Author Topic: China/Russia Moves on or around January 22, 2023, Taiwan/Ukraine  (Read 316 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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China/Russia Moves on or around January 22, 2023, Taiwan/Ukraine
« on: December 29, 2022, 01:57:29 PM »
The noise level from within the beltway has been rather low since November. With that written the noise level has gone up this week about 3x with a contention that China will act on Taiwan with an embargo around January 22, 2023, and Russia will begin the 2023 Ukrainian campaign once again around this date too.

Behind the scenes while our media and State Department focuses our attention on EU and Asia conflicts, the real big event was China meeting with the UAE last month to shore up the demise of the PetroDollar to be replaced with the PetroYuan.

As a fun side note, Belarus has been training for a NATO invasion. I have been predicting that Russia was going to start a two front war with Ukraine as things freeze up and the winter campaign begins. Coming at Kiev from Belarus while reentering Kherson and sending a force to Odessa and working  towards joining up. Ukraine can not handle both fronts which means NATO will be forced to enter the fray.

With China blockading Taiwan and NATO coming into the war against Russia, we got a WW III event happening. Add to this mix, we have the PetroDollar being replaced.

Looking at the market right now, we should be in a Bear market cycle; why are we not? The past several weeks it has been due to more and more EU investment flowing into our market. Martin Armstrong and others are predicting that January is going to be a very volatile month for the market. Armstrong thinks it will start week 1 of January while others like Tom Longo think later in the month BUT, all are predicting a deep bear market in January. Looking at the DJIA as one aspect of the investment market, it will end up in the 25,000 range or a 25% correction from today at +32,000.

WW III will allow a few things to happen that will cause a reset globally. Some of which are,

> The USA looses it's clout as the worlds financial center.
> The new financial center will focus on the BRICS countries and the PetroYaun.
> The EU needs WW III to revamp their antiquated, Socialist, financial system. I suspect they will adapt digital
   currency more rigorous then the one the UK has just adapted.
> With the collapse of the PetroDollar, the USA will take a LARGE step forward and roll out a digital dollar similar to
    the UK's pound.
> The EU market will collapse and the US market will have a major correction which will make your 401K look like
    a 101K.
> PM's will rise and break new ceilings. Q1 gold/silver will break $1,900/$28-. Q2 gold/silver will break
    $2,000/$32-. By year end gold/silver $2,400/$50-

With the collapse of the world's financial markets and of course WW III, where does that leave the average citizen here, in the good old USA? Taking ones retirement out of the question I see,

> An increase in unemployment. We are seeing it now but it has been very quiet.
> Due to the war and the collapsing of the markets, inflation will raise its ugly head again. LOL, not like year over
    year inflation of 7% is anything to sneeze about.
> So we have seen 3M illegals invade the country sine 2021. The questions is, how are they going to earn money
    for food, shelter, and other needs? With unemployment rising for US citizens this year, what will these illegals
    do? Come knocking on your door for food? Any work for food? When that doesn't work will they turn to
    burglarizing your home? Business? When will they take your money or food by force? Then add into that mix
    he alreaady mentioned US citizens with no food, heat, transportation (Vehicles taken by the Repo man), shelter,
    etc etc etc.
> Maybe it is time to reread Priven & Cloward's "The Breaking of the American Social Compact". The plan outlined
   there if anyone is willing to open their eyes. Overthrow the government and capitalism through overloading the
   system. Joe Biden, old poopy pants, is the perfect stooge or scapegoat for making this happen.

Well there you go my outlook for Q1, 2023.

Q2 starts the return of BLM Inc. and Antifa or some other brown shirt group. Then actual battles in the streets commences in Q3. Who wants to bet that the sabotaging of the electric grid is not at the top of 'their' list.

Finally, 2024 we see the Balkanization of America on steroids. Are you ready.  :popcorn: 

« Last Edit: December 29, 2022, 02:19:36 PM by JohnyMac »
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Offline pkveazey

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Re: China/Russia Moves on or around January 22, 2023, Taiwan/Ukraine
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2022, 04:01:42 PM »
Gee whiz Johnny, you certainly seem to be way too optimistic about what's coming. :lmfao: I'm pretty sure that the things you mentioned are on their way but I see it as 10 times worse. That WW3 thing will happen on our shores and even if those of us who live out in the country who don't get the Hell bombed out of us will have to deal with thousands of refugees who flee the cities after their homes and businesses no longer exist. As for the influx of illegals, That's going to be a real bitch because they come here thinking its the land of milk and honey and there will be no place for them to live and no jobs for them to work. I foresee a time when we will not feel safe going out to buy things unless we go in a group of 5 or 6 armed people. When the SHTF, I expect for my MAG of 7 families having to expand to about 30 or 40 households. The Government thinks that their silly assed notion that CBDC money will work is just pure fantasy. When the lights go out and the internet and cell towers don't work, how do they think people will transact business? Gold, Silver, Nickel, and Copper will be king. We Preppers are going to suffer like crazy but those who haven't prepared will not survive at all.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2022, 04:06:22 PM by pkveazey »

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: China/Russia Moves on or around January 22, 2023, Taiwan/Ukraine
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2022, 06:02:23 PM »
 :thumbsUp: PKv  :cheers:
Keep abreast of J6 arrestees at Donate if you can for their defense.