Seizure (with or without "fair" compensation) is the law of the land folks. It's how we are able to connect right-of-ways for infrastructure like roads, prisons, schools, etc. I am pretty sure folks are mostly familiar with the concept of government exercising "Imminent Domain". It's been used with some discretion for a long time until fairly recently.
It's also how rich SOBs are now getting richer by getting someone's home condemned, purchased and demolished for that New, Must-Have, Sports Stadium, 'cuz dontcha know... the community really could use the exponentially larger revenue generated by that patch of ground if it was redeveloped properly ... do it for the children.
JM nails it - you _must_ have a MAG, hopefully one that is in at least occasionally in contact with like-minded MAGs.
Anyone local who would try the initial gambits for something like panel seizures _must_ be identified along with their family location/residence. Escalation past initial stoppage? Oh , yeah... it gets much uglier, cuz our enemies are playing for ALL of the chips and they are WAY ahead of us with that "ends justifies the means" stuff. And so far, they control resources that make ours look like an ant standing next to an elephant. (subject to change if/when these AHs get too far over the tips of their skis')
Good men will be forced to do bad things or buckle under and endure the consequences for as long as they might live.