Not sure if any of you guys like to read (or can
), but I bought this book called "The Harbinger" by Jonathan Cahn actually just a couple hours ago and I'm already half way through it. It's based off some prophetic history of the US. It's based in a more fictional setting, but has the actual prophetic teachings throughout it. I guess that's more so that the reader can remember the meanings and understand the steps taken to arrive at a better understanding of the prophecy. I'm sure there's quite a few going "Pssh, please, prophecy [img]http://www.smileydesign.n," but I got to say I'd place my guns on the fact no one here who could prove them otherwise.
It's only 253 pages and $10 on Amazon. $9 for Kindle.
P.S. Might even help some of the wives not to in tune with prepping come around. After all, what says I'm not crazy like some 3,500 year old book that backs what's happening here today? LOL