My brother and I were up at our BOL about 18 months ago. We had just met with some of neighbors on the mountain to chat about the present and future prospects for the USA. We chatted about prepping and what folks thought they should put away. We shot a few rounds of ammo and had a few laughs over a couple of beers.
One of the neigbors asked us, "We live here. It will take you JohnyMac, 5 hours to get here and 3 hours for your brother. Why don't you move up here for good?"
Well after they left I turned to my brother and said, "That guy was right. How will we know when to leave our primary residents to get here in a timely unmolested fashion?" He agreed so we planned to come out with a Bug Out Time Line to help us make that decision of when to bug out.
Well the next day, I dragged out old JohnyMac's flip chart pad. Hung it from the two nails on the wall that it had hung from on many a brain storming session. Grabbed a cup off Sumatra coffee and this was the result. Please note that this was 18 or so months ago and some of the threats may have changed. Feel free to delete North Korea and insert Iran or Israel. Or? Or?
I encourage all of you to formalize your own armageden cout down time line. Your will be different then ours however it will help you and your family to make decissions when the SHTF; when heads may not be so level.
Level I Status Quo
Continue to monitor world events. Stock pile food, medicine, ammo, firearms, etc. Talk to your neighbors asking them if they are prepared. Pay off bills. Sell any large holdings. Buy precious metals if possible.
Level II Catastrophic Event equivalent to 911 on US soil or around the world, e.g. War / North
Korea attacks South Korea, China invades Taiwan, earth quake, hurricane, etc.
Peaceful protests in US
Riots overseas in the EU
Stock market ?tanking? in US and around the world
Some banks fail
Inflation over 3% a year
Small GDP growth
High single digit unemployment rate
Begin to organize neighborhood to meet potential food, water, general supply shortages and discuss plans for looters. Stock your primary resesidents and ?bug out? location- Prepare to ?bug out.?
Level III Riots in the US as well as around the world
Some of the US Bill of rights suspended (Free speech, Gun?s, Habeas Corpus, etc)
Partial Martial law implemented; mostly in riotous city?s / locations around the US
Stock market ?crashes? in US and around the world
Banks do not open, have limited operating hours or have restrictions put on them by the
federal government, e.g. how much you can take from your account
Communication via normal sources still open, e.g. internet, land line, some cellular, etc.
Double digit inflation above 14%
Official, unemployment rate double digit or unofficial unemployment / under employment
of 25% or higher
One quarter of negative GDP growth.
Decide whether to stay and support the neighborhood or head for your ?bug out? location in the hills. If you don?t retreat continue to stock food, supplies, ammo, firearms, etc. for the neighborhood / ?bug out? location while supplies last.
Level IV Complete martial law across US
Across the US all 27 amendments of the Bill of Rights suspended
Local and national elections suspended
Wide spread looting is happening
Communication sporadic and not private
Out of control inflation above 20%
Official, unemployment 25% or higher
Two quarters of negative GDP growth.
Leave for your ?bug out? location if possible.
Level V Without Rule Of Law
No chance to relocate to your ?bug out? location. No communication is possible.