Author Topic: Washington D.C. - False Flag Event In The Offing Or...  (Read 672 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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Washington D.C. - False Flag Event In The Offing Or...
« on: January 15, 2021, 11:57:54 AM »
Washington D.C. - False Flag Event In The Offing Or...

I have been pondering the reason or excuse for have 20,000+ National Guard troops in Washington D.C. for days now. Especially why has the planned amount gone from a scheduled 15,000 troops to now 25,000 troops. Can I hear 30,000 by January 20th?

Yesterday I travelled three-hours south to visit my mom and rather than listen to the news and talking heads on my six-hour round trip and turned the Sirius radio to a modern Christian radio station with the volume turned low.

In-between tunes and talking to folks on the 2-meter band, I put a lot of thought into this question.

Finally, as the Exploder (Yes spelled correctly) climbed the last mountain on the way to home it came to me, the National Guard were there to be part of a false flag event that I am sure they have no knowledge of.

As I drifted off to the land of nod, I had completely talked myself out of that theory. By using the Ossam's Razor theory where the simplest explanation is the correct one, I came to the conclusion that it was just paranoid law makers scared for their collect Butts. Then I ran across this article titled, That's A Lot Of Troops over at the Intrepid Reporter.

Here is a list of troops currently on the ground in D.C.,

The entire Washington, DC national guard (Camp Guards when I was at Gitmo in 06)
56th Stryker Brigade Combat Team (Pennsylvania Bloody Buckets... lots of combat tours... 'heavy armor' if you consider Stryker trucks to be 'heavy')
Troop B of the 102nd Cavalry Regiment (negative info on them... wiki sez they're a No-Go at any real deployments.)
1-114th Infantry Regiment (Joisey Guard, No-Go no deployments)
508th Military Police Company (Another No-Go Joisey Unit)
229th Military Police Company (Kuwait Defense 1990, doubt if any of them are still there... a No-Go Virginia unit)
153rd Military Police Company (Delaware NG, A single tour in 07-08 in Iraq)
102nd Military Police Battalion (NY NG...a No-Go unit w/zero deployments)
104th Military Police Battalion (NY Guard, No-Go NY no deployments)
229th Brigade Engineer Battalion (Virginia Guard, lots of deployments, in a non-combat role)
160th Engineer Company (Delaware Guard, construction, couldn't find intel on deployments... thin k these are the guys doing the fencing/blockades)
261st Theater Tactical Signal Brigade (Command and Control unit, one tour at my old base Victory in Iraq in 08-09)
198th Expeditionary Signal Battalion (Delaware NG, VSAT and comms company in South Carolina which DID deploy once in 13-14 to Kandahar)
1049th Transportation Company (Aviation trans... couple here'n there... ass and trash)
262nd Component Repair Company (you break it, they fix it, No-Go on deployments... to me, this means they expect to need to repair shit right then and there as opposed to waiting til they get home)
108th Wing (Refueling and Air-Recon Unit, multiple deployments)
177th Fighter Wing. (Air to Air F-16 Air defense... what the fuck do they need them for?)
105th Airlift Wing (Air Trans)

174th Attack Wing (Drones... lots and lots of drones... Predators, intel-gatherers... BAD juju)
166th Security Forces Squadron. (Security for the planes, lots of deployments)

Heck, just listening to my gut, I think there will be more U.S. troops in Washington D.C. before January 20th, than we have in Iraq and Afghanistan combined.

So, what gives?

I would love someone to share what they think however, based on experience.

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Offline Jackalope

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Re: Washington D.C. - False Flag Event In The Offing Or...
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2021, 12:44:44 PM »
    I can't figure it out either.  I was discussing this very subject last evening.  Why would they need a F16 fighter wing, or a predator drone wing?  It wasn't mentioned in Big Country's article, but I understand from reliable sources that active army units are also going to be present.   And the troops have been given ammo and authorization to shoot to kill. 

    Another part of the puzzle,some California NG have been off the grid for about a week, no calls to family, nor friends.  Family member finally received a landline call lasting 28 seconds, saying he would be "hosting guests of freedom."  He had been previously assigned to Guantanamo Bay.  Another puzzle piece, a retired general has been recalled to duty, advising family members to have several weeks of food and water. 

     Kunstler has suggested that perhaps the military will bail us all out, but I have strong doubts.  I can't believe TPTB would mobilize such an immense force for Antifa or Patriot attacks. From my understanding, the inauguration is going to be virtual.   My wife suggested maybe an Iranian or Chinese attack, but I'm thinking a false flag setup, to make gun owners look bad and given the rationale for a gun confiscation.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Washington D.C. - False Flag Event In The Offing Or...
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2021, 02:02:43 PM »
Jackalope, the sad thing is that we have such a low opinion of our government in the area of honesty, there are a lot of conspiracy theory's going around. Also, knowing the lose lips of folks in D.C., I am surprised that nothing so far has leaked out. This one fact leads me to think that the military alone is behind this drama.

Maybe the sacking of the U.S. Capital Building was just a smoke screen so DEM's and GOP alike think that the NG are there to protect 'them'.

The last bit of fact I have is, these NGT where told that they would be in Washington D.C. post January 20th inaugural date. I wonder if the newly elected Presidential candidate Biden and his friends, are planning something on or, right after the inaugural date? If they are, it would have leaked out by now.

On another note, watch where Trump is physically as we close in on January 20th. Hopefully, he isn't anywhere near D.C.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2021, 04:23:02 PM by JohnyMac »
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Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Washington D.C. - False Flag Event In The Offing Or...
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2021, 04:21:53 PM »
An unnamed source just reached out to me to share their thoughts and information.

In addition to the NG troops on the ground in D.C. there are 1,000 specops and another 100 black ops folks not being broadcast in the media. There are also ~20,000 regular troops just outside of D.C. ready to go in if called upon.

One scenario that is reported as very high is a False Flag attack from a sniper or group of snipers which in turn, will be blamed on Trump and his supporters. I suggest you reread or read for the first time this weekend, Matt Bracken's book, Enemies Foreign & Domestic. The goal for the False Flag event is to get Americans to turn in their weapons very similar to Bracken's plot line in his book.

A 1974 movie worth watching this weekend is, The Parallax View. This movie outlines what may happen between now and January 20th. It is a really good suspense movie and I will be watching again this weekend.

Keep in mind if this is a False Flag type of operation, the goal is two fold,

1) Work towards destroying you and the unity that Trump supporters have, and
2) To restrict and then confiscate firearms; Specifically now, semi auto weapons. 

Has anybody else received any G2?

Remember my article from Wednesday?

This is made for a False Flag event.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2021, 04:25:18 PM by JohnyMac »
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Offline pkveazey

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Re: Washington D.C. - False Flag Event In The Offing Or...
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2021, 04:27:35 PM »
Hmmmm...... I just got a phone call from a friend who keeps up with what the Military is up to. I was pretty sure that all his rantings and ravings about the troops in DC was just speculation. Hmmmmm..... Then I log in here and you guys are talking about the same thing. I'm thinking that it is time to consider this False Flag thing may just have some merit. As for prepping, I don't know what more I can do to prepare except pull more cash out of the bank and also add to my non-perishable food supply. If things go bad, the best way for me to get cooperation from my neighbors is to make sure they also have something to eat.

Offline RB in GA

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Re: Washington D.C. - False Flag Event In The Offing Or...
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2021, 04:32:46 PM »
File this under conspiracy theories.
Just a wild-ass paranoid thought here, but as far as the AD unit and the F16's go perhaps they're worried about those various private air forces.  After all, some of those "aggressor units" are fairly large, with decently modern equipment (Mig 29's, F-18's, Kfirs, etc.). And some of them recently got weened off the government teat. And also, wasn't it just this last summer that they found live ordance on a field in south Florida, a situation that was pretty much hushed up immediately? Food for paranoid thought.

Or, more likely, they're worried about a 9/11 repeat.

Wait, I need to stop. Too much sugar and not enough sleep... :)
« Last Edit: January 15, 2021, 05:56:58 PM by RB in GA »

Offline pkveazey

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Re: Washington D.C. - False Flag Event In The Offing Or...
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2021, 06:54:25 PM »
Well, for the moment I'm monitoring all my Ham radios and the Interwiz for anything that pops up. I have to remind myself to not act on anything I hear until I am certain. :popcorn: OK, Ok, Ok, I did just get back from topping off my gas tank and the one gas can that was empty and picked up more snacks and Campbell's soup.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2021, 06:57:54 PM by pkveazey »

Offline grizz

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Re: Washington D.C. - False Flag Event In The Offing Or...
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2021, 09:20:35 PM »
Yep I see bad things coming in the next few weeks
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