now its been a hot minute since i read this. i thought it was a pretty realistic book in the sense that the main guy (forgot his name) didnt just go around 'shooting first and asking questions later' he tried to defuse every situation he got in as best he could. now with that being said there are some parts i can remember i would have shot to kill.
and another thing, if something huge did pop off and it required R&S and security patrols to keep your family, house, neighborhood safe i dont think there would be to many 'average joes' out there that would be willing to jump into those patrols. and if they were game, i wouldnt want someone with no experience in the matter running patrols, or even 1 experienced guy leading idk 3-6 non experienced guys.
had more to add but getting released at 2230 because theres a missing acog and .45 from the armory, and getting the piss smoked out of me for 45mins really takes it out of you.