I have been putting myself through all kinds of contortions trying to talk myself into voting for Mr. Trump. One minute I am for him and the other I can not vote for him.
Many of my friends don't understand why I can not support Trump. Other left leaning friends don't understand why I will not vote for Clinton in lieu of Trump. In essence I have people all across the political spectrum questioning my not wanting to pick sides; However, not listening to my thoughts with full focus, on what all candidates represent.
To get out of the way right off - Gary Johnson and Jill Stein.
Stein is a card carrying Socialist and being a full blooded Capitalist & Constitutionalist to vote for her would be like trying to mix oil & water. It just ain't going to happen.
Johnson is a man with a good record. Many folks in New Mexico think he was a great Governor - Both Democrat and Republican. With that written I do not support his stance on several topics with the border and 2A being at the forefront.
Now of course I could use my vote as a protest vote however that would be wrong.
Looking at Clinton and her history I can not support her either. To do so would go against my principles. With that written, my principles may be set to high and of course, I do not expect my fellow citizens to share the same principles that I have. We all know that she sold out her earlier principles long ago to become in essence the Washington DC Elite or if you rather "The Man." The Man who would do anything to advance her agenda. No more on her as it would be just beating a dead horse.
Now for the reason of this rant - Donald Trump!
Trump speaks to many things I support, e.g. border security, Constitutional Judges not Democrat or Republican judges, sending jobs overseas, like Canada 15% corporation taxes, security, 2A - And the list goes on and on.
Although many of his positions are similar to mine, I do not think that Trump has even SIMILAR principles as mine. What does that mean you may ask...Well What would he do to force his agenda? This really came home to me when he threatened Clinton with jail, if he was elected to President. That really hit me wrong. Although a great sound bite and I too think that Clinton violated laws, due to his lack of principles he is using this call for his followers to rally around him. There are others I could draw upon however you folks know them all.
I do not want you folks to stop voting for Clinton, Johnson, Stein or Trump. I just want my opposition to all four candidates to be made public. Made public to folks I value as contributors and friends who subscribe to the Unchainedpreppers forum.
With that task crossed off my check list, I need to get back to splitting wood.