It is one of the four books I am currently reading. It's a good read.
Now TCS I know you have a hard-on for Beck. I respect that and since he is no longer on Fox you won't have to watch him.
I know you think he disrespected Ron Paul when he was interviewing him via satellite and kept looking off camera at what was happening around him and not staring fixed on Paul. I am pretty sure that there was no monitor for him to appear fixated on Paul's every word.
I know you are pissed that he did that little stunt with Rick Perry. As I wrote on MrL&L I thought it was hysterical at the time. Beck in part is a clown and was having some fun with his new Governor. Remember, Beck has moved to Texas. In no way was he endorsing Perry, just having some fun.
My wife and I gather information from many sources; MrL&L, (Now Straight Prep) Fox News, Wall Street Journal, Providence Journal, Chris Wallace on Sunday's, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin and Sean Hannity to name a few. We take these media sources or talking heads as just that- Sources and talking heads. We discuss what we have read, saw or listened to over dinner each night or over the phone if I am up at the camp.
Beck isn't the "end all" by any means but he has been part of why my wife and my prepping.