Author Topic: We need active moderation  (Read 701 times)

Offline APX808

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We need active moderation
« on: November 10, 2011, 06:29:37 PM »
Hey guys, I can't stand anymore the kindergarden shit.

Every thread in this board is getting polluted by the kids talking about "their friend", "their brother" or asking tons of bullshit followed by members fighting and trying to correct them, and then some other new young one that tries to teach the others how to behave.

We need active moderation, if someone does stupid shit he gets a warning, if he does stupid shit again he isn't allowed to post for a week, and if after that he does stupid shit again he gets banned.

And some advice for the young ones, when you are new in some place, you get in low profile and keep your mouth shut until you have something interesting to say or you can contribute with something, that way you'll gain respect. Its hard to get rid of a bad reputation.

Offline thatGuy

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Re: We need active moderation
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2011, 07:03:38 PM »
Hey APX,

Do you see that "report to moderator" at the bottom of every post? Feel free to use it buddy.

That said I can't read everything that you guys want to put up. I need your help making this forum what we want. If you see a post that you want to bring to my attention, good or bad then report it to the mod.

When you click there it will bring up another page that allows you to write why you reported the post. Let me know what you thought.

Seriously, do it.