Author Topic: Jade Helm - Massive Military Exercise in SW USA  (Read 1282 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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Jade Helm - Massive Military Exercise in SW USA
« on: April 01, 2015, 08:57:31 AM »
I have been running across a lot on Jade Helm which is a massive Special Forces military exercise in the SW states of the USA in July-August.

Special forces set to swarm Southwest and operate undetected among civilians in massive military exercise

    Operation Jade Helm will see 1,200 service members including Green Berets and SEALs and special forces from the Air Force and Marines in July
    Soldiers armed with blank rounds will operate in and around towns in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado for 8 weeks
    The so-called Realistic Military Training has some residents fearful the drill is a preparation for martial law

To read the whole article from Betweentwopines go here:

Some questions come to mind:

> Why just SF's?
> Why the SW of our country?
> What does the military/government hope to get out of these exercises?
> What can locals do to screw with the exercise?
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Offline Nemo

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Re: Jade Helm - Massive Military Exercise in SW USA
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2015, 10:16:03 AM »
> Why just SF's?
> Why the SW of our country?
> What does the military/government hope to get out of these exercises?
> What can locals do to screw with the exercise?

SFs are about the best to take over an area, search it and confiscate all the weapons while inventorying stored supplies quick and neat, while moving civilians to FEMA type camps for proper protection.

SW of USA is the highest concentration of those items noted above.

Determinations of weaknesses and strengths of those plans along evaluation of the abilities to blend in and effectively be undercover in the local populace, with additional investigation of those suspected of not being properly  loyal to the US govt.

Run trespassers off your real estate, if you can.  Other than that, little.  Just continue your belief that the US military is true to their oaths.

« Last Edit: April 01, 2015, 10:17:47 AM by Nemo »
If you need a second magazine, its time to call in air support.

God created Man, Col. Sam Colt made him equal, John Moses Browning turned equality to perfection, Gaston Glock turned perfection into plastic fantastic junk.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Jade Helm - Massive Military Exercise in SW USA
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2015, 03:46:08 PM »
Good response NEMO. Also, if you live in a small town and know most of the people keep your eye out for strangers. Big toen/city, well you are screwed.
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Offline Nemo

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Re: Jade Helm - Massive Military Exercise in SW USA
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2015, 09:04:06 PM »
Good response NEMO. Also, if you live in a small town and know most of the people keep your eye out for strangers. Big toen/city, well you are screwed.

To get unscrewed, move to a small rural town.


If you need a second magazine, its time to call in air support.

God created Man, Col. Sam Colt made him equal, John Moses Browning turned equality to perfection, Gaston Glock turned perfection into plastic fantastic junk.


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Re: Jade Helm - Massive Military Exercise in SW USA
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2015, 08:06:17 AM »
That area is where "militia" are actively operating along the border.

Going head to head or rounding them up ?  :tinfoil:

Offline crudos

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Re: Jade Helm - Massive Military Exercise in SW USA
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2015, 03:48:50 PM »
Any further updates? Been out of the loop lately.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Jade Helm - Massive Military Exercise in SW USA
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2015, 07:38:34 AM »
Nope no updates from me.
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Re: Jade Helm - Massive Military Exercise in SW USA
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2015, 11:28:35 AM »
I have no issue with SF getting in good training.

I do however have a problem if ANY of this provides training to other agency's in domestic martial law.

I guess we will just have to watch this space.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Jade Helm - Massive Military Exercise in SW USA
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2015, 05:15:36 PM »
And so the plot thickens.

To the forums military friends....

Please keep your ears to the RR tracks and give an appropriate "heads-up" as you learn about more details of this exercise.

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« Last Edit: April 15, 2015, 05:17:13 PM by JohnyMac »
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Offline DMCakhunter

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Re: Jade Helm - Massive Military Exercise in SW USA
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2015, 07:01:16 PM »
Des Moines just held a WMD exercise yesterday. With LE and military in on it. I talked with the local emergency management guy and it went pretty well.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Jade Helm - Massive Military Exercise in SW USA
« Reply #10 on: April 15, 2015, 08:24:23 PM »
DMC and......? Waiting with painted breath  ;)
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Offline Kbop

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Re: Jade Helm - Massive Military Exercise in SW USA
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2015, 10:42:46 PM »
Hey guys - perhaps my opinion is in the minority but SOCOM are the least likely soldiers to come and take your guns in the night.  these types of exercises aren't all that uncommon and used to train the SFG(A)/ODA guys.  It's one of their primary missions- or was before Afghanistan.
if you're interested, look up one of the Q course training missions involving the Peoples Republic of Pineland.
I would guess a lot of snake eaters would be sympathetic to the idea of being a prepared and self sufficient citizen.

My 2ยข worth

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Jade Helm - Massive Military Exercise in SW USA
« Reply #12 on: April 16, 2015, 07:28:10 AM »
Based on a lot of factors, e.g. for all intents and purposes the 4th Amendment null & void, people who are sent to DC to represent us - Don't; the obvious lying of our President, the list goes on and on.

We have grown to be very skeptical of .gov in the USofA. Hence the amount of noise being put forth on this issue.   
« Last Edit: April 16, 2015, 07:38:23 PM by JohnyMac »
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Re: Jade Helm - Massive Military Exercise in SW USA
« Reply #13 on: April 16, 2015, 10:36:56 AM »
Kbop - I agree that this is a good training event for SOCOM.

As I said before... got no issue with that and wish I could play OPFOR for them.

Where I do however get just a bit concerned, is where other agencies play in the mix.

You are correct that SOCOM would be unlikely to be used to take guns away, yet "Posse Comitatus" get diluted enough. I can see SOCOM hitting "Domestic Terrorist" Strongholds or take down "Domestic Terrorist" Leaders.

Not saying the sky is going to fall. Just worried that things can get messy on the slippery slop.

When I was with the 101st I did training missions in civilian areas. Yet it was just us training. No other agency was part of the training.

Offline DMCakhunter

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Re: Jade Helm - Massive Military Exercise in SW USA
« Reply #14 on: April 16, 2015, 08:08:43 PM »
They had drills for mass casualties and management of the dead. Funny thing that was not mentioned, food or shelter for the living uninjured.
Radio comms was a big issue, interoperability without the use of cell phones.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Jade Helm - Massive Military Exercise in SW USA
« Reply #15 on: April 17, 2015, 08:35:11 AM »
DMC, It's amazing that communication is still an issue. That was one of the big things that came out of the 9/11event. You would have thought that one had been fixed by now.

Talking about cell phones...I wonder if there is a way to shut down everyone's phone BUT the men & women involved in the drama de jour.

On another note: Up at the cabin our cell phones do not work other than the text function. We use our Baofeng radios a lot. During hunting season we key the mike to communicate rather than voice. 
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Re: Jade Helm - Massive Military Exercise in SW USA
« Reply #16 on: April 17, 2015, 09:46:29 AM »
DMC.... interesting post.

SOCOM would not make use of ANY cell network. So the question is, is the drill you are talking about inclusive of the military?

If so then "Houston we have a problem"

Like I said before, if this is a joint exercise that includes SOCOM, Federal and State agencies. Then we REALLY need to worry.

SOCOM getting good training is cool. SOCOM training as part of a combined force training with Federal, State and Local enforcement agencies is a BIG problem.

Offline DMCakhunter

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Re: Jade Helm - Massive Military Exercise in SW USA
« Reply #17 on: April 17, 2015, 11:10:15 AM »
 Yes, the authorities can shut off all cell phones except theirs. Saw that happen when a tornado skirted Des Moines in 1998.
There were troops, but I don't know if they were from the local nat guard base or from out of town.

Offline crudos

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Re: Jade Helm - Massive Military Exercise in SW USA
« Reply #18 on: April 17, 2015, 09:41:47 PM »
I've been reading a bunch about JH, and not seeing much to it. See tons of speculation and opinions, but very little fact, and keep on looping around to the same couple of stories.

Offline DMCakhunter

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Re: Jade Helm - Massive Military Exercise in SW USA
« Reply #19 on: April 20, 2015, 09:17:30 AM »
This was in the latest edition of Guns America,digital.

Offline Nemo

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Re: Jade Helm - Massive Military Exercise in SW USA
« Reply #20 on: April 20, 2015, 10:54:22 AM »
Go to your local Home Depot or Lowes.  Get a couple pieces of 6 inch plastic pipe with solid caps and glue.  Get moisture and oxygen absorbing packs.

Once you are finished with those, make sure the left over pieces are gone from your shop or carport or where ever you assemble them.

I suspect everyone here can figure out how they work and what to do with them once you get the parts home.


If you need a second magazine, its time to call in air support.

God created Man, Col. Sam Colt made him equal, John Moses Browning turned equality to perfection, Gaston Glock turned perfection into plastic fantastic junk.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Jade Helm - Massive Military Exercise in SW USA
« Reply #21 on: April 20, 2015, 12:09:43 PM »
Great find DMC  :thumbsUp:

On another note: I can not believe that...

1) Texas is allowing this,
2) The MSM has not picked up on it as of this writing - Why?

If you do nothing between now and July 1st, get a months worth of cash out of the bank and update your communications gathering capability.
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Offline Erick

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Re: Jade Helm - Massive Military Exercise in SW USA
« Reply #22 on: April 20, 2015, 04:58:50 PM »
> Why just SF's?
> Why the SW of our country?
> What does the military/government hope to get out of these exercises?
> What can locals do to screw with the exercise?

SFs are about the best to take over an area, search it and confiscate all the weapons while inventorying stored supplies quick and neat, while moving civilians to FEMA type camps for proper protection.

I dont think SF are much good for that.
- This would be a mission that need snumbers which SF dont have
- also all SF I know are big time freedom guys and often preppers themselves. It would be a big mistake for our political class to open that can of worms (even tho no doubt thats what they dream of)
Every day, men who will follow orders to kill you, exercise. Do you?