It helps our cause immensely that they seem intent on stepping on rakes every couple hours. I've heard some serious talk about truckers refusing all deliveries to large cities, especially DC. They know that they have to try to carry it through, because the blowback if they fail will be massive and permanent. They might have had roughly half of voters on their side a few years ago, but as every "mandate" and restriction rolls out, they lose more and more of their own. I would suspect (and hope) that the line for a lot of people will be the kids- mandates for 5-11 year olds are coming, soon. When the death toll nationally for that age group is around 500, every one of which had a serious illness, and I'll bet a lot of those were either flu or "death with covid". Child sacrifice is their sacrament, they drool at the thought of grieving parents. We are facing demons here, chaos and misery is their goal.
People are fighting back, mostly in ways that they can't fight. That terrifies them, like the father that basically tricked the cop at a school board meeting into serving all the board members with a $200 million lawsuit, and he told them that when this one gets thrown out, we have another, and another... They'll still call it "terrorism", but they know their petty name-calling falls on increasingly deaf ears.
I think what's happening is people are starting to see that this crisis is not a monolithic darkness, just a collection of charlatans, cheats, and bitter losers, most of whom are educated beyond their intelligence and are absolutely terrified that someone will just point at them and laugh, then ignore them. And that is what's happening more and more. We will undoubtedly pass though a fire, what comes out the other side, who knows?