Author Topic: Mutual Assistance Group's  (Read 366 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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Mutual Assistance Group's
« on: November 14, 2022, 10:17:51 AM »
Mutual Assistance Group's (MAG's) are the only way we will survive as we approach the deep dark winter of 2025. Do you belong to a MAG? If you do, is it just a 'chat room' or 'club' of similar minded folks or is it a true MAG? A MAG that meets and plans for a series of scenarios.

I belong to three MAG's. Two are chatrooms and no action. One is a true MAG that makes plans and SOP's, for different scenarios that could happen.

When I was the leader of a division, my team of district managers, trainers, inventory control specialists, and loss prevention folks met twice a year to discuss possible challenges that may happen in the near future. Once we identified those challenges we worked on a plan for each one. When the challenge changed to a problem we had a plan to execute with. Did the plan survive the whole problem? Nope. Not unlike any battle plan does not survive in tact the first volley of the battle. Typically though, we were leaps ahead of other divisions when the problem raised its ugly head.     

Let's use this thread to speak to our MAG's... If any.

To get the thread rolling, below is a YT video by Travis from The Prepared Homestead. yeah, yeah, yeah, I know he is a bit Pollyannaish and speaks well below the skill level of most UP subscribers however, it is worth watching. Let's help each other out.


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Offline pkveazey

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Re: Mutual Assistance Group's
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2022, 04:11:42 PM »
My MAG is 6 neighbors that I know and trust. It is very loosly organized because they all still maintain some normalcy bias but they do believe that something bad is coming their way. We do not have meetings. I've told them that when the SHTF I will probably be the first to know about it because of my Ham Radio Station and I will keep them informed. When they fully realize that things have gone bad they will keep their Handi-talkies turned on 24/7 and listen out for a call for help from any of the MAG members. When things go bad, I plan to increase the number of MAG members and pass out more Handi-talkies. Actually, there are more than 6 MAG members. I have another friend about 3.5 miles away who has a small MAG and he has Handi-talkies that I programmed for him and they will be using the same radio frequency that our MAG uses. The bottom line is that when it all goes bad we will join forces and become a lot more organized. At the moment, I think the MAG would become a bit bored waiting for something to happen. With that said, I do believe that whatever is going to happen will be very soon(within 6 months) and that's when I'll really start to press them to become tightly organized and we should then begin holding a daily radio net to keep each other informed. I have warned them that they should buy extra supplies(Food, Ammo, Precious Metals, Hygien and Medical supplies, Gasoline & Motor Oil, etc). I actually believe that they might wait till the last minute to stock up but they do have enough heads up to get to the stores first before supplies run out. I have personally stocked up on extras just in case they haven't. I will trade with my MAG members before I trade with others. I am trying to keep my MAG as informal as possible because I do not like organizations that become internally political. I think we are all aware of the asshole member of any organization that wants to be in charge and tell everyone what to do. My philosophy on leadership is, "Anyone who wants to be in charge, should never be allowed to be in charge."
« Last Edit: November 14, 2022, 04:15:45 PM by pkveazey »

Offline Jackalope

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Re: Mutual Assistance Group's
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2022, 09:57:54 PM »
    My local MAG is quiet right now as we head into the holiday season.  We're semi active, and we meet informally on a regular basis.  Training meetings occur bi-monthly more or less.  We do have a comms plan in place.  I trust all of our active members, and we do help each other out as the need arises.  Our group isn't just for SHTF moments but it's also there to help each other out with whatever life throws at us.  For example, when my wife recently passed away, nine MAG members were there to help me with the entire ordeal. Some of these folks are neighbors, others live in town and others live in the region.  We all have common interests and beliefs, which is an important factor in the success of a MAG.

     We have each other's backs, which to me, is a big deal.

     PK, I totally agree with you regarding those who want to be in charge.