Author Topic: WW III  (Read 813 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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« on: May 14, 2019, 10:24:29 AM »
With Russia in Valenzuela and Cuba, with NORK's firing short range missiles, and with war just around the corner with Iran. What do you think will happen?

 Here is a great article on this subject that appeared on AP written by NC Scout.

The article talks to the, buildup of Cuba, Iran and Northern Korea's war machine. Heck, Iran hit two Saudi Arabian oil tankers with missiles over the weekend.

Read it and then comment/war game on what you think will happen in the near future, if anything.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2019, 10:30:31 AM by JohnyMac »
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Offline JoJo

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« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2019, 12:56:30 PM »
 In 1941/42 America was caught with its pants down by relying on the outdated battleship. History is repeating itself but this time it is the aircraft carrier that is outdated.
 President Trump seems to understand this by deploying B-52's and who knows what else like B-2 Stealth Bombers.
 We are living in dangerous times which I believe was brought on by the democrat party and the obama administration. Their continuous attack to remove President Trump from office has emboldened our enemies to the point where they believe they can win in an all out war. :hiding:
In principle, no less than in practice, socialism is the ideology of thieves and tyrants.

Offline JohnyMac

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« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2019, 01:34:59 PM »
Just "game playing" here...

What if Cuba, Iran, and NoKor attack folks within their sphere. Cuba, attacks USofA via missiles and ground pounders already staged in the country and Venezuela. Iran attacks the foes in the Middle East, e.g. Saudi Arabia, Israel, etc. and the NOKOR's attack S.Korea, Taiwan, etc.

The major weapon would be missiles followed with ground troops.

The above mentioned axis of evil will be supplied by Russia and maybe China.

World dominance or even US dominance would be the end game. Just end up putting the globe into a World War situation.

I am still trying to game plan this scenario. Thoughts are appreciated. 
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« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2019, 01:52:37 PM »
Gonna add a few thoughts here.

Not really sure that Russia and China can collaborate very well with each other.

Now that being said.

It would be in both of their interests to encourage the smaller players mentioned before, to start trouble. Thus if the US was to respond to any of the flareup's. Then we would be REALLY spread thin. Especially if things happened somewhat around the same time.

In reference to Cuba. Attacking the US is way beyond their capabilities and to stupid a move even of commies. Now I can see Cuba possibly deploying the Venezuela to assist the communist government in holding control. Thus pissing the USA off.

So if in addition to all the many places we have troops committed. Trouble breaks out in Korea, South America and Iran. The US would be hard pressed to commit military forces to uphold the defence agreements with friends in those areas.

One we get over extended doing that. Then I can see China and Russia taking advantage of this and making some expansionist moves in little chunks.

Interesting times I think.

Offline JoJo

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« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2019, 05:30:29 PM »
 If trouble starts I think the President would come down hard and fast and eliminate the problem quickly.
 We are still at war with North Korea so President Trump could do as he pleases with them.
 Iran would have to fight a two front war with the US on one side and Israel on the other.
 Almost all of South America wants to rid themselves of Maduro. Plenty of allies there.

 My opinion is that the only way we could lose a conventional war is if our communications and GPS satellite's are taken out.   
In principle, no less than in practice, socialism is the ideology of thieves and tyrants.


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« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2019, 04:16:47 AM »
Been thinking a bit on this whole issue.

Now I must say that I am very aware that crazy stuff happens all the time and usually is a surprise.

Most of the current activities by the bad actors is in some ways just business as usual.

I have a hard time at the moment seeing any of them crossing the line into the realm where the USA feels it needs to take substantial action.

1. North Korea in a threat as it has been for decades. Yet there is no way they could achieve any substantial gains in attacking the south. They just could not win in the end. I believe that there is a good potential that they know this.

2. Cuba is a non entity in terms of military threats. Once again they do not have the ability to project military might in a substantial way. They would get swatted down in very short order.

3. While the situation in Venezuela is dire. It affects their neighbours more than the USA. So they are not a threat to the USA. Might be somewhere where military assistance would be initiated to prevent a humanitarian crisis though.

4. While Iran is a real threat in their region. They are facing getting quickly swatted by many other nations in the area as well as the USA. There is no incentive to cross that line for Iran. There are no realistic gains that Iran could make in the situation.

5. Russia and China are doing what they need to do to further strengthen their nations as would be expected. There are no practical incentives for them to enter into a real conflict with the USA.

So the threat landscape is somewhat the same as has been for a good while now.

The threats I am watching for are centered on. Natural environment gottcha's (Flu pandemic, big natural disasters, CME's and such). Economic disasters.

Another I keep a weary eye on is terrorist organisations. Not the little crap they have been pulling all along. But if they go to the next level. If they gain chemical, biological or nuclear capabilities. Then we are going to have some real issues.

Cheers all.

Offline Rogue-Metalsmith

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« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2019, 09:14:41 AM »
I also need to add on a bit here.

Russia had a nuclear deal they were trying to push through with our x-nob president Zuma not so long ago here in SA, and now the ANC cronies are in cahoots with the Chinese practically selling SA to them with under the table deals.

now... In SA back in the day we had some very controversial things happening with Nuclear research and development. Things not a lot of folks know about. We had some of the worlds fore-most experts working on some dangerous things up until apartheid ended. Many reports indicated that most of the research was destroyed before the handover occurred.

How much of that is true no one really knows.

Not sure which way things will end up going, but none of it bodes well for any of us.

Sunny side up



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« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2019, 02:25:02 AM »
I also need to add on a bit here.

Russia had a nuclear deal they were trying to push through with our x-nob president Zuma not so long ago here in SA, and now the ANC cronies are in cahoots with the Chinese practically selling SA to them with under the table deals.

now... In SA back in the day we had some very controversial things happening with Nuclear research and development. Things not a lot of folks know about. We had some of the worlds fore-most experts working on some dangerous things up until apartheid ended. Many reports indicated that most of the research was destroyed before the handover occurred.

How much of that is true no one really knows.

Not sure which way things will end up going, but none of it bodes well for any of us.

Yes I have seen some references to some of the nuclear research that was being conducted in SA.

There was one design that was ground breaking.

The pebble bed reactor design if it had been adopted would have transformed the industry.

I may be wrong. If memory serves right. The design addressed much of the safety issues and would have been very efficient.