“According to Old Testament law, Jubilee years occur every fiftieth year and they are times when all debts are discharged and all property is returned to its rightful owner. Jubilee years are supposed to be times of celebration, but they can also be times of momentous change. In addition, biblical prophecies indicate that the 120th Jubilee year in particular, which will fall in 2017, will bring about cataclysmic change.”
But there has been a cataclysmic change. TRUMP!
Evil doers are falling by the wayside as they loose their slings and arrows against him only to have them fall at his feet.
quite a few things on cataclysmic scale have happened.
In the prepping community those who do their own homework throughly propably know what i am talking about...
Jubilee years. i remember reading about something like this when i was still in primary school in the library, and thinking back about all the history books i read through and so many articles i cannot remember them all, but i do remember this, and it stuck.
At the height of each civilization, somehow a cataclysmic event (of their own making or natural) would drastically reduce human population and the earth would recover again, mankind thrives untill the next event, and so on, and so on.
I found it funny how all these pieces once again fall into place. Riots, panic, goverments in turmoil, corruption at it's peak, bankrupcy worldwide, natural phenomenons increasing more and more.
Maybe some of us are simply tuned in to the signs to know we should be ready at the drop of a penny.
My five cents.