Author Topic: When homes and buildings burn.  (Read 696 times)

Offline JoJo

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When homes and buildings burn.
« on: July 07, 2017, 06:27:52 PM »
 I found this PDF in a post called "When Homes and Building Burn During the Next Super Storm" at

Page 12 tells the damage that will occur.
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Offline Kbop

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Re: When homes and buildings burn.
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2017, 08:01:48 PM »
the author of that article has a good point. 
the failure of the scada systems will also cause havoc gas lines will rupture, chemical plant booboos, etc.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: When homes and buildings burn.
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2017, 07:43:30 AM »
Thank you JoJo for the two articles.

I read all of the first article plus the comments as per your suggestion on the second one, pages 11-13, which described the results of a CME.

A few comments from old JohnyMac:

1) I wonder if the worlds governments would warn its citizenry of a coming CME? It sounds silly however I keep tabs on world leaders
     like our own President. If he and his family go dark, there is good reason to prepare in your own little world.
2) I think the prepping fervor reached its height in 2012-13 and has waned considerably since then. With the election of Mr. Trump many
    preppers have become former preppers. My brother is an excellent example. He and his family do not see a need to prep anymore.

    Not to be critical however I have seen it here on Unchained Preppers. Many of the topics have moved from gardening, DIY subjects,
    et cetera, to political & news events, memes, and funny stories. That is fine, however take notice of the shift.
3) Reading these and other articles, I am rethinking my use of solar. In a CME or EMP event I suspect a fire could start. Obviously my
    battery controller would be toast. I am thinking of keeping all of my solar stuff in storage until it is really needed.
4) MrsMac and I have started to shop for a new fridge. We are defiantly comparing a propane vs. kerosene one. Suggestions? If we have any extra cash, maybe a alternative fuel chest freezer too.
5) Originally, my plan for lightening was kerosene lamps. Before the cabin had grid power (2013/14) we used kerosene for light and
    used 12 volt power (solar/inverter) for our few electrical needs. Then I moved from kerosene as our back-up to 12 volt for everything.
    I am rethinking my position. I used ~55 gallons of kerosene in a year for lighting. One wick per Aladdin lamp and a dozen Aladdin
6) Our water is gravity fed as I have written about here in a past DYI article. The pipe from the well is fed to a few outside facets and
    ends at the houses cistern. The water is pumped from the cistern to the houses faucets via a marine 12 volt pump. Yes I have a
    spare pump and pump guts.
7) Et cetera. I have written ad nausem here about what we have done to date. Don't mean to bore the reader.

So...What have you and yourn done to prepare for a CME or EMP event?

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Offline Kbop

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Re: When homes and buildings burn.
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2017, 08:25:22 AM »
1) there is somewhere between 0sec and a day of so warning at best.  the .gov may not know until the lights go out.  they can read into sun spots and coronal holes and make guesses but it isn't very exact.
2) yepper - the homesteading movement has picked up a bit.
you might want to keep a spare small panel and pump (as you said) to keep the water running. 

**warning | boring science stuff alert | warning**

the Magnetohydrodynamic effects of a typical solar event will mostly affect power systems tied to long electrical lines - the buildup is more like an eddy current than a pulse.  the event can last from minutes to a couple of hours.  the magnetic field is hit with a solar hammer and rings like a bell - the fluctuating magnetic field induces the current until hysteresis dampens the oscillation.  This is why you get coronal arcing and transformers going pop.  the build up induces voltage along the line - like an antenna.  instead of microvolts you get kilovolts.  the transformers insulation is designed for a specific power input.  the surge exceeds that by several orders of magnitude.  the insulation fails, the system heats up, the oil in the transformer case boils, the watertight shell cracks, the mess is exposed to air and viola - boom and or burn.  The other effect is simply high voltage arcing or coronal arcing (the streaming flames) looks like St. Elmo's fire - but will ruin your day if you touch it.  a rule of thumb - for every kv or electricity stay 1 inch away from it.  if you see a blue corona around an electrical line or if you can hear snapping or buzzing :) you are already too close - take small steps away from the source.
the E1 and E2 effects of an HEMP are not typically seen in this type of event.
if you made it this far - end of warning.

transformers have problems -even on good days :)

Offline Jackalope

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Re: When homes and buildings burn.
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2017, 06:50:42 PM »
   I try to have a plan B and Plan C for solar systems, electronics and lighting.  I have put away solar panels and charge controllers in the event that my primary solar electric system is taken out.  We have oil and kerosene lights as a back-up.  The majority of my electronics are stored in faraday cages, except for items that are used on a daily basis.  My policy for preparing/surviving is to not let up stocking up, no matter what the political/world status.  It's too easy to become complacent when food/gas/medical supplies are readily available.

    I've been working on a sheep herders wagon since the Spring, and we're getting to the home stretch.  I'll post some photos once it's completed.  I went shooting earlier this week with my son, and we had the opportunity to test out my first AR build, which was a resounding success.  Once I get the sheepwagon completed, I'll start on the FT-817 go-box which will be built specifically for the tiny camper.

Offline Kbop

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Re: When homes and buildings burn.
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2017, 09:06:20 PM »
for my part i keep a few spare alternators with a built in voltage regulator in a faraday cage - it gives me some flexibility and they come with a pulley attached and are already to charge a lead acid battery.

Offline JoJo

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Re: When homes and buildings burn.
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2017, 09:29:36 PM »
 Coming home at night from a hunting trip I just happen to be looking down a street when a transformer blew up. The explosion was so loud and bright that I thought it was a nuclear blast. The older transformers had PCB's in them to cool them and when they blew the electric company had an enormous clean up bill. 
In principle, no less than in practice, socialism is the ideology of thieves and tyrants.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: When homes and buildings burn.
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2017, 05:55:44 AM »
There we go...Back to prepping talk :thumbsUp:

I really like redundancy. Whats the old Marine motto..."One is none and two is one"?
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