Author Topic: Conspiracy Theory  (Read 262 times)

Offline pkveazey

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Conspiracy Theory
« on: March 03, 2022, 02:54:37 PM »
I thought we had a Tinfoil Hat section. OK, here goes my "I have lost my mind theory". I'll start with the Environmental Whakos first. I'm environmentally conscious and environmentally friendly but I'm not one of those Environmental Whackos who are pushing the AGENDA 21 thing. Basically, they want to depopulate the world down to 500 Million people, have the government take over all non-urban land so the farmers can't live on it or farm it or raise animals on it. Once the population has been reduced and all land is seized, the remaining people will be herded into urban areas to live. When I first learned of this I dismissed it as environmental lunacy. Then, along comes a man-made disease that was intended to be fatal but the makers forgot that people with type O blood, who smoke, and have a strong immune system could survive it. Anyway, it sort of worked because millions have died from it. Then, along comes a crashing economy where the Whackos hoped the poor would either starve to death or freeze to death. Then, along comes a war between Russia and the Ukraine with the threat of another war between China and Taiwan, and the possibility of a war between North Koria and the US. Oooooooh....  Wouldn't another World War be nice for depopulating the world(sarcasm). They actually got the United Nations to pass a resolution for AGENDA 21. I know that the environmental Whakos are crazy but they also must be stupid. Let's forget all about all the nutty stuff they want and just focus on world depopulation. Hmmmmmm...... Let's say we kill off about 90% of the 8,500,000,000 people on Earth and there was only about 850,000,000 people left. Wow! They would have gotten what they wanted. Uh Oh... I see a problem. Let's put 10 environmental Whackos in a room and let's give them what they want. Hmmm..... 9 out of the 10 environmental Whackos in the room have to die just like everybody else. Now, how are they going to choose the one person who gets to live? The whole point that I'm trying to make is Crazy people can sound sane and make their ideas seem reasonable until you actually put them into practice. Too bad, so sad, you screwed up. :facepalm: :faint: