Author Topic: Water. South Africa About To Run Out Of It  (Read 5210 times)

Offline Nemo

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Water. South Africa About To Run Out Of It
« on: February 02, 2018, 11:39:00 PM »
So it seems.  This could turn that area very interesting very quickly. 

I did not clean up the article.  Its late. 


Cape Town Water Supply Day Zero: What Happens When A City Runs Dry
By Ben Brown on January 31, 2018

1 comment

South Africa’s bustling city, Cape Town, is in severe trouble with tensions boiling, riots taking place, law enforcement posted in public places and fights breaking out among residents. It is about to make history as the first modern city in the world to run out of water. This is the sort of situation that people could only imagine would exist in a Hollywood movie, and it is going to get a lot worse very soon.

In fact, in just over two months from the date of this post, Cape Town will shut off its water supply to homes and businesses as water reserves will have dropped below the level needed to provide water to the 3.7 million residents safely. When the taps go off on April 16, residents will be forced to line up at heavily guarded water collection points to collect their slim rations of water. In fact, law enforcement, police and time restrictions have already been placed at city springs after fights broke out last week.

    Dam levels are at 16.3% useable water. Daily consumption exceeded the daily usage target of 500 million litres per day by 80 million litres.#DayZero is now at 16 April 2018. #ThinkWaterCT and view this week’s dashboard:

    — City of Cape Town (@CityofCT) January 31, 2018

Might I remind you, the human body cannot go for longer than three days without water. So you could look at water as an absolute necessity, and even though the water access in April will still be enough to sustain life, no person should have to ration the things that keep them alive.

Sadly, this is something we still see this day and age, the limitation of the bare necessities is a constant issue in some parts of the world. I don’t have to remind you that right now there are people in the world sick from starvation, lack of water and clean oxygen.
How has the Cape Town water supply run this low?

Droughts are no freak occurrence in South Africa. They are regular, severe and cause widespread damage to the country’s agricultural system.

According to weather scientists from Cape Town University, the two leading causes of the current drought we are seeing affect the Cape Town water supply right now are El Nino and climate change.

Yes, this sounds like an Inconvenient Truth, but from the rise in oceanic temperatures affecting weather patterns around the globe resulting in a reduction in South African rainfall (El Nino effect) and the country’s global climate change-affected weather patterns causing high temperatures, it creates the perfect breeding conditions for a severe and disastrous drought.

Image: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

The rainfall is the interesting part of this drought, and is one of the leading causes as to why this drought is so severe. The South African Weather Service reported that from January to December in 2015 rainfall in the area was the lowest ever since the weather service has started recording rainfall results in 1904.

That means South Africa, for that year, had the lowest rainfall in more than 100 years.
What does this mean for people living in Cape Town?

Capetown residents line up at the Newlands Brewery spring. Samantha Reinders / NBC News

Just under four million people live in Cape Town, and February’s water restrictions are already brutal. Households are already using water saving strategies such as:

    Reusing shower and clothes washing water for toilets
    Ceasing unnecessary hygienic activities to ration water supplies
    Introducing chemical toilets into family households
    Employees taking their own water to work
    Importing water from other areas
    Limiting what gets flushed

These are only some of the ways residents are limiting their water use. And they haven’t even hit Day Zero yet. Already around Cape Town are various signs such as the one on the right reminding residents that what used to be a normal habit, such as flushing the toilet after every use, should now be a second thought process.
What is Cape Town’s Day Zero?

Cape Town’s water supply is provided by six interlinked dam systems known as the Western Cape Water Supply System, or WCWSS. A year ago, the dam’s level was at a dangerous 40 per cent capacity. On Monday, January 22nd, 2018, the level was 25.3 per cent.

When Cape Town water supply levels reach an emergency 13.5 per cent, authorities will turn of the taps to all households and businesses forcing the residents to line up at 200 collection points around the city each day to collect their essential water rations in buckets, jugs and whatever other water carrying utilities they can bring.

Cape Town’s City Council has opened a Disaster Operations Centre (DOC) as the situation is now at a disaster level. To avoid reaching the emergency shut off level of 13.5 per cent, DOC has stated the city must work together to reduce water consumption by 450 Megalitres per day. That means each person needs to cut their water use to 50 litres per person per day. Residents have already made cuts to their water use, and many are puzzled as to where the extra cuts will come from.

    Level 6B water restrictions come into effect on 1 February 2018. Let’s beat #DayZero together by using 50 litres or less per person, per day. We’ve created this resource to help you #ThinkWaterCT. Save, print and share!

    For more on level 6B, click here:

    — City of Cape Town (@CityofCT) January 31, 2018

What will happen when the taps are shut off?

Violence will occur, that’s without a doubt. In fact, it has already started. Tension has already risen to boiling point in the city as residents have already been fighting over a popular spring in Cape Town for water supplies.

Residents and The Cape Town Water Crisis Coalition protest over #DayZero. (Photo: Leila Dee Dougan)

That spring will now be managed by law enforcement 24 hours a day, traffic police will control entry to the spring and entry times will be limited to 7 am to 10 pm.

As a method to combat congestion and slow queues for water, each person is only allowed to fill containers of up to 25 litres at a time. This is in response to some residents collecting hundreds of litres at a time in a bid to store water for when the far more severe restrictions will be imposed.

If we have already seen fighting over water supplies and guards being posted at sites to control behavior, just imagine what happens when the taps no longer work. This is also coupled with the fact that there are regular reports that many residents are not heeding to water use restrictions, meaning DayZero’s April date will fast approach, and there’s no stopping it.

To combat violence and aggression at water supply points, Cape Town’s City Council will use members from the South African National Defence Force and South African Police Service.

    #DayZero scares me. Riots. Looting. Violence at collection points. Effluent rotting in the sewers since they can’t be flushed. That smell will lie like a blanket. Disease outbreaks – cholera even. Proper scary things await. Don’t mean to be all alarmist but… I’m alarmed 😔

    — Rob AF. (@RobForbesDJ) January 18, 2018

Having already seen protests staged against the #DayZero drive by the government and the authorities approach to the management of the Cape Town water supply, there will be expected protests once the city shuts of all taps to homes and businesses. If not managed appropriately, this could see Cape Town’s streets filled with mass demonstrations and eventually, martial law.
What does this mean for preparedness and water disasters?

The Cape Town water disaster should be a reminder to preparedness individuals and agencies elsewhere in the world: don’t take water supplies for granted. This is a modern city of almost four million people, with authorities rationing water supplies, and there’s no such thing as “bugging out” or “bugging in” here. Either you line up to get your water supply or you die of thirst, that’s the reality.

For businesses, community stakeholders, and of course government entities, prevention and preparedness is key to avoiding water disasters like what Cape Town is currently experiencing. As a regular drought-stricken area, I am surprised the South African government has not invested more into building desalination plants.

Desalination plants use a process to extract minerals from salt water. This makes the water suitable for human consumption and agriculture. There are regions that rely on the drinking water provided by desalination plants such as Tampa Bay’s desal plant and various Australian cities such as Perth also use massive amounts of desalination water to supplement their dams. Desalination is a drought-proof water supplier, so it would make sense that an area prone to droughts should use more of this resource.

Cape Town has made a small move in this direction recently, with four desalination plants opening soon in a bid to stem the lack of drinking water. However, these should have been completed before the drought and are being rushed as a response to the now disaster-level scarce water supply.

As far as disasters are concerned, we have the fortune of preparation. Taking up your own preparedness before a disaster strikes is important as it is the one resource you can fall back on in times where resources are in limited supply.

Preppers have been stockpiling an emergency supply of water for decades now. For many American preppers, water stockpiling is normal practice, and so it should be. Whether you are in a drought, flood, earthquake or any other natural or manmade disaster, there is a risk implied by water systems being disrupted.

For most, the home is one of the safest places to stay, and unless a safer option opens up, the only way to survive is through the emergency supply you have put away for yourself.

To stay up to date with the disaster in Cape Town, head on over to City of Cape Town’s twitter page where authorities will maintain their main line of communication with the public.
If you need a second magazine, its time to call in air support.

God created Man, Col. Sam Colt made him equal, John Moses Browning turned equality to perfection, Gaston Glock turned perfection into plastic fantastic junk.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Water. South Africa About To Run Out Of It
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2018, 10:27:12 AM »
The city knew this was coming, why didn't they think to start working on other sources of water, e.g. distillation from sea water? 
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Offline Jackalope

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Re: Water. South Africa About To Run Out Of It
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2018, 11:09:46 AM »
Yeah, I was thinking desalination too.  It's works in the U.S. Virgin Islands, in many middle east countries, it's expensive, but it works.  Clean, potable water is going to be like gold some day.

Offline Kbop

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Re: Water. South Africa About To Run Out Of It
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2018, 01:31:47 PM »
Yeah, I was thinking desalination too.  It's works in the U.S. Virgin Islands, in many middle east countries, it's expensive, but it works.  Clean, potable water is going to be like gold some day.
You answered JM's question.  i guess they were hoping the drought wouldn't last multiple years.

Offline Nemo

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Re: Water. South Africa About To Run Out Of It
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2018, 02:28:11 PM »
Imagine the city people headed back out into the jungle/desert area to live like they did 250 years ago.  And the slaughter of man and animal to feed and let some survive for the first month.

After that or first 60 days or so, the population should be down to about 10% of what it started at.

« Last Edit: February 03, 2018, 11:56:43 PM by Nemo »
If you need a second magazine, its time to call in air support.

God created Man, Col. Sam Colt made him equal, John Moses Browning turned equality to perfection, Gaston Glock turned perfection into plastic fantastic junk.

Offline JoJo

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Re: Water. South Africa About To Run Out Of It
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2018, 06:01:55 PM »
"According to weather scientists from Cape Town University, the two leading causes of the current drought we are seeing affect the Cape Town water supply right now are El Nino and climate change."

 El Nino is climate change, climate always changes. Unless he is trying to blame it on the hoax of man made climate change, in other words blame it on the USA for not giving them money. The government is at fault for previously not taking measures to prevent or lessen the water shortage.
 I hope Rouge-Metalsmith  can provide us with correct information.
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Offline Nemo

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Re: Water. South Africa About To Run Out Of It
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2018, 11:57:09 PM »
If you need a second magazine, its time to call in air support.

God created Man, Col. Sam Colt made him equal, John Moses Browning turned equality to perfection, Gaston Glock turned perfection into plastic fantastic junk.

Offline Rogue-Metalsmith

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Re: Water. South Africa About To Run Out Of It
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2018, 09:10:10 AM »
Hehe well guys.

It is only Cape town, we have been experiencing draught but not nearly as severe as Cape town.
An dwhy did the government do nothing? the ANC was busy looting the coffers and when the DA took over they could not do anything without funds and kept getting low balled by the ANC.

They knew, they tried and are now standing on the cusp, if they don't get rain soon, and lots of it, it will dry up completely.
I will check if i can find some of the media doing the rounds, most about it does not even find it's way to the papers.

It is a very dark situation. friend of mine got back from Cape town yesterday, they cannot flush the toilets, shower only 30secs to rince off soap put on whilst dry.
The toiletpapre when used is thrown into a seperate bin because there is no water to flush.
It is severe down there and projects have sprung up allover to send them water. It won't be enough.

Kind regards RM
Sunny side up


Offline Nemo

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Re: Water. South Africa About To Run Out Of It
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2018, 02:10:07 PM »
How far away are you?  Any expectations of thirsty hordes heading your way or just moving along to the nearest city?

If you need a second magazine, its time to call in air support.

God created Man, Col. Sam Colt made him equal, John Moses Browning turned equality to perfection, Gaston Glock turned perfection into plastic fantastic junk.

Offline Deathstyle

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Re: Water. South Africa About To Run Out Of It
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2018, 08:05:10 PM »
Rogue is in Pretoria, opposite end of the country. DigiNinja is in Capetown though. Hasn't posted in awhile. Hope he is okay.
"Blackouts are God's way of saying, 'Don't worry 'bout it".

Offline Rogue-Metalsmith

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Re: Water. South Africa About To Run Out Of It
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2018, 03:08:25 AM »
Rogue is in Pretoria, opposite end of the country. DigiNinja is in Capetown though. Hasn't posted in awhile. Hope he is okay.

Thank you DS. Yes i am very far away from Cape Town. about 1468km away.
I am also concerned about Ninja. We are hearing all kinds of reports about scuffles breaking out due to the water shortages.

Here are a few headlines from local papers about what is going on.

Just a few articles that come up when you google cape town water shortage and click on news.

Guys when it comes to water and third world countries when things go south it will become a war zone.
I just hope if it happens Ninja and he's family can get out of dodge. Because if they are going to hunker down i fear for the worst.

Kind regards RM
Sunny side up


Offline Kbop

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Re: Water. South Africa About To Run Out Of It
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2018, 08:41:24 PM »
Zuma is out.  Ramaphosa is in. 
the timer running on Cape Town's water supply.

how are our SA friends doing?

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Re: Water. South Africa About To Run Out Of It
« Reply #12 on: February 19, 2018, 11:22:34 PM »
Still have to make time to read those articles Rogue. Been busy as hell.

However I have heard something that may be flying under the radar. Port Elizabeth is on unofficial water restrictions and may experience a DAY ZERO event shortly after, if not simultaneously as Cape Town.  :hiding:
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Offline Rogue-Metalsmith

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Re: Water. South Africa About To Run Out Of It
« Reply #13 on: February 21, 2018, 07:08:00 AM »
Zuma is out.  Ramaphosa is in. 
the timer running on Cape Town's water supply.

how are our SA friends doing?

Hey guys... i allmost feel like dramatically screaming -"STILL ALIVE".

Well pretoria is still standing, this morning i heard them announce a robbery at a police station leaving 5 officers dead aswell as a man from the military. link below.

Will check if i can find a link for you guys, things seem to be under-the-radar heating up...
also heard a friend of mine saying there was another bombing at one of airports-this however was on no news station to be found.

Apparently Zuma is now on the run along with the gupta brothers... something like a 2mil rand reward-bounty out on the gupta brothers...
Things are getting interesting around here.

We are now facing another flare up of land grabs it seems as Ramaphosa is riding the land reform train to try get votes because he booted Zuma...

So if civil war doesn't break out because of that... i have no idea what is going to happen, as for the claims on other towns suffering water shortages, that is true, there quite a few of the outer lying towns suffering from severe water shortages and this has been going on for many years now.

The country seems to be balancing on a very small private sector currently and the looming tax increase may see that limb break and splinter apart...

My 5 cents for the day. been out on account of some severe back pain issues ans also trying to get my own interwebs business up and running.

What a month this has been...

Regards RM.
Sunny side up


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Re: Water. South Africa About To Run Out Of It
« Reply #14 on: February 21, 2018, 09:44:15 AM »
Keep abreast of J6 arrestees at Donate if you can for their defense.

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Re: Water. South Africa About To Run Out Of It
« Reply #15 on: February 21, 2018, 06:50:24 PM »
Seems to have been a raid for the firearms. The fact that 2 of the officers were abducted from the scene and killed in an execution indicates this wasn't a mere theft for profit. Those weapons are most likely to be stored for use later on rather than end up on the black market for some common criminal.
"Blackouts are God's way of saying, 'Don't worry 'bout it".

Offline Rogue-Metalsmith

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Re: Water. South Africa About To Run Out Of It
« Reply #16 on: February 27, 2018, 02:30:11 AM »
Seems to have been a raid for the firearms. The fact that 2 of the officers were abducted from the scene and killed in an execution indicates this wasn't a mere theft for profit. Those weapons are most likely to be stored for use later on rather than end up on the black market for some common criminal.

Now you see Deathstyle... here is the thing that gets me, all these strict firearm rules and then stuff like this happening-
take note of the article about the 500 missing firearms...
None of them add up.

It feels like watching a puzzle's pieces coming together from afar.
It feels like we are a country on the brink of civil war, and no one seems to see it.
Because this war is different, silent-kept out of the news. :hiding:

Fair enough if it is just paranoia, but what i have seen in the past few weeks is alarming, because no amount of preparation will be enough if i am right. :zombie1:

It sounds crazy and it looks crazy, down here, out in the streets. We have violence now the same as we did before apartheid ended-except this time, there are no sanctions that wil be lifted-no planned route to follow to bail us out. :tinfoil:

SO there may be no getting back up from this. :zombie:

Standing behind a brick wall seperated from a 'strike' marching up the streets of pretoria... four blocks away more than 10000 people march, they chant and sing and loot and burn as they go. The ground beneath my feet shook like an earthquake as they marched on. This is what i experienced. The fear is tangible and you can nearly taste it in the air. I cannot desribe it, all the emotions and thoughts that rush through in a situation like this.
Luckily i was prepared, i got in my car and used my pre-planned route and got out of dodge.
This is your average "peacefull" march here in Pretoria.

They happen nearly weekly and are such a common occurance here you may not even believe it.

When you drive through Pretoria central many office buildings and shop spaces stand empty-they all moved or are moving-away from the inner city. If you ask why? just google search- pretoria protests and view the images.

the videos show some of the violence. but it does never quite give you the guerilla street view of it all. It is training in a new perspective.

But not all of it is bad news.
I think in the long run we are all so use to the violence and instability we have learned to adapt to it. It is not a lifestyle most people can handle, and the stress becomes so part of every day life you hardly notice it after a while.

So to my American friends i will say this. Fight your anti-gun laws.... We have been rendered powerless and unless you want to happen to you what is happening to us, fight those laws with every last free breath you have.

As for the water shortages- time will tell how it will play out.

I am worried about ninja. haven't heard from him in a while.

God speed my friends.
Sunny side up



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Re: Water. South Africa About To Run Out Of It
« Reply #17 on: February 27, 2018, 02:41:37 AM »

You all stay safe down there.

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Re: Water. South Africa About To Run Out Of It
« Reply #18 on: February 27, 2018, 05:51:29 AM »
Yes stay safe R-M.  I'm curious, where do you go, if the entire country is against you?  Do you go to another country?  Is that an option?

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Re: Water. South Africa About To Run Out Of It
« Reply #19 on: February 27, 2018, 06:46:45 AM »
so, the economy is falling.  businesses are leaving or being run out of the cities.  water is running short.  SA is importing more food than it is exporting - read starvation if the SA rand fails.  the government is choosing sides.  for those not in power; there are no viable options.  the minority populations have no support - the ANC controls most of the standing government.    that's a recipe for a civil war.  in a country with a rich past of fierce territoriality. 
have any of the provincial governments started separating from the parliament yet?  that would be the last step before open warfare starts.  if they don't separate off, the violence against minorities will escalate.  The standing government will be controlling both food and water. this would do two things - allow the government to reward its 'loyal' constituents and create enclaves of minorities reliant on what ever the government is willing to dole out.  this happened in several places just before a pogrom, occured.
this is 'not an ideal' situation. 

Stay Safe.

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Re: Water. South Africa About To Run Out Of It
« Reply #20 on: February 28, 2018, 04:11:26 PM »
It looks like things have turned worse in South Africa, as the Parliament  has voted to approve land expropriation without compensation:    And the new law applies to all land, whether in town or on a farm.  It sounds like a lot of folks will be looking at Plan B.  I wonder if those that lose their property would be eligible to immigrate elsewhere due to the unhealthy situation?

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Re: Water. South Africa About To Run Out Of It
« Reply #21 on: March 01, 2018, 09:33:56 AM »
Well guys.

kbop your summary is not far off. And the provincial governments cannot sperate off, i am sure they have tried.
I have a sick feeling churning in my gut, you know, that "get out of dodge" feeling.

Everything currently when you look at it, these are the perfect conditions for civil war to break out, i am honest when i say i have literally no idea why it has not yet broken out.

The writing is on the wall with the land -grab shit they are trying to pull.
Everyting abut what they are trying to do is just soooo wrong.
The government has more than 4000 state owned farms-why not just hand them out?
Let me tell you exactly why- they gave farms over to black farmers and they literally ran high yielding profitable farms into the ground in less than a year. Google it.
There are literally so many articles about it that it just isn't funny.
They want to take the last running farms-still functioning and re-distribute them aswell.
It DOES NOT work. :deadHorse:

THese guys have literally no clue and it is sickening.
I heard the EFF saying today they want to target cities and properties in cities aswell for people to own land.
All of this is in my opinion a BS story to gain voters, and yes. Voters are that stupid.

Hell they all believed they were going to get free houses fully furnished and get money from the government.
Sadly there are many that have free housing and those same masses now riot and burn cities because the power grid cannot supply to them for free and the fewer working class is overtaxed and over-billed.

It is an honest burden. We have a working minority and the rest just expect the state to carry them through life.

I am worried, i am not going to lie. :hiding:

They are sowing so many lies and flaring up masses to violence, and they are playing a very dangerous game.
If those masses realise what has happened and they somehow cling to power... The cities will burn.
This is Africa, they burn their own schools because they don't have textbooks-BTW if you think i am joking-not a joke it happens alot.

It is impossible to win, because you cannot reason with morons.

I really have no idea what is going to happen. All i know is, if by some miracle we are all standing after this mess, i am sooo  leaving.

RM :zombitron:
Sunny side up


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Re: Water. South Africa About To Run Out Of It
« Reply #22 on: March 01, 2018, 09:48:28 AM »
It is easier to say then do (I know) I would try to start the process of leaving now, e.g. apply for legal entry in several countries you might want to move to. At lest the process will have been started.

On another note: I truly feel for you, your family and all of the folks in SA who will be affected when the SHTF.

God Bless. 
Keep abreast of J6 arrestees at Donate if you can for their defense.

Offline Deathstyle

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Re: Water. South Africa About To Run Out Of It
« Reply #23 on: March 01, 2018, 12:21:09 PM »
YouTuber Phillip DeFranco just touched on the subject in a recent video and seemed to down play the situation. Does it seem like he is trying to legitimize what the gov't is doing? I kinda think so.

I think his approach to the story foreshadows that most Western media won't tell an honest story of the tragedies to come. He isn't MSM but has a big following on Youtube and many for some damn reason consider him a nonpartisan realist. Im sorry Rogue, but at least you have people like Lauren Southern working hard to spread the message.

He starts on SA at about the 13:40 mark.
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Re: Water. South Africa About To Run Out Of It
« Reply #24 on: March 02, 2018, 01:50:22 AM »
Hey guys.

To be honest. When it boils down to it. If you look at things from a historic point of view, things have always been rocky in SA.
But the minority when shoved back up against a wall, no matter the odds, when we do eventually lose our cool about things we end up weeding down a whatever stands against us.

We faced the Zulu's and so many other tribes in battles still comemorated to this day allover this land.

When i look back at my cultural heritage i find comfort and know that that same spirit still runs deep in our roots. I pray it surfaces again.

I know everything will be covered up or not even shown on the news.
It allready is being swept under the rug and shrugged off.

I do not expect help from outside to come. And am prepared for that mentally.

If i do somehow manage to get into neighboring countries- will head up through Africa most likely. Passports ready and all that.

Have backup contingencies.

Thank you guys for holding an ear on the ground. it is like a warm welcome from a neighbor i never met before.
It gives me hope.

And i cannot explain how much that means to me with everything else going on at this point.
All i do know is they are going to push this land issue to breaking point.
Will just keep an ear out to keep ahead of the herd.

Kind regards guys and gals.

RM :zombitron:
Sunny side up