Author Topic: Watching a Movie World Ending One Year  (Read 885 times)

Offline Nemo

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Watching a Movie World Ending One Year
« on: January 12, 2015, 09:41:34 PM »
Deep Impact.  Comet will impact earth in one year.  Comet core is 6 miles wide.  NASA attempt fails.  Its most likely hitting earth in couple weeks.

One million people 20% scientists, docs, engineers, soldiers sent to limestone cave in Missouri.  Rest are randomly selected from US.  No one over 50.  Cave will hold 1 million for 2 years-- long enough to survive post impact and start to rebuild world.

FEMA going to all towns over 5000 population to coordinate preps.  Martial Law in effect.

OK folks WTF do you do.  Bend over and KYA goodbye or ???

If you need a second magazine, its time to call in air support.

God created Man, Col. Sam Colt made him equal, John Moses Browning turned equality to perfection, Gaston Glock turned perfection into plastic fantastic junk.

Offline Kbop

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Re: Watching a Movie World Ending One Year
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2015, 10:02:29 PM »
sounds vaguely familiar.

people have interesting plans for the end of life.  someone predicts it at least once a generation.  it seems to me that all the predictions come up a little short and then cigarettes, fast food and not wearing seat belts kills more of us than the prognosticated events ever have.

plan for what you can, adapt to the unexpected, accept the inevitable with style.

I guess I would get to higher ground buy land cheap and hope for the best :)


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Re: Watching a Movie World Ending One Year
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2015, 10:05:10 PM »
Bend over and KYA goodbye or ???
Pretty much :)

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Watching a Movie World Ending One Year
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2015, 08:45:23 AM »
Like what Kbop wrote: "plan for what you can, adapt to the unexpected, accept the inevitable with style."

Keep abreast of J6 arrestees at Donate if you can for their defense.

Offline Nemo

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Re: Watching a Movie World Ending One Year
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2015, 10:41:18 AM »
Second NASA attempt works partially.  1.5 mile wide chunk will hit Atlantic, sending 300 foot tall tidal wave to entire east US coast, as well as completely covering Britian and Ireland, then to entire European coast.

Expected to hit around 100 miles inland with water way too deep to deal with.

Discuss.  Other than GOOD or INCH or KYAG.

I was thinking discuss more along the views of needs and how post impact society will respond.

« Last Edit: January 13, 2015, 10:43:17 AM by Nemo »
If you need a second magazine, its time to call in air support.

God created Man, Col. Sam Colt made him equal, John Moses Browning turned equality to perfection, Gaston Glock turned perfection into plastic fantastic junk.

Offline Kbop

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Re: Watching a Movie World Ending One Year
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2015, 12:01:10 PM »
ah - I see.

the thingus from the skyus would be traveling between 26 and 260 miles per second.  (93,000 - 936,000 miles per hour)(150.000 - 1.506.000 kilometers per hour)  it could be made of iron, silica,  carbonatious materials, ices or a combination of the above.  It's mass would be between (assuming 1.5 miles wide) well at that speed mass becomes less of a determining factor.

impact winter would be expected - if the atmosphere survived.  possible SnowBall Earth.  Heavy tectonic upheaval.  Breathing the dust could be fatal.  assume no growing season for 2 to 5 years - if snowball earth didn't occur.  Major climate shift with changes to normal weather patterns.  possible flooding if the thingus from the skyus has solids liquid at earth temperatures.  possible biosphere destruction if those liquids or gasses aren't compatible with life - even a heavy imbalance of nitrogen or carbon monoxide or methane would be a huge problem to our biosphere.  even underground - unless you are making your own air - the percentage of oxygen (measured as partial pressure) may be too low to sustain life.  The orbital path of the destroyed part would still hit the earth only over time so kinetic damage may not be the  biggest issue - but the additional materials could add to the above gas and liquid problems.

I wonder:  assume a very heavy layer of dust and typical rain around the survival cave/bunker.  Assume it isn't over-washed.  would the people inside be able to cut through the 'concretion' and be able to get out?  Would the heavy dust layers plug the intake vents and filters?  in Pompeii and Herculaneum the height of the dust exceeded 30 feet (10 meters) in places and has the consistency of concrete.

the over-washed coastal areas may not be good for agriculture for years - even in the Pacific basin - a wave that size will travel a long way.
most people in the world live within 60 or so miles of a major water way - most along cost lines.  The initial impact would cause a population loss around the world.  I would expect a total loss in countries like Bangladesh to near total loss in Viet Nam, Florida in the US would dissapear - put simply most river deltas would be erased and create a debris mound (over a hundred feet high in places) or just wash the delta into the ocean - depending on local topography.

the amount of ocean bottom sucked into the upper atmosphere would add to the impact debris/dust.  I forgot to mention that some of the, returning to earth debris, and the chunks of the blown up section hitting earth would likely be at least city killing size.  There would be thousands of them.  at least this isn't as dangerous to breathe.  as mentioned in the movie you might have an extinction level event.  Assuming you could wait it out for around 5+ years and snowball earth didn't occur and had the biological material to restart soil biota and seeds and stock and enough humans and didn't get poisoned and enough of all that to avoid genetic stumping, you could re-boot civilization. 

I think you would have to start from scratch - deep ocean life has survived worse but land life typically doesn't.  everytime an event like this has occurred the trajectory for life on earth has taken a major turn (Dino gave way to Fido).  In a worst case, you would have to restart land life above the level of small nematodes I think.  I don't even think pollenating insects (unless you saved them) would survive.

so my verdict for what its worth;
My INCH bag aint that good.  all in all I would call it a bad day.  IMHO KYAG

I put this movie in the category of Mad Max - where do apocalyptic brigands get enough gas, food, spare parts, etc to go tooling around the desert, for months and months?  The script may have been with them but the math isn't.

cool movies but I check my brains at the door.

Offline DMCakhunter

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Re: Watching a Movie World Ending One Year
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2015, 01:02:28 PM »

I have seen that movie before. They projected the larger chunk to impact in western Canada. Assuming similar sizes, the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs deposited a compressed 3/8 to 1/2 inch layer of iridium containing sediment across the planet. Uncompressed, who knows how thick it would be, 6 inches to 2 feet. So the impact results would be similar, except that the climate back then was much warmer with the creatures unable to deal with such drastic drops in temperatures. Definitely be a drop in sunlight, so plant life would suffer, then the creatures that consume said plant life would suffer and so on through the line. Would be a big die off, plants, creatures, humans, but that would mean less competition for surviving resources.
For humans, lack of food would be the biggest threat. Then would need to figure out how to filter the air for a while  Most of our infrastructure would survive, except everything on the coast if there was a water impact. Still have oil and gas coming out of the ground, same for water because all surface water sources would likely be polluted. Lots of trees would die, so plenty of firewood. Livestock, some would survive but it would take a lot of effort. Planet will cool, so a mass exodus to warmer areas, likely equatorial areas with islands. Ocean will hold some heat for a while. A lot of fish will die off, but the bottom dwellers will do just fine. Maybe people can live off of squid until the planet clears up in a couple of years. Those that chose to stay at home can try to grow foodstuffs with electric lighting or mushrooms in the dark. There are some options with ingenuity and federal budgets.
Me, I would stock up on freeze dried foods so that my family could get by for a year or 2, have some booze, have all the tools and clothing needed for cold weather, the ability to defend what I have, have the desire to survive and not give in to suicide, hey wait - I already have all of this. Hmm, what is missing- aha - a place in the country, say 100-200 acres of which 2/3rds is trees and a wood burning stove.

Offline Nemo

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Re: Watching a Movie World Ending One Year
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2015, 01:13:42 PM »
I was adjusting things a bit to get it away from KYAG.  If it all hit as movie talks about, welcome back dinosaurs in a million years plus or minus a few.


If you need a second magazine, its time to call in air support.

God created Man, Col. Sam Colt made him equal, John Moses Browning turned equality to perfection, Gaston Glock turned perfection into plastic fantastic junk.

Offline DMCakhunter

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Re: Watching a Movie World Ending One Year
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2015, 03:02:28 PM »

I believe that human ingenuity would prevail and allow a good portion of our species to survive.

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Re: Watching a Movie World Ending One Year
« Reply #9 on: January 13, 2015, 04:02:58 PM »
I'd rent a moving truck and load all the preps into it, rob the REI for cold weather gear, the Sportsman's Warehouse for guns and ammo (not like I don't already have enough but since I'm robbing muhfuckers) then I would hit the Cosco for all their canned fruit. Lastly I'd smash up the Home Despot for masks and filters.

While I feel like I'm pretty well prepped up this event you've outline prevents any gardening potential..

Then I'd fill the truck and the empty barrels with sweet sweet $1.75 a gallon gasoline (also stolen ;) ) grab my chick and drive to the Sandia Peak so we could watch it all go down..

But in the OP scenario I would skip all that.. get a bottle, grab the same girl, go to the same peak and watch the fireworks..
« Last Edit: January 13, 2015, 05:03:27 PM by thatGuy »

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Re: Watching a Movie World Ending One Year
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2015, 08:18:22 AM »
Well first, a few loose ends need tied up.
A few houses burned a few souls stolen. Then I'm gonna go to the beach and fuck. Till the biggest explosion ever witnessed happens.

Then the rock would hit and we would all die and I'll be smiling.
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