop

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Re: Seven Reasons
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2017, 08:11:30 AM »
Nice read.  Only 7 reasons? :) 
My particular favorite is that all things built by man is kinda trial and error - everything fails eventually.  my #1 reason is the second law of thermodynamics.

Online JohnyMac

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Re: Seven Reasons
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2017, 09:54:51 AM »
Well I'm glad that other folks are pointing out the return to normalcy bias of the prepping community. I though it was just the forward thinking folks here on Unchainedpreppers.
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