Author Topic: O'Biden WANTS The US Peoples Convoy  (Read 301 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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O'Biden WANTS The US Peoples Convoy
« on: February 22, 2022, 01:11:05 PM »
I have been writing for two weeks now that President O-Biden wants the People Convoy. The reason being that the US population is the most heavily armed population in the world. There are more small and medium arms in the hands of the American Citizens than our own military; Consequently, the Peoples Convoy will be one big ass false flag event as citizens will not meet opposition with the singing of the national anthem and holding hands. It will go kinetic which will give .gov all of the 'ammunition' (pun intended) they need to shut you down. 

I think the Ukraine-Russky drama is a false flag event which it is, encouraged by our President; However, the Peoples Convoy is much bigger because it is here, not 5,000-miles away.

Now the truckers in Canada and the United States could bring .gov to heel by just parking their rigs and not budging till the peoples demands are met. It worked in 1979 and it will work today.

Here is a good article that was sent to me by Jeffrey Prather. Well worth 5-minutes of your time to read and comment on.

As American truckers struggle to organize a convoy across the USA, months after freedom-loving people all over the world have been in the streets, the Biden regime is anticipating their every move. They too, are learning from the scenes in Canada and they are preparing in the USA.

Unlike the good people of Canada, freedom-lovers in the USA are NOT disarmed. In fact, American Citizens are the most well-armed society on earth, far outnumbering any law enforcement or military anywhere in the world. Most are also highly trained, with more than 20-million military veterans and former law enforcement officers, in every city, every state.

As opposed to countries where governments were allowed to disarm the people long ago, Citizens of the USA have been stockpiling and 'prepping' for this moment in history. Obama and Biden have proven to be the greatest weapons and ammo salesmen in history.

Let me be very clear-the fact that Americans are not yet in the streets, is proof enough that Americans prefer peace. They have patiently tolerated the very worst the U.S. Government has ever attempted to do to its people, and still, Americans are patiently and peacefully seeking nonviolent means to solve the problem. No sane person wants war.

But our enemies do, and that's why we must question their sanity!

There's a reason why old sayings are old sayings, "If you want war, prepare for peace. But if you want peace, prepare for war!"
- News With Views

« Last Edit: February 22, 2022, 01:47:17 PM by JohnyMac »
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Offline Felix

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Re: O'Biden WANTS The US Peoples Convoy
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2022, 02:56:26 PM »
crisis [kri?sis] (pl. cri?ses) (L.)
1. the turning point of a disease for better or worse; especially a sudden change, usually for the better, in the course of an acute disease.
2. a sudden paroxysmal intensification of symptoms in the course of a disease.
3. life crisis.

IF (as likelihood/possibility suggests) the Convoy to DC gets into kinetic territory, the Deep State's reaction (totally supported by our treasonous MSM) will be similar to or more extreme than Trudeau's.
This begs the question:   Can we or can we not "vote our way out of this"?    The Canadians are likely past such a point of choice, their irreversible subjugation coming as a complete surprise to many.
In view of the 2020 election fraud's successful coup, it is fair to doubt voting is our own remedy anymore.

So.   We stare at a critical political infection, a boil filled with pus.   Does it continue to fester until the entire body politic is poisoned beyond recovery?    Or does the boil get lanced, providing for the poison to exit the body?    I don't know.     But yes, our enemies DO spoil for a fight.   They apparently believe this can be turned into a final annihilation of resistance, the perfect scenario to send teams out on gun confiscation and/or owner extermination.
In any case... I do believe America is past the point of peaceful restoration, even as such might be possible.
There are simply too damn many useful idiots, soft and ignorant cowards, led by a coterie of grifters on the take who don't think twice about tomorrow so long as they gets the goodies today.
I know, repetitive, but my guide of cycles and our place in them:

Strong men make good times
Good times make weak men
Weak men make hard times
Hard times make strong men

And the forge currently heating up will produce strong men again.  Just our luck to live in the time when they must be made.

Offline grizz

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Re: O'Biden WANTS The US Peoples Convoy
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2022, 11:24:57 AM »
Did the convoy begin? What happened?
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Offline JohnyMac

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Re: O'Biden WANTS The US Peoples Convoy
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2022, 12:00:18 PM »
Grizz, do a search and post the link on here?  ;D

To be honest, I have not been following it that much. It is noise at this point.  :cheers:
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